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Everything posted by dagenius69

  1. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="beneka" data-cid="637066" data-time="1359147767"><p> I wouldnt mind getting a little extra training! As RTOMan said and as ive been hearing, ATS is serious. Its very easy to make a mistake and with ATS they can monitor just about everything in the A division.<br /> <br /> Took our signal test/practical today....I'm proud to say we all passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p></blockquote> some more training wouldn't be a bad thing. Even still after 2 weeks of road ops then 3 weeks of posting, you should not be making the same mistake 3 days in a row. Someone dropped the ball on that one.
  2. <Admiraluote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="mediccjh" data-cid="634508" data-time="1358616611"><p> Did our Yard Practical yesterday at Coney on R32s. <br /> <br /> I passed. <br /> <br /> And there was much rejoicing.</p></blockquote> Well done admiral
  3. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="mediccjh" data-cid="633764" data-time="1358459746"><p> <br /> <span style='font-family: verdana, geneva, sans-serif'>Simulator today. Signals and simulating. Nothing major.</span><br /> <br /> <span style='font-family: verdana, geneva, sans-serif'>First Yard Practical tomorrow at Coney. Here goes nothing.</span><br /> <br /> <pre class='_prettyXprint _lang-auto _linenums:0'> "You have got to learn WHY things work on a Starship." -Admiral James T. Kirk</pre></p></blockquote> Good Luck today, I'm sure you'll do fine.
  4. A div yard posting. First day got a penalty job and did 2 put-in's. Signal test next week, any words of wisdom would be appreciated.
  5. Straight from school car: the next classes for t/o are Jan 28, Feb 25 and Mar 25. As of today nothing scheduled after March. They are also still short on instructors. Also some classes are going to be pm shifts not am. Good luck to everyone.
  6. thanks! Our TSS's did the same thing up to today. They really did a great job of getting us ready.
  7. A div yard practical today. I did well, missed one thing but caught it in time. Most if the class did well. Joyride on the 142 tomorrow.
  8. when you go down for your full medical and pass everything you will sit down with an interviewer. Tell that person you don't want to be assigned a class until your background check is completed. You have that right. If you do, keep in mind it could take a while and you may miss more that one class. The down side is you will lose out on some seniority which is extremely important down here when it comes to job picks and vacation picks. The plus side is once the background is done and they call you to start, you can go in knowing you won't get pulled out and let go for something stupid you overlooked on your 21 page booklet.
  9. yea looks like 4 classes doing third rail jumping tomorrow. Should be fun, see you in the am.
  10. yea what happened??? We got our yard practical in 2 weeks.
  11. We are required to do a break test before we move the train. Basically every time the train is put into emergency before its moved again we do a break test.
  12. that is correct. I was also told only go as far back as high school. I didn't put my elementary school in the 21 page book and I'm in schoolcar right now. If it makes you feel better to put in that info than go for it. I for one do not provide any extra information that i am not asked for.
  13. yes!!! What he said. I got put in the A division because when it was my turn to pick, B was filled up. I was in 241 yard on tuesday and it took me almost 3 hours to get back to Staten island. The plus side is I'll be out of school car before the B division guys and the A is smaller, less equipment
  14. black pants are ok too. You will be wearing them for a few weeks until your uniform comes. Unless of course they screw up your sizes and you have to send stuff back for an exchange. Then you will be wearing them longer. I would buy 2 pairs of each. A word of advice, know all your clothing sizes before they measure you. Don't let them try to talk you into getting a size that you know is not going to fit you.
  15. Yesterday was going over the rule book again. A division split up for a little while doing right to know training. Its basically going over hazards you might encounter on the job. There are quizzes after each section and if you get it wrong, it goes over that section again until you get it right. Each person sits at a computer with headsets and you go at your own pace. I have no idea what the B division guys were doing.
  16. any suggestions on where to get a good work bag? The ones they sell in kmart and other dept stores are all crap.
  17. So I guess today was the real orientation. A lot of information in a short amount of time. Tomorrow should be fun, I think we get measured for our uniform.
  18. No but they do another urine test to check for protein, I think thats for diabetes. Also if you wear contacts make sure you have glasses with you. They check your vision with the contacts, glasses and uncorrected.
  19. So I went down to 180 Livingston St yesterday for medical and final processing. I was the second person on line and still didn't get out of there until 3:30. A lot of tests, running around and a whole lot of waiting. At the end of the day I got to raise my right hand and take the oath. See you guys on Monday. By the way, it seems like a whole bunch of people got put on medical hold. It looked like most didn't make it to the end. Good Luck everyone!
  20. In other words they want their dues from day 1 but won't do anything for you for the first year.
  21. let us all know how it went and what to expect. Hope everything worked out for ya today
  22. best of luck to you. Let us know how it goes.
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