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Status Replies posted by Turbo19

  1. How's everyone doing on this fine morning/night? lol

  2. Who's your pick to win the Super Bowl tonight: Baltimore or San Francisco?

  3. I'll be going on vacation to Mont Tremblant in a week and I'm seriously considering not using the internet at all during that time. It seems I can't go anywhere now without reading people spreading around nonsensense believed by morons and I can hardly consider it a relaxing vacation if I have to deal with this idiocy while I'm there.

  4. My feelings for this new "vote up/down" system is rather mixed. On one hand, it'll hopefully make people think before they hit the "submit" button. On the other hand, it may invite further drama. The Sonic Stadium Message Board once had the neg-rep option, and it only invited controversy. Some people complained about being bombed with negative reputation, and at least one left for this. Because of the headache, it was ditched for the "Like" system only.

  5. My feelings for this new "vote up/down" system is rather mixed. On one hand, it'll hopefully make people think before they hit the "submit" button. On the other hand, it may invite further drama. The Sonic Stadium Message Board once had the neg-rep option, and it only invited controversy. Some people complained about being bombed with negative reputation, and at least one left for this. Because of the headache, it was ditched for the "Like" system only.

  6. What's up with me this week? I'm falling into a deep spiral of chaos to say the least.

  7. What's up with me this week? I'm falling into a deep spiral of chaos to say the least.

  8. Sorry to make a complaining status but I feel it is due. Very recently I've witnessed the level of relevance, intelligence, and professionalism decrease by a large margin. It's gotten to the point where I'm actually considering a personal hiatus. Am I the only one that holds these sentiments?

  9. Sorry to make a complaining status but I feel it is due. Very recently I've witnessed the level of relevance, intelligence, and professionalism decrease by a large margin. It's gotten to the point where I'm actually considering a personal hiatus. Am I the only one that holds these sentiments?

  10. Sorry to make a complaining status but I feel it is due. Very recently I've witnessed the level of relevance, intelligence, and professionalism decrease by a large margin. It's gotten to the point where I'm actually considering a personal hiatus. Am I the only one that holds these sentiments?

  11. Not going to post today. Too busy.

  12. Not going to post today. Too busy.

  13. Not going to post today. Too busy.

  14. Not going to post today. Too busy.

  15. Sooo... Got word that some RTSs from Quill will be coming over and some Xcelsiors from Ulmer Park will head over there not all of them but some. 5074 at Ulmer Park from Quill it just arrived, so 4897 for 5074 for now.

  16. Guess who revived a six year old thread? (No it wasn't me)

  17. Guess who revived a six year old thread? (No it wasn't me)

  18. The annoying moment when you make a mistake on your posts and it's too late to edit them.

  19. I hate my line...the S52...full of older people/senior citizens..not that their bad people or i have nothing against them, but the people dont attract me like teenage girls etc, some cool kids that look like they would hang out...also, no one ever sits in the back, everyone would crowd the front, then when it gets crowded they start to stand, and out of all the CAS routes, they can all have nothing but Orion VIIs while the S52 must have 1 or 2 Orion Vs. I wish i was a dope line like the S46 o...

  20. I hate my line...the S52...full of older people/senior citizens..not that their bad people or i have nothing against them, but the people dont attract me like teenage girls etc, some cool kids that look like they would hang out...also, no one ever sits in the back, everyone would crowd the front, then when it gets crowded they start to stand, and out of all the CAS routes, they can all have nothing but Orion VIIs while the S52 must have 1 or 2 Orion Vs. I wish i was a dope line like the S46 o...

  21. The annoying moment when you make a mistake on your posts and it's too late to edit them.

  22. It's not one group doing it, it's the foamer vs. foamer hater war that's causing people to leave...

  23. How do newbies have Senior Member above their avatar and I don't...

  24. Keeping my top hair long for 5-7 centimeters, so I can style my hair the way I wanted my hair to look like.

  25. Two reasons today was bad: a) I had basketball after-school b) my English teacher's ass was sticking up during the lockdown drill, thankfully not towards me but it was still horrible

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