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Posts posted by Turbo19

  1. LOL... I know they only pick on certain minorities... :o I wonder why they exclude the Asians since according to you they have such a "vendetta" against minorities... <_< Could it be because their crime rates are low? Imagine that! I guess black on black crime is a form of "rebellion" against "the man"... Is that it? Smh...

    Normally I'd start an interrogation and subsequent debate, but it'll go nowhere as far as I see.


    Though I will state that what you are saying is quite deplorable. Why you stick to these views is beyond me.

  2. Here's yet another case of police brutality: A 18 year old kid from North Carolina was shot dead in a fury of murderous force by cops. A sufferer of schizophrenia, he went into a psychotic episode in his parents home. The tasered him first and then shot him after he lunged at the cop! 


    I think this is ridiculous because can't the officers subdue him in another way? Tasers would have been sufficient to subdue a teen, not a .45 semi automatic!

    This is what happens when the force is unskilled in these issues. While some may be forgiving of this I'm not. There is no excuse and if they lacked the knowledge in how to handle such a situation they should have called in someone who could. I find that any EMT would have handled the situation with more care, also taking into consideration they do a lot in such cases already. They'll get my respect any day, especially over a PD.


    I'm sayin... While I respect the profession, half these cops are scared as hell...

    But it should be noted this is sometimes falsely perpetuated. Most fear stems from what if's, which leads one into paranoia. It takes a strong and stable individual to not lets such get to him/her, and it seems most can not.


    I'm inclined to agree with what you are saying. Law enforcement agencies should not be recruiting those who cannot handle the stress of the job, they really need to get their shit together.


    In this case the police officers involved could have put the teen under control by non-lethal means, then call the paramedics or EMT to stabilize the child on antipsychotics or benzodiazepines. They are equipped with bulletproof vests and were armed not just with firearms but tasers and also mace, I'm sure. The way they handled this situation, really they should be charged with murder. Lock the POs up and throw away the key, I have no sympathy. A good police officer does not handle mentally ill patients like that.


    This is a grievous injustice to society. Law enforcement agencies are to serve the public, not function as a paramilitary wing.

    Absolutely. Agreed 100%.

  3. More like attention whore convention as a long standing tradition going strong since since 2002. I mean these hipsters think its cute to protest over transit issues by seeing puberty stunted, terribly dressed nerds drop their pants, for social resumes on facebook and the press when they have no clue about what transit advocacy is really about, especially in the wake of service increases on (M) as well as the (G) and the IRT lines for this summer and new rolling stock hitting the (7) with a new IRT subway. 


    The way to go is to attend public meetings and advocate for better service, not this form of controlled chaos. They are puitting railfans to shame with this.


    Transit politicking and native NYer angst aside, hey enjoy the sights partner, with girls giving a freeshow right here. Have that stash of dollar bills ready. =D


    ...nevermind scratch that. The hipsters might gang up and rob you of all your money for their gutter oil infused overpriced gorilla coffee caffeine addict fix.  Never underestimate their antisocial nature things can get hairy. >_>

    Haha, it's more of a joke I think, but you're correct in that this is a now hipster infiltrated event. I will say though I do support them simply because it's not anything illegal and due to the criticism they'll receive, and hipsters aside I want some ass.

  4. Poor people are often the victims. They have less choices, less power, and less leverage to get what they want. For example: Macy's is laying off 2,500 workers and closing a few store down. I can tell you who won't be laid off.




    And this is one of the few reasons they deserve any assistance from the government/charity. If they still can't help themselves, I don't feel anything more should be done to better their lives.

    Damn it. So much for seasonal jobs taking you somewhere.

  5. The subsequent is a personal excerpt conveying raging vexation derivative from discourse amidst myself and a few other coequals within this online community.


    I fail to comprehend and decipher the rationale for establishing a disposition of intolerance when in relation to a dialogue that is otherwise rid of dissension.  Especially when the individuals contributing to the discourse are quite paradoxical in their demeanor, thus contradicting the majority of if not all statements made. The basis in itself is inexplicable to state the least.


    Such is the provincialism of the ignorant generating incongruous notions.

  6. Regarding R36WF cars 9400-01:


    "Also in NJ 9400 and 9401 are on their sides now getting copper goodies chopped off and they recycled all the R27/R30 scrap plus all the NJT RTS shells including the shorties. Made enough room for another contract now." -from BLE-NIMX on Subchat. (http://www.subchat.com/read.asp?Id=1267751)





    So we can expect the remaining old railcars system-wide to be leaving us soon.

    Damn, I'd expect the preservation to be considered a higher priority, but I suppose other various factors came into play.
  7. Just feel that it would give them a more tougher look. 

    I get what you're saying, it'd be killer if they brought back the old scheme with the black as well.


    since tmrw is the new pick, is it true that Charleston is opening full time so, lines like the X17, S74 and 78 wont need to be split?

    That is true.

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