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Everything posted by R62AR33

  1. Im sorry but why go and waste time trying to get the R32 on the now when more sets will be on it in the next month or 2 , lets not forget the R42s there as well for a RFW .
  2. At This Point No R62As will have half width cabs maybe in the 90s if they didn't introduce full width cab it would be a different story now. Especially now that Westchesters Crew were introduced to full width cab on both sides with the R142As in 2002 their request to corona was before they can accept the R62As again for the they must be converted to full width cab on both sides and the Car numbers have to be in order, that is why R62A 2141-2145 are back on flushing and 1746-1750 replaced it
  3. True but with the R62As on the its a bit different since more sets will get swapped back there during the year. Any word when the R32s wiil start on the I saw them in the yard today.
  4. Arent the R32s gonna be just for the while the R42s get split with the and
  5. Isn't there a 6th set of R42s at Eny just laying around there that are retired ?
  6. Why not just send the worst R42s to the and get replaced by R32s till retirement.
  7. Now the R42s will be running more then they normally would and aren't they trying to revive an R42 out of retirement to put it on the as well ?
  8. The R42s them selves should get a small sms and have at least their motors replaced so that they can last until 2016.
  9. Good,back to topic we should be seing the R32s on the in July since is when they will be needed the most cause alot of R160s will be getting their sms-cbtc upgrade.
  10. I was on the R42 on the today and we were at Koziusko for Half an Hour why?
  11. Who knows probably in July because that's when alot of the R160s will be off the for Sms-cbtc upgrade.
  12. The Problem with the R160s is that they don't get taken care off like they should so that is why they have the problems that they have and why they are getting sms this early in their lives.The R42s are good as well of course.
  13. Isn't the testing taking longer because the Rockaways tracks for testing cbctc was damaged due to sandy?
  14. They still have to go through a 30 day passenger service test on the to make sure it doesn't have issues.
  15. The 50 R42s will need to stay on the Due to the R160s sms on the and so dont expect to see them on the this summer, as for the using 38 trains well have to see when the swaps occur.
  16. You do know that 7211-7220 have been testing since december right?. As of Now just 7221-7230 are being converted,
  17. Um the R38/R40/M/ and retired R42s were Not lemons they had to retire due to age they were all in their early 40s so they had to go. The R44s on the other hand were lemons because they had many issues even when they first arrived and they had to retire due prematurely to structural issues in their mid-late 30s.
  18. Well the R32s can't get retired yet they may have served their purpose but you must wait until the R179s are built,tested and accepted for revenue service and knowing the when it comes to retiring cars they are late by at least 2yrs. The R179 order is late as is they may have awarded the contract but there is no design yet for it so you can add another year or 2 to the retirement so i wouldnt expect the R32s to be gone by 2017 but at least year later than that. For some reason the and get the hand me down i assume is cause the cars when retiring get sent to the to get beaten down then they are sent to the and the will finish the job since its the longest line the B division.
  19. Hey you know what that means though 7869 probably got trucked to Corona Yard we have about 2 months before the first R188s go in revenue on the ,
  20. Is it still there ? I went by kawasakis plant while on my way to school and i saw an R188 outside but couldn't see the car number.
  21. Even though its great that the R42s will be running alot this summer on the and Don't you think its better and smarter if 207st send 5 sets of R32s to eny yard and in exchange the R42s get swapped to the so that way the R42s aren't exposed to the outside anymore and on top of that R32s can run better and more times than the R42s.
  22. That cant happen unless 207st yard swaps 5 sets of R32s send them to the and east ny yard sends over their R42s to the wich is better for the R42s so that they can last longer and they wont be exposed to the williamsburg bridges salt water anymore and 207st yard will maintain them good. R32s belong on the they have been there for alot of their lives so if you dont like it wait for the R179s to replace it.
  23. Since the R160s from the are getting sms this summer east ny yard is gonna need all 50 R42s that they have so there likely wont be any R42s on the this summer.
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