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Everything posted by R62AR33

  1. Last i checked they are still riding the R32s to get to their destinations because it gets them to where they have to go to. I constanstly ride the and i haven't heard anything about the R160s not being on the line anymore...
  2. Im sorry but NO ONE cares , if your gonna avoid a line just because of what it's running then that is your own choice but most people that ride the don't care what is on the line as long as it gets them from point A to Point B , and alot of riders are happy that their R62As are back , primarily because they get to the their destinations faster.
  3. Start getting used to it again , now is that the swaps are really going to start . during the course of next year you will start seeing much more R62As back on the and less R142As..
  4. Most R32s are back on the from the there are just 3 sets left on the line and there were NO R160s on the , i did spot 3 sets of R42s out today , it seems like the swaps are almost done.
  5. I explained already that since pitkin or 207st can't maintain R160s , ENY has to maintain them for the because that's where those R160s came from in the first place . Until reassinged back to the and and that is IF the decides to have the car assingmnets to how they originally where then , ENY has to maintain them and send them back , and the R32s will stay on the and until said otherwise . As of now most of the R32s are assinged to the and and the R160s to the , its not a matter of preference , its a matter of wher the cars are assingned to , and weather ENY likes it or not they have to stick with the R32s for now. Hopefully this answers your question lol
  6. Cause those R160s are assigned to Pitkin , all they will do is maintain them , and send them back afterward to the , since pitkin or 207 aren't equipped to maintain NTTs right now
  7. The R160s will have to be shifted around to ENY to get maintained , then they will go back to , unless the prep it to be able to manintain NTTs now same with 207st yard which is smarter considering that they will have to do it in the next 2 yrs when the R179s start coming in, if they plan on keep the R160s on the and the R32s on the and
  8. Iv been saying this since august lol , i said don't be shocked if the car assignments stay how they are in late september , and look how everything is , everyone just enjoy the swaps still being here and lets not worry about why the R32s aren't all back on the .
  9. Probably during the week they still have to finish training the crew for the , before it can go in service.
  10. I saw it today going into ENY Yard at Broadway Junction at around 3pm this afternoon
  11. I live by the so I agree they should deffinetly add more train service on weekends and weekdays to increase the crowds, but bringing the back will NOT make a difference because it will ho back do skip stop service in the Bronx along with the and will be skipping some important stops and I seriously doubt Bronx riders would want to remember if the or will go to their stop . Remember that is the reason why the got discontinued in the first place , and the is now local .
  12. No it wouldn't be on the news if it were in service , yes there will be railfans on it but it would't be that much of a big deal to go on the news. All it is , is just a newer car running on the
  13. The R188s is specifically to allow the line to run CBTC . Since the R62As are to old to be able to get cbtc most of the R142As from the have to get it . As for spares for the R62As the will be fine remember the will be running 400 R62As and what ever is left for R142As , its 380 R62As for the swap and 2 sets for spares and maybe one or two sets may go to the for spares from which ever R62As end up not going to the
  14. Why have everyone go through the trouble of remembering again wether the or will go to their stop in the Bronx during skip stop hrs , the has been local for about 8 yrs now and it should stay as it is .
  15. You do notice that the only Runs R62As right ? and it has been since they entered service in 1985.
  16. Yep its supposed to open next year , when ever you see that no trains are going to South Ferry because of construction that is the reason why,
  17. Like I have been saying all this time don't be shocked if the Car assignments stay as how they are we passed labor day and most people speculated the assignments would be back to how they were. R32s are still on the and with R160s on the do NOT be shocked once again if R32s stay where they are , it seems like the have had a change of heart and are keeping everything as they are because everything is running smooth and the last thing they want is complaints from the riders saying they took the NTTs away.
  18. Also I got the word from a friend of mine as soon as the R188s hit the line sometime next week flushing is loosing another set of R62As to the so , that post i call bs it is probably a fake profile with someone just randomly trying to spread rumors , there has been no word of R62As ever going on the and what gave up that he is lying and is probably just bored is when he said there is just one set of R62As on the when all the 3 sets have been out yesterday and today , with as well Westchester being scheduled to get another set of R62As soon .
  19. I was on the yesterday and as Normal I saw 3 R62As out on the
  20. It is pretty obvious that the riders are happy with their R160s and the and riders are happy with their R32s and R42s with the occasional r160s , the should just prep 207st yard to be able to maintain the R160s now because they eventually have to do it for the R179s and just leave the car assingments as they are now because there are no issues and everyone is happy here.
  21. The issue is that the Dispatcher does't want R32s or R42s and the R42s still have to stay on the and to fill any voids .Wether ENY Yard likes it or not they have to keep the R42s until the R179s come in , and I agree the R42s should get a small sms because right now they are running on borrowed time.
  22. Westchester Yard Really have to take the strip maps off the R62As even we as railfanners know that when the R62A shows up at a station its a and so do most of riders but it gets annoying when customers ask if they are on a or even though the confucters say that they are on a train , all they have to do is read the rollsigns but still. I dont know what else gives it away that its a tain when the station announcements say that its a Pelham bay or Parkchester train on top of the fact that when it enters the station you see a huge green bullet with a on it . smh
  23. R62As 1791-1795 are coupled with 1741-1745 , 1721-1725 are coupled with 1746-1750 and 1731-1735 are coupled with 2191-2195 and I spotted all 3 sets out today.
  24. There were 2 sets of R62As out on the 1741-1745 and 1791-1795 and other was 2191-2195 and 1731-1735
  25. The New Sets are 1791-1795 I rode them today they were coupled with 1741-1745.
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