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Everything posted by ScreechyFlange

  1. An announcement for a open competitive C/r exam next year would be a miracle, my father gets on my last (expletive) nerve...
  2. i don't care if you have to destroy tunnels and modify platforms I want the to go to New Lots satisfy my foam damn-it!
  3. No offense but neither one of us work in or have been in Pitkin/ 207th yards and neither one of us work for the , I'm gonna take Realizms advice and wait for a NYCTA employee to confirm this...
  4. Yeah thanks for the correction I meant performing maintenance to the HVACS 207th & Pitkin as far as I know please correct me if i'm wrong can't do anything with the HVACS, I'm just curious to know if it's a struggle for ENY to get their trains back from Pitkin why would they send them (r160A-1s) back and keep the much older r32's?
  5. No I know Pitkin isn't equipped to service NTTs I'm asking why would ENY SMS the trains and then give them back to Pitkin when they were originally assigned to ENY considering Snowblocks postof the animosity between the two yards, and who assigns the trains to their respective yards?
  6. But if your scenario was correct why would ENY want to send the 160's back to Pitkin after their maintenance?
  7. Dang that's crazy, So who assigns the trains to barns/ yards? And if Pitkin ends up keeping them will they be able to properly maintain them?
  8. Thanks Blitz, I hope they bring out some better exam positions next year.
  9. Whenever I finish hugging and kissing them I'll let them go into service...
  10. All of my years of living by the Livonia line I never saw a to New Lots, I see 's and ' everyday though.
  11. Mostly Mta employment, but you and chris were spot on and thanks for the quick responses I'll probably attend a two year college and then go from there.
  12. Why is it so hard for high school grads to find employment? Grrrr, anyways can't wait to see the 188's in revenue service hopefully I get to ride one to a Mets game.
  13. So, which one of you kind hearted T/Os are gonna let me borrow your tools and vest?
  14. You lost all credibility when you started name calling...
  15. My answer is no, but why do you feel that they need the back?
  16. At this point you shouldn't even bother responding It's not gonna get any better.
  17. Thanks for the clear-up RTO, for the 1000th time people STOP with the speculation.
  18. The whispering sound the r142's make when they're braking <3, and the is pretty mediocre.
  19. Didn't wanna come off as shunning this event i'm just not hyped.
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