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Posts posted by tprashad0719

  1. hey guys, I applied for exam 8606 transit electrical helper in OCT 2017 and received a letter today for the same thing, the application was based on experience and education where there was no exam giving, is this job safe to proceed ? its for a "provisional" position and I am currently working at in my job for over 10 years now so its hard to make the move for a "provisional" position

  2. I called HR and they told me they cancelled the signal maintainer class till further notice, good and bad for me, I really wanted to start asap but the good thing is that I can spend the holidays with the family

    as for flagging, If I can remember..flagging the the most critical thing you can do especially for those working on the tracks, the purpose of flagging is to warn uncoming trains that there are workers on the track, in the past or maybe today they been so much accidents and deaths due to incorrect flagging, so you have to set your work area by placing lamps ahead of the track to let the train operator know to slow down ahead due to workers on the track, as a flagger you can set up TRIPS so incase the train is not stopping it will put the train in emergency etc, you will tell the train as a flagger when to proceed when safe to do so etc

  3. I do understand some of the fear that is going around, it would be easy for someone who is living with there parents to take the chance and then there is people who pay rent or morgages that don't want to chance it, its a chance your taking but don't make yourself regret it with the should of, could of crap, just do what you have to do


    BTW I pay mortgage with kids, I am about to leave a job I been on for 12 + years with pension and benefits

  4. from talking to people who work inside transit for 10 years plus this is what I can share,

    when you go in as a person with experience and education BUT DIDNT take the test, you will have to take the test in order to become permanent , if you don't pass the test I believe you can take the test as much times as you can, BUT keep in mind for those who pass the test will have more seniority over you and basically you will be at the bottom of the barrel , MTA tells you these things so they can cover them selves so incase there is a layoff the TEMPS aka Provisional  will be layed off first.....DONT fear , just do your job and keep low from the radar , as stated people been on this job for 10 years plus and never passed the test, there still TEMP aka Provisionals


    as for passing the test, you will get a list#. For example..i took the Signal Maintainer practical in April and got a letter before the list was even established which was in Oct. 2017, not even 1 year passed, even though I passed the practical my paper states TEMP on it because the list hasn't been established as yet and then when it does I will have to wait for them to reach my list# so on and all this will be basically 2+ years for me to become permanent and DONT forget probation is another 1 year  

  5. I never took a safety proficiency assessment as yet, I took the Practical for Signal Maintainer in april 2017 and received a letter to come in which was OCT 2017, so basically the way you got in was with a resume ? never took a written or practical as yet? or they want with your education and experience only?

  6. what happens when you took the practical in april 2017 and get a letter in oct 2017 before the list was even established but yet there is a list# on the letter with a TEMP position? can they hire you before the list is established? is there so much need that they call you before the list? the test I took was for signal maintainer Btw  ..I took my first drug test 2 weeks ago and I am in the middle filling out this 21 page packet

  7. I got a letter for pre-employment for signal maintainer, I took the test in april 2017 and got a letter oct 2017 ..I passed the practical and on the letter I see there is a list# of 11*, the letter states "temporary" is this because the list isn't established as yet? I took my first drug test 2 weeks ago

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