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Everything posted by Dunnlick

  1. Just fill it out and don't lie they don't give a sh£t about your past as long as you have cleared up and satisfied any legal problems you've had but if you lie and they look into your background and find out you lied it doesn't matter how long you have been working it can be 6 years down the road and they can and will let you go for lying so just be honest Today started actual track class blows the first two days outta the water guy I have is mad cool and it's a lot more interesting it's what we are gonna be doing got boots today not so bad especially since they are free day went much quicker and thinks it's only gonna get better good luck everyone and stay clean and by the way if you are trying to get your blood pressure in check make it a life change you get a physical every year and they can give you a random physical as well as drug test even while in your training class
  2. Also you will find out when you sign papers for your ID if you fill out two forms then you will be getting a MNR pass as well to tell you the truth I don't remember filling out both but I must have cause I got mine first day of class along with my NYCT ID card
  3. Think it's 31 and change but it increase 2% every year so by the time we reach top pay it will be 12% more than it is now
  4. You will get your lIRR or MNR pass the first day of class it goes by your address when you fill out the forms for ID's you will fill out an extra form I got my NYCT and MNR pass first day. One pretty big set back is that you don't reach top pay for 6 years said 4 on application when took test but guess things change that sux cause that's a lot of money we are losing oh well can't win them all thank goodness the paper work is done onto Coney Island for actual training (I think)
  5. You can stop holding breath cause you pay 2% of your salary each pay check so you have benefits for life. Also the healthcare is mta union is dental and vision I took united health care because I've had it in the past and everyone seems to take it no co pays which is great I was saying get blue cross when your kids are 19 so they can have dental until 21or 23 cause the union dental kids are off at 19 then you can go back on union dental once they are all past the age they can receive dental benefits
  6. You are right about the health plan being cheaper it doesn't cost you a cent and I went with united health care because 0 co pays empire is $15 per person per visit so if you have a few kids and you take them to doc at same time it's $15 each kid so I you have two kids $30 for the visits the only advantage to Blue cross is you can use it in any state but who gives a sh@t we live in New York also the choice plus plan blue cross you get dental for child until they are 21 or 23 but you forfeit union dental. A lot of info you will get first day
  7. UPO it is only 20 folks in the class small. You start training in a classroom be prepared to be bored out your minds it's paperwork and speakers all day the clear plastic folder and the paper folder not one with blue cover they go over from cover to cover everything. Pay is great benifits are amazing got the 401k this job is def well worth the wait people. You will get you metro card/employee card on your first day it's only good for NYCT with some exceptions. Tomorrow gonna be more of the same paperwork meet with the union which is wonderful just looks like he beginning of a fantastic career. On a side note does anyone know the address of he most northern Bronx yard.
  8. 4:56 a.m got up at 4 dropped duece number one ate some oats and had an OJ then duece number duece lol. Headin down for first day of training at 130 Livingston the one giant drawback living so far don't have the luxury of sleeping til 6 or 7 but whatever well worth it keep y'all posted as the days go by how it going and whats goin on in class
  9. We are in the same boat my friend I live way north class starts at 8 I gotta leave t house at 5 o get to Brooklyn without hitting traffic and turning my hour and fifteen minute ride into a 2-1/2 hour ride so I'm definitely looking to get the Bronx yard and I would LOVE to start days but I'm gonna have to try and get 10-6 do to some conflicting schedule with my wife so I can jet home and take kids to school sux but gotta do what ya gotta do
  10. I just filled out I high school and I start tomorrow so guess that was good enough pretty sure that's all they ask for though
  11. UPO you in? Or you still down at processing? Oh yeah there is no interview by the way you pass medical someone gonna look at all your paper work then swear you in
  12. You should be in this class I'm list 32@ and I'm starting Monday so you should def be in keep in their ear constantly call like the old saying goes the sqeaky wheel gets the oil
  13. Not positive but I recall someone saying there were two different training yards one in Brooklyn and one in the Bronx if this is true do you get to pick the yard and when because I was told to report to 130 Livingston next mom and tues then wed down by colony island anyone know where Bronx yard is located and when you get to pick
  14. Okay here we go got to Livingston at 6:15 as always waited til they opened at 7 went up got called immediately. You need your ID'S don't forget or you gotta go back. You go back behind the notorious "blue wall" and wait for them to call you here you will fill out a questionnaire on the computer. Before I was even finished they called me in for medical. Medical in no particular order just the way mine went. Pee in a cup they check blood sugar and a bunch of other stuff, then checked heart rate and blood pressure in a different room then did an ECG then did my hearing just listen for beep hit button when you hear it then breath test blew into a tube kinda tricky you will see what I mean when you get there then I did t vision test looked at shapes numbers in colors and so on. Ready to see doctor asks some questions check your heart makes sure you can squat bend touch your toes rotate your head no neck problems. By the way clean up nice you don't wanna be that guy that stinks and is dirty some where nasty any way now you o back up front where it all began they call you in you talk to a supervisor they look at paper work you get a few packets/books of info they swear you in you go take a pic get finger printed then my friends you come and see me and the others that passed on Monday 130 Livingston right down the road and Tuesday then Wednesday out by Colny island
  15. Oh yeah cut out your salt too good luck everyone
  16. Exercise and eating right should be a lifestyle for us folks if not do it this week if you are going down for medical. If you have high blood pressure that seems to affect a lot of people and puts them on medical hold then here are some things to help. Start eating oats with cinnamon and use it in a tea it helps lower blood pressure also hibiscus tea will help lower so mix the two for extra help and if you drink alcohol that raises blood pressure so nix it this week get plenty of cardio in to lower it as well. This is a great job and you don't wanna blow it for some dumb reason such as laziness. Get your papers in order fines paid and ID's ready it's go time!
  17. Same here called me around 10:30 to be in next Tuesday for finilization of process good luck
  18. You are just gonna go piss in a cup first your gonna wait around for 6-7 hours piss and they will say we'll call you end of story for now
  19. Right on I know its been a long wait but we are finally down to the wire and it's about to snap an we are all gonna get a sweet gig Your going down to pee in a cup that's it don't expect anything more do plan on being there all day
  20. No prob UPO also heard from 3 different people they are hiring 57 people and the next class starts October 5th
  21. Another wasted day at 180 Livingston the letter says come in for medical and pre interview but 7 hours wasted to piss in a cup really I lost a day of pay again to piss in a cup 7 hours why not have us come in all to piss room piss and. Leave nope sit in one room for 5 hours then the piss room for 2 hours it's amazing how long this takes
  22. Been here (180 Livingston) since 6:15 got here nice and early. First one called for track worker didn't fill out the pre employment packet that came in mail because I filled it out last time. DON'T do what I did fill it out I know it is redundant but it will only delay your time here luckily I have the big packet filled out so it didn't take to long to fill out. Now waiting for management approval (again) nothing has changed except for time so should be good. See whats next post up later
  23. I got the same letter you did gonna find out tomorrow what happens keep ya posted
  24. UPO 1 got my letter too gotta be downtown 16th good luck see you hope we all pass these test I know for sure gonna pass drug test and medical see about interview
  25. Too anyone currently working on the tracks, when you start do you have set hours and how often do you switch locations for work. If I'm on nights say the 10-6 shift do I stay on that shift or does it change daily, weekly and so on?
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