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Everything posted by mikeems1

  1. @tprashad, wow thats just crazy. Are you guys doing a study group or anything to help eachother out?
  2. HAHA, funny everything you say is so true. It's actually a pretty big pay cut for me. But i'm looking at it as more of longevity and pension etc... for the future of my family!
  3. I hope so brother, been waiting for this letter to come for 6 years lol !
  4. Anything specific i need to bring with me Friday for the drug test part, obviously besides Driver License? thanks
  5. Got it, I'm prepared to bust my butt to get through it ! Nervous and all but i dont take anything for granted.
  6. @red5xwing, thanks... I guess just gotta study the signals? Its seems like this is what everyone is talking about that seems to be so critical in school car.
  7. Hey everyone... Can someone explain the signal exams a little more. is this a practical or written exam?
  8. For the drug test, you just go down for the drug test and leave? Than have to wait for a call back, or they send you something in mail?
  9. @runningonrails, ill see you there Fri brother. Got my letter as well!
  10. @runningonrails, thats awesome news!!! I havent gotten home yet but i will check when i do and keep you posted! I hope so as well!!
  11. @IRTbound, GL! i'm not sure how it works, but someone will post an answer. Keep us posted on your journey!
  12. With all this increase in service they are talking about, does that mean and increase in need of T/O's? I see when letters go out seems as if its at like 200-300 at a time. Am i wrong in thinking this. I know i am very close to the last round of letters so just wondering. Thanks guys!
  13. @tprasahd and subwayguy, thanks for the info guys. I'm eager for the challenge! Hope to join soon enough. @runningonrails, how you doing brother? i signed up for the conductor exam as well. Any advise you can share? Thanks!
  14. GM all ! Hope everyone is doing well. @Tprahad how you doing brother? @runningonrails still keeping my fingers crossed haha... What is starting pay P/H in school car? Medical benefits kick in after 90 days? does hourly rate increase after school? Last question is there night diff or shif diff for weekends? Thanks to anyone who can give me some insight!
  15. Good Sunday all, called DCAS automated system and now it says the i'm in outstanding certification. So hopefully new letters will go out again shortly for us! Have great Sunday all... Lets go Jets and Mets!!!
  16. Hoping tomorrow DCAS updates its system so that the list has been sent again for letters to go out !!!
  17. Hey guys, so i spoke to Ms. Rivera just now. Again very nice lady she said they are up to 4255. there are classes coming up till Jan 2016 like Runningonrails said. She said the list will be moving along fairly quickly. so hopefully they will get to the remainder up to 4691 within next few months! Keep hopes up!
  18. @runningonrails, whats up brother, what number is best to reach Ms. Rivera?
  19. @Tprashad, thanks man still waiting. I think there are people that went down already and still waiting for a call. But as soon as it comes i will deff post that up!
  20. @runningonrails, got it... Thanks for the info. I hope saying thhat we get the letter before Jan 1 is not a far reach! I guess the newerr trains as a conductor is better since you dont have to make announcements on every stop!
  21. Im sure Tprashad is nervous as heck at same time excited lol... Really nice to see the active members on the forum be it in MTA or out of MTA have so much info and seems to be nice tight nit group. I hope all of us get to meet eachother one day! Thanks again to all. @runningonrails, are you planing on contacting Mes. Rivera at all?
  22. @runningonrails, hopefully it's just an error. Otherwise what would it mean anyway? How does it work on a work day, you guys go back n forh couple times and done for the day?
  23. @runningonrails, yea same here DCAS automated system said same thing for me. Im assuming thats just an error on the system.
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