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Posts posted by nickynick86

  1. 52 minutes ago, goukix said:

    So despite them being up to 1320 hired, sending paperwork to the 1600s, you still think it'll be 2 years from now??

    I think what @VIP meant was that from beginning to end the whole process takes about a few years. Considering we’ve taken the test in 2016 and also taken the OPA already we definitely are close. I’ve read that there might be two upcoming classes in June and July. If they keep up the same pace I believe maybe within the next few months we can get called. Also my list number is 18** still patiently waiting. 

  2. 19 hours ago, J Cooper said:

    List number 18**, on an average how often is a class and how many trainees per class? Just trying to gauge when I will be called. 

    I’m also curious as well. My list number is also 18**. Been hoping that we will soon get our pre employment in the mail 

  3. 12 hours ago, Gullys said:

    I’m the 4K list number for 6601 got my opa result last month waiting for the pre employments now 

    I’m waiting for pre employment as well. Being that they seem to be moving down the list pretty quickly I’m hoping they’ll call the next batch of people for PE soon.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Far Rock Depot said:

    Basically,  for the first year,  you are Extra Extra (XX).  That means they schedule you where needed according to the tour you have.    You can have a road job one day,  platform the next then on board the day after that.   You get your schedule three days ahead.   When you Cal the crew office,  they have your next three days scheduled.  BTW,  when you are in Board,  don't expect to get home when you think you will. I once had a 16:00 report at 207th on board with an clear time of midnight. 30 mins before I cleared I picked up at platform job and had to report to Bedford park where the job didn't clear till 6am. 

    I really appreciate you shining some light on the scheduling for me. So you basically can be on board all day and at the last minute pick up a job that’s crazy!! But I guess it’s a sacrifice you have to make for the job that you want. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Janelleeac said:

    Yeah , im AMs but i dnt have a picked job so everyday i come in at a different time. I know what time i start some days idk when i finish. Like when im on board, and have no job for the day . 

    Wow thanks for sharing this is the part that scares me the most. I’ve heard in the beginning it’s tough when you first start until you’re able to start picking decent jobs. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Janelleeac said:

    Its going by fast right? U'll be posting soon... then ull be all alone on the train wishing u were back in schoolcar. Midterm is easy just study!! 

    Are you on the job already? If so can you let me know what your scheduling is like on a day to day basis?

  7. 1 hour ago, Sixgvd94 said:

    Grateful to say that im 3 weeks into schoolcar but be mindful that it isnt a walk in the park, lateness isn’t tolerated and you gotta study whatever they give you, anyone did the midterm and oratocal as yet? 

    Did they give you the option to pick your division?

  8. 3 hours ago, V6viii said:

    Sooo I took my opa exam in May of 2018 how come I haven’t heard any thing yet my list number is 33##

    Someone stated on here that it could take anywhere from 6 months to a year to receive the OPA results. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Emme0403 said:

    Hi all.

    I am not going to lie, I have been lurking on this forum for about a month now. I am number 16XX. And I read that they have appointed up to number 1041.

    Anyone know any details on when and if there will be anymore classes.

    I thank everyone for all of the updates on this forum. You are all very helpful.

    Have you received a pre employment packet as of yet?

  10. 8 hours ago, The Batcave said:

    Wow, just was checking back to see if anyone responded to my post about hearing anything for the Dec class and I see someone saying they got their letter for medical... not even 5 mins later there was letter in my inbox!

    What’s your list number range? 

  11. 51 minutes ago, ronZO215 said:

    April. It's a possibility they may be backed up on stopped for the time being. You get the results whether pass or fail, correct? I'm pretty sure I passed it but only time will tell.

    Yea that’s what I’m thinking. Hopefully you don’t have to wait for much longer for your results and yes you’ll get them regardless of a pass or fail. 

  12. 16 hours ago, train1290 said:

    what does the OPA exam consists of? is it pass or fail, or percentage based? Also...anyone know the phone number to call for this exam to know how many are on the list? Thank you.

    OPA is a two part exam. First portion consists of listening to audio and afterwards answering questions about what you heard. That’s the memory portion. Next portion is looking at pictures that are shown to you and describing what you see in the picture as well as how you would deal with the situation. The OPA is a pass or fail exam. Also the number that you can call to get info on the list is (212) 669-1357. That’s the DCAS # it’s automated just listen to the prompts. Hope this was helpful. :) 

  13. On 10/1/2018 at 10:34 PM, STAYMATIC said:

    @MTAhopefullMatt I scored a 95. It appears that a lot of people scored the same. Someone told me that key factor is when the person signed up for the test. I'm not sure how accurate that is.

    @dman1455 thanks a lot, I'll keep hope alive for 2021. lol

    Actually the way they go about tie breakers is by using the persons last 5 digits of their social. So the lower your social the better list number you’ll get

  14. 10 minutes ago, TrueBlu said:

    @nickynick86 can u tell me what does and investment license have to do with MTA? Reason being I see so many post and some are patient and some are over the top. MTA has a way of getting potential candidates excited and it is all in vain. They call so many ppl down to HQ make them fill out all that paperwork do drug test and say wait for an email for medical..hahaha well if they are not up to your list number it will take forever for you to get called for ME. In my opinion this is their process...they call let’s say 50 candidates for PE and at this time nobody knows who will fail drug test. So that just creates a list of next come next served. Meaning we will start preparing candidates just in case someone falls out of the cue. Between drug test and medical hold you just don’t know how many ppl they need to fill a class. Bottom line the process is ridiculous. I went through the bs last year and it was all in vain. All I can say to everyone it’s nice to anticipate working with MTA but don’t hold your breath and live your life. 

    I think some people do get overly excited and anxious which is understandable. But I can tell by what others post that the way the MTA operates they seem to be all over the place. I have been waiting patiently but I also know that I can’t focus on it too much as things are always bound to change in a heartbeat.

  15. 44 minutes ago, Sfredo said:

    So i called and the woman and they sent letters up to 1,500 which is inconsistent to what @Riku said. So im guessing they dont know an exact number they are up and are giving estimates right now. 


    The only reason my concern is because I am in the process of obtaining my investment licenses for a brokerage firm and upon acquiring these licenses which would be in the next month if I am not employed with them for at least 12 months after obtaining the licenses I would have to pay back the licensing contract which is upwards of $3000 so I am in a situation as to what I should do or not do at this point when it comes to obtaining these specific licenses.

     I hold a position currently without the licenses and this was just an opportunity to leverage the position but I do not want to put myself in a financial situation when the time comes and the process starts to pick up again and get called.

    To piggyback off what @Riku said If Mta continues at the same rate with classes every month I do think you have a good chance of getting called before 12 months. It seems like they roughly are going through about 200 to get a full class each month so far. On  the other hand anything can happen where classes might not be held every month like they have been or there could even be a freeze. Being that there is no consistency it’s hard to predict the future. 

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