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Everything posted by subwaycommuter1983

  1. I agree. At this point we need to focus on the issues with the r179's that may affect construction on the Canarsie tunnel and the retirement of the r42s and r32s.
  2. It doesn't make any sense to cut service on one line to add service on another line. L train riders are just going to have to stick to transferring to the A, C, J, M, and Z to go to Manhattan.
  3. The complete delivery of the r179's is crucial for the L train shutdown to happen. The MTA needs a backup plan if the delays on the delivery of r179's continue. The two most feasible back up plan options: 1) Articulated buses (I explained why in previous posts) 2) Postponing construction on the Canarsie tunnel Let's hope for the best!!!!
  4. True. The best thing that could happen is that all r179's are delivered before April 2019, so that extra trains are added to the G, J and M trains. Worst case scenario: shuttle articulated buses to supplement service or even postpone construction on the Canarsie tunnel. In the meantime, let's cross our fingers and hope for the best.
  5. Agreed. Many people are going to be reluctant to ride the buses. However, keep in mind that these buses should run as shuttle buses. If the MTA purchases the right number of articulated (accordion) buses and bus lanes are created, then these buses should run efficiently and quick. Also, articulated buses can accommodate more people than regular buses. Yes, but if the r179's aren't delivered by April 2019, there will be a car shortage, and the G train can't be expanded if there is a car shortage. That's why more articulated buses need to be purchased just in case. I completely agree.
  6. At this point we just have to wait and see what happens with the r179's. As a backup plan, the MTA should consider purchasing additional articulated (accordion) buses to run parallel to the G train because there will be a car shortage if the r179's aren't delivered by April 2019 when the Canarsie tunnel shuts down.
  7. The MTA is also purchasing 180 articulated (accordion) buses to be used during the L train shutdown. They might have to buy more of these buses if the r179's are delayed to a point that the delivery won't be completed by April 2019.
  8. Is this the video? This evening, I saw a train that look like a r179 crossing the Manhattan Bridge towards Brooklyn via the B/D train. Any report on that?!
  9. r179 3058-3065 testing at Broad Channel https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PN5Ru6W8Dpo
  10. According to some comments posted on YouTube, the r179's must successfully complete 30 days of simulation tests without any issues. Then, complete 30 day revenue testing without any issues.
  11. Another clip of 3050-3057 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gAfnM1uXInc
  12. Great news!! Set 3050-3057 is back doing more simulated testing on the C. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GnS2_OJGp8I
  13. Mechanical issues?? Did the r160's encounter any issues while being tested??
  14. All r32's will be displaced from the A, C,J and Z once the r179's are delivered. All r32's will be retired after work is completed in the Canarsie Tube and L train service is completely restored. The r46's will continue run on the A until the delivery of r211.
  15. This is another article that came out in regards to Bombardier. http://montrealgazette.com/business/local-business/bombardier-shut-out-of-n-y-subway-contract-because-of-poor-performance-report Based on the article, Bombardier is not getting the r211 contract.
  16. If the same power issues affect the r179's,then the 5 sets of r179's should run on the A to Ozone Park.
  17. I agree. Otherwise, it would've been mentioned in the news.
  18. I doubt there will be leftover r46's. Those 5 car sets of r179's would replace the r32s and r68s that are on the A. Plus, more trains are needed on the A due to increased ridership.
  19. Speaking about rumors many people are commenting on one of the YouTube r179 videos that the 5 car r179 sets may run on the A,D,F and R.
  20. I noticed that too in the video and it wasn't a simulated testing, like the ones done on the C.
  21. More r179 testing along the A/C. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zDlvbYcfqU8 Can't wait for these trains to be in service already
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