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Everything posted by kosciusko

  1. While I don't have any hard ridership numbers to support this, but office space has been on an incline in Downtown Bklyn according to this 2017 report: https://www.osc.state.ny.us/osdc/rpt10-2017.pdf. It's long so I'll summarize some quotes. In addition, Buswick/Willyb have become inhabited by lots of hip white transplants who are working in hip startup companies, who in turn tend to be attracted to Brooklyn. So I'll believe that a large amount of people transferring at Canal to the downtown .
  2. If that is the case then why are all the NTT and r42 doors left unlocked?
  3. Why are the doors between cars locked on the r68s and r46s only? It seems like a bit of a safety hazard to prevent people from moving between cars.
  4. I still see them on the and during busy hours. I think they stopped using them during off hours.
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