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Everything posted by misslo

  1. Granted I don't know much about the MTA. I hope they are not cutting bus operator jobs cuz with all this over population growth. The need to start hiring young people and ease up off some of the hiring rules :). I hope correctly but I asked the testing guy about why there needs to be three years for DL and I could have sworn he said something to the effect of "well they changed the rules... make sure you have your permit and you cant get a Class A has to be a class B. OH and you have to pass the BOSS PART OF THIS EXAM 9618 AND IT WONT BE OUT UNTIL A YEAR OR SO.
  2. the last protest I went to it was like 5 people and the invigilator wasn't expecting anyone to show up, so I don't think you have to email first.
  3. From the last one I went for the one I did in december. They just give you the test booklet and a few answer sheet and basically you argue (write) why your answer is correct, if they said its wrong. I did ok on this one I don't feel feel the need to protest.
  4. Yeah exactly. I don't recall the wording being any different.
  5. So basically it would be a waste of time to get the CDL
  6. I got it too. I really need to keep the letters I get because I forget what each NOE'S are for which exam.
  7. you can private message me here. The first one i did, i did not pass cuz i never took one before and so i never took it seriously granted i never pass the personality test for retail work either. So after I failed that one, I got an idea on how the test is. Plus I said to myself there are too many bus drivers out there for me not to pass.
  8. Yeah next time if they have it at midwood again dont arrive that early. The line wraps around, thank God it is summer. For the BOSS exam after taking a few just answer how they want it, think of it like "best interest of the company" what is the appropriate number of time should an employer be late? none how would your co-workers o supervisor describe your work ethic? Meticulous- pays attention to details. how confident are you talking with strangers? very comfortable do you talk behind other people's back? neutral got an assignment but no deadline? start on it immediately. Basically portraying yourself in the best light possible. I did put a few neutral as answers for the Part Time Boss and I got 100%
  9. I hope something change too but the number of years is arbitrary, I think it is for insurance reasons I think. Maybe someone can explain better. But I know i was on the b38 going on Fulton and i made sure to take a pic of the posting in the bus and it said to have DL and or CDL permit it made no mention of having 3yrs.
  10. Honestly I think it was much better than 9604. Granted after a while I started getting bored and lose interest, esp with the incident report questions, sequencing/order questions and the 'what would a bus driver do' questions. The memory part wasnt as bad. The diagrams/matching pics parts was ok. The map part was fun to do. I am just glad they remove the part where you had to figure out "what time the next bus will arrive" questions. Sixty questions is just enough. Any more than that and I would have lost it. The Boss part was easy breezy.
  11. Me too. Yeah just set it and forget it when it comes to taking these test.
  12. Yeah it was a lot of people and umm i am never going to arrive early for any exam like this again. Esp if they have it at Midwood. I stood there for a while. They either let me use the elevator or let me stay on the 1st floor. Which they did today. 🤣 This exam was a lot easier than 9604 albeit familiar, the incident report questions didnt bother to read the whole thing just looked for clues. I think I was the only in the room who understood the test, it seems it was the first time for the rest of people. The invigilator wasnt explaining the test properly (poor thing). It was like 10 or so people in the room.
  13. All the exams I have taken for MTA I pray to God I reach that part of the process. I feel like you are being annoying and playing in front of people's salad with this question.Sir please........... 🤣🤣🤣
  14. I got my mine I'm in the 2***. How come i can never get a list number in the 0-999 range. 🤔
  15. Oh ok. The reason I asked is because I am coming from Brooklyn. The last open house i went to i paid twice and someone on here say i overpay and I definitely dont want to do that again. That was my first time ever in Long Island and on A LIRR. At least the area is familiar to me now. Same stop different building.
  16. oh I don't think a special entrance but once you arrive you will see everybody heading to the same direction plus the HR people will direct once in the building. I guess you could google the location before so you can familiarize. It seems the open house for both the LOCO and AC at the one I am going to is in Babylon.
  17. Both of them. Last year and this year. They sent out the invite quicker this year. This would be my second time going for the AC position though. First time getting an invite for the Locomotive Engineer.
  18. Got invited to open house on the 16th. Oh it said Monday May 16th at 8am, there's no such date in May. The Locomotive Open House is on May 6th at 8:15 *scratches head*
  19. So I got invited for the Open House for May 6 2019 at 8:15 am. *steeple fingers *
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