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Posts posted by Imhim

  1. 5 minutes ago, acabral136 said:

    What that check looking like after taxes, if u don't mind me asking? 🧐

    lol listen I'll say this, it's a lot better than my last job, but that 2 week pay tax bracket is a killer, lol, can't wait to go posting, I heard T/Os are getting OT during posting, depending on the job, it's hard for me to explain cause I don't know it verbatim lol

  2. 37 minutes ago, TO legacy said:

    Brother, I feel you 1000%. 

    My grandfather did 36 years and living a great retirement. 

    My dad is in his 33rd year and not even thinking of leaving. 

    So you know I grew up a buff under standing speed restrictions, diversions, break checks, timetables etc etc. 

    i cant wait to do this shit. 

    Everytime my email alert goes off, my hands shake. 

    Glad to chat with someone who understands. 

    My dad and grandfather cried when I got a 95, but I was pissed I got 2 questions wrong😭😭

    stay focused and enjoy your new career, your built for this bro💯👍🏽

    Thanks a lot!! I definitely am trying! It's crazy cause at first all the information that's being thrown at you seems like a lot! Like nah no way I'm going to be able to get this all down, signals, equipment, procedures, lol, but I swear it's really starting to get to that point where I'm like oh yeah, I gotta do this, without the hesitation and thinking for like 10 seconds trying to remember something. Plus that paycheck is guaranteed every other Thursday, so that alone is enough motivation lol. 

  3. 1 minute ago, TO legacy said:


    You, i and a very select few have had the common sense to read from page one. 

    I work for metro north and it was the same hiring process, it’s not personal. 

    Its strictly BUSINESS WITH THE MTA. 

    They will never be short, they will always call 1000 people for a class of 75.  

    I just finished my 3rd PE 11/7 and that’s just how the shit goes. 

    Your not a name, your a BSC number, get use to it and just do your damn job and earn this great money, pension and medical. 

    MTA can care less about your tears.  

    Great post brother 

    🙌🏽🙌🏽 Yeah I don’t want to sound like a jerk, just being honest, think about the amount of ppl who took the test, MTA isn’t worried about your feelings! They have a number they have to meet for the hiring pool, along with a million other factors, just be patient, because once that first P/E notification comes in you’re good, unless you do something, i.e. lie on paperwork, you will be called and will start eventually! But take it from me, waiting on the call, don’t do it, when you least expect it and then it starts and it’s non-stop until you’re off probation lol, congrats TO legacy, I can tell from your post you can’t wait to start, it’s really what you expect lol, can’t front shyt gets lit for me everyday, low key becoming a buff just because I know the possibilities are endless now! 

  4. From reading the last couple of post you guys seem to not understand how MTA works. Again I read this thread from page 1 and caught before I joined the forum, just to get an understanding of the process and the job. Asking what sense it makes to do multiple P/Es or why they haven’t called back yet. Remember they are a city job, they have thousands of ppl waiting on this job, so they move at their pace and do things their way! The d/t does expire but again reading the list numbers that they are up to for each step should give you an idea of when you will be called! I thought I was gonna be in the August class, stayed on here reading the updates and did the math, took a guess that I would be in the September class and boom I was. Again I can’t speak on everyone’s situation but you gotta be patient and remember, we weren’t supposed to hear from them for at least 2 yrs! My induction class had 71 ppl in it. My TSS said he’s seen one with a 100. They can call or email you on Friday and say the class is Monday come in! It’s a fact this has been done in the past, so don’t expect anything to go the way you think it should! 

  5. 43 minutes ago, 2nice said:

    I wonder if everyone who recently got a pe letter will have to do pe like the rest of the folks that went 2-3x's before the list was established. I know medical has a timeframe but I really don't wanna have to go to pe multiple times. I've seen that around 1800's have a pe letter but they haven't even hired any 800's.  Any input?

    Yeah you don't really control that, just have to be patient and wait for the email or letter for whatever the next step is! A lot of different factors come into play, so you never know why they call ppl back for 2/3 P/Es. I know you're anxious for it to begin, we all were, but as others stated and I learned, this job is not a rush position, so practicing patience starts now lol. 

  6. 49 minutes ago, Citypilot said:

    On the homework its writes if its sealed you dont have to put it down , most dismissals are sealed.  Should i still put those down

    I’m not sure if I remember exactly how the packet goes, but I believe there’s a section that ask for arrest and outcome. Then there’s a section that ask for convictions and that may be what they’re asking dispositions for. Again what I did (doesn’t mean you have to do the same) I came in with all my dispositions, being that I went through numerous government background checks and they all asked about my violation, which was dismissed and sealed! However they wanted the disposition, so to avoid MTA doing the same I just had it ready. I don’t want anyone to be delayed for something so simple, especially if it can be avoided by being prepared! 


    11 minutes ago, justmulah said:

    Oh alright , i had a violation in Albany, so do that mean i have to go to Albany to get the disposition papers from out there or it’s ways around it? 

    I believe you should be able to contact Albany’s office and have them mail you an official copy. Again might want to google their number and verify with them if this is an option. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Fredman0220 said:

    The only dispositions you would need are for arrest, correct? Or for all court cases and offenses?

    My opinion would be get a disposition for any arrest you have, so they can verify the outcome of the case. You don’t want to show up and think oh they don’t need it, then boom they ask you for it. If you used a legal aid, it’s free to obtain the disposition in NYC. If you used a private attorney it will be $10.00. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Citypilot said:

    Ive been to pre employment,  i went to pre employment  they didnt ask for if then. Im waiting for medical.  Just don't want to be on hold for dispostions. 

    Might want to scroll up and take a look at the earlier posts, you don’t need it at P/E. When you come back for medical you will need disposition. When I handed in MY paperwork I had all my dispositions, one being a violation where the charges were dismissed and they took that one as well as the others! 

  9. 12 minutes ago, justmulah said:

    Do you need disposition papers for any violation? Or only misdemeanors ? 

    Bring all just in case. Again I had a violation that was dismissed, however every time I went for a city or federal job it came up and they requested the disposition, so I just had to ready!

  10. 5 hours ago, nipaaaa said:

    Yea I agree.

    For pre-employment, the letter didn't say to bring in disposition documents relating to criminal records. Nor did that day talk about criminal records. Mostly going over your employment history.

    For medical, nowhere in the comprehensive personnel document (CPD) booklet or the CPD guideline booklet say to bring in dispositions. In addition, the email for the medical states:

    "If you have any criminal conviction(s), please bring any information that you would like to have considered, including evidence of rehabilitation and good conduct, a certificate of relief from disabilities and/or a certificate of good conduct."

    But what do I know, I haven't actually been to final processing yet.


    When you go for P/E you need your high school diploma! When you get your homework from them and come back for the medical that’s when you have to have your disposition(s). Make sure that packet is filled out correctly, a bit of advice take a picture of everything you wrote down for P/E and write it the same for the packet and you’ll be straight. Good luck to you all! 

  11. 54 minutes ago, BrookylnBorn said:

    Just got email for Medical on the 14th for Nov 26th class

    List #41x

    Did pre emply 11/5

    Edit: For anyone that did Medical, do you know how long the process is? Dont think I can take another full day off from work

    It’s an all day process, I was there at 6:30 am and I was the second to last person to get sworn in, it depends on which doctor takes your paperwork. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, MarkGuy said:

    Ok. Ill try the flash card thing. I heard there are about 70 diff ones to memorize? Not sure.

    lol yeah give or take. Trust it's not that bad once you write them a million times on the daily quizzes, you read them over and over, you'll be fine! Also don't get caught up on just the signals, understand the functions of the train, cause that's a big thing as well! Understanding why your train does something and what's the procedure to fix it! Looking back from when I first started, I'm like damn, learned all them signals, some flagging, and 6 different trains, not bad, lol. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, MarkGuy said:

    Curious. How many signals are there to memorize? And how are you studying for them?

    It’s a lot of signals but they are similar in some ways, the way you define them. Get flash cards draw them on one side and put the meaning on the other side and practice! Again you will find your own tricks on memorizing, categorize some, others you really have to study, I seen an old version of the signal guide and it looked like another language! Now I look at it and laugh, like oh yeah that’s this, that’s that signal! Again don’t let the amount of information that’s getting thrown at you get you discouraged! Just participate in class and make sure you utilize your TSS’s that’s why they’re there lol. 

  14. 1 hour ago, rcabrer1 said:

    Passed medical and got sworn in and appointed for the Nov 26th class. I'm list number 23*

    Congrats!!!! At first all the information is going to seem like a lot, I’m in the B division, but once it clicks for you, like it did for me, you’re gonna be like it’s really not that bad! Taking my first yard practical Friday and not nearly as nervous or paranoid as I first was! Ask questions!!! If you don’t know something, trust me ask until you get it! You’ll also get used to the 7am starts eventually lol, congrats again! 

  15. 3 hours ago, Fredman0220 said:

    I just spoke to a gentleman who has 20+ years on the job who’s very cool with some supervisors. He informed me since I have a ticket that I’m fighting and don’t owe any money towards that I should be fine. As long as there’s no money owed that’s all they care about.

    Yeah that is not correct information! You cannot have any pending tickets, moving violations or parking! Everything must be paid off, no future court dates! 

  16. 34 minutes ago, MarkGuy said:

    I wanted to ask this one more time and see if I get a response. If you recently failed bus op training, could that cause transit to reject you for another list, like this one? Currently in that situation myself.

    Hey best bet would be to call Ms Vargas at Livingston Street. She would be able to give you the most accurate information. 

  17. Glad to see they started sending out more pre-employments!!! Everyone who is surprised that they are at numbers 800-900 remember ppl from the list are already in (I’m 5xx and I started in Sept) so the list will relatively quick. The class might be 3rd week of Nov if not then beginning of Dec, asked a TSS there were no Oct classes, good luck to all! 

  18. 23 minutes ago, MarkGuy said:

    In my opinion, the B/O training is way too short. For comparison, NJ Transit B/O training lasts 21-25 days! Technically MTA bus training is only about three real days (Day 1 you just fill out paperwork at Zerega and don't even get on a bus! Days 5 to 6 are "observation days. You get a chance to qualify day 7 only if you do great days 5 and 6.


    If you fail day 7, retraining on day 8, them two more final attempts on days 9 and 10. I almost passed on Day 10 b%c it took me a bit longer to be able to block out my super's hard critiques and develop that inner confidence. I mostly did great, until I hit a tricky turn. But it is what it is. Tbh, I wanted T/O from the start; B/O just called first.

    Yeah man I know a few B/Os and they let me know how it goes, my license wasn't nowhere near good enough to get B/O lol. And I agree with your last post about negative stuff being sad. Listen by no means is it easy, unless you're a train buff and have been studying trains your whole life, lol. Fresh off the street, you have to put in the time and study if this is what you want to do. Again that pay check is a good motivational tool, lol, what other school do you get paid to attend, then when you graduate get a secured job, lol. It's getting better daily honestly, the TSS's are a great help, your classmates if you guys work together, get along, you all will be fine! 

  19. 1 hour ago, msmcmillan said:

    Yep, if everything is smooth sailing it looks that way! But, I hope they pass me over for this. I'm kinda nervous about this position after what was said at orientation. The money is great, but I don't know if it's worth giving up my life for. I'm crossing my fingers that transit will call me for BO instead. I think buses will be less stressful. Plus, I already have my CDL!

    The training is completely different for B/O I agree, 10 days, then they throw you to the wolves lol. With T/O the training is longer in the sense the information is A LOT more. Right now the biggest challenge for me was getting used to the new 7am start, but a month in I'm already adjusted! They weren't lying when they said you wouldn't have much of a social life unless you want to risk it and be partying night before class. I am in the B division and going from Brooklyn one day or two then the Bronx the third is tough. Like another member said, you have to decide what's best for you. Can't lie having the weekends off now is a plus, I catch up on a lot of sleep lol. 

  20. 10 hours ago, 2nice said:

    A yoooo

    LMAOOO I thought I was the only one who peeped, that was hilarious!!! All jokes aside before I joined this forum I was stalking this thing from page 1, even when there were two threads and admin merged them, lol, but again patience is key! They will call you, I wasn’t expecting a call 3 years minimum honestly but with all the T/Os retiring they are calling rapidly. In school car, ASK QUESTIONS! It’s a lot of information being thrown at you, but move at your pace, make it a good one, but make sure if you don’t get something you make the TSS go over it again! They are there to help and want to help! Good luck to everyone else in here in school car and good luck to all you future T/Os hope you get that call soon! 

  21. 16 hours ago, MarkGuy said:

    Why did we go up in number? I'm aware of the scoring snafu. But does this mean we got more questions wrong? Btw, are u currently a b/o now?

    There was a mistake in the grading for one of the test. Keep in mind that there has been classes of 70 each since June I believe, I may be mistaken, so you can knock some numbers off in front of you. Give or take with ppl deferring. 

  22. 3 hours ago, aTrainHopeful said:

    This is not totally true. No one who took provisional positions or even completed school car were removed from this list. I am on this list and and in school car now. All it has done is adjust current school car peoples list numbers. Since division picks have already been made those adjustments will probably only affect future divison picks and vacation picks. No one is removed from that list because its more for public record. As for those who deferred or havent been called, they will begin calling again from the top of the list skipping those in school car but including those who deffered according to their new list numbers.

    You are correct, my apologies. They did not remove us off the list, just checked and seen my name, crazy I dropped 30 spots. I guess the test that had to be corrected was the difference. 

  23. Everyone confused as to why their numbers changed, even though people were called before you, some people deferred as well, so once all the people who actually took the provisional positions were removed, then the deferred ones go back to the top of the list, most of the top of the list looks like veterans, the scores are 100+ Also there’s a lot of false info being spread in here in regards to union and probation, just wait until you start to hear it from the horse’s mouth! Again good luck to you all! 

  24. 2 hours ago, tvega961 said:

    To add, I’ve heard a couple of promotional’s (I.E B/O to T/O), are going back to where they were before. Many don’t like it and many don’t want to lose their seniority. So you never really know when they will call you. Everyone going back and forth

    Yeah there were 2 ppl who left my class that started Monday, so you never know, again just have to be patient, they will call! Now the list is established check for your new list numbers and good luck to you all!

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