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Posts posted by Imhim

  1. 1 hour ago, LIRRMedford said:

    Our TSS was told we were the worst of the groups for the signal practice at the simulator lol

    The simulator is wayyy harder than the actual signal test! Trust me! It does prepare you but it really be a lot of trick questions on there and it’s not nearly like that on the actual exam, it’s straight forward! Again if ya see other T/O’s out there ask them for some “study material!”

  2. 3 minutes ago, Booquies said:


    Just wanted to share my story.

    I got called in 3 times for pre employment 6/7 9/13 11/14

    Then surprisingly got called for medical on dec 13 and to my surprise, I was sworn in that day due to start jan 28. 

    I have a tiny question if anyone can help about Attire to wear before uniforms.

    I just received my free boots and I have blue dickies (no leg pockets) 

    Now for shirt it says grey “with collar”

    Am i to assume that as long as it has a collar im fine? Or should it be a full button down shirt ( I was going to wear a grey polo collar shirt but it only has 3 buttons) 

    Lol I hope y’all don’t judge 


    Get a button down! There are a lot anal TSS’s and they will come at you about the uniform! I personally saw a TSS tell someone in my induction class to get a button down and not to wear their polo anymore! They even complain about the winter coat, must be black or navy blue and indistinguishable from MTA uniform. 

  3. 3 hours ago, TraxNyC said:

    I've been following this forum since day one trying to absorb all questions and answers. This forum is very helpful and very informative. Thanks to all those that take the time out to respond. I have a few questions myself regarding the signal test. I see alot of people excited about getting in past medical as if once your sworn in your in indefinitely. I know that's not the case.

    I know there are practicals and exams and other ways to get disqualified, but in my opinion, I feel the signal test is the do or die part of this whole process. Thats the only thing that gets me nervous. From what I hear you have to pass with 100%. My question is for those that have taken the test and passed, in reality, how hard is it? How many questions are there really on the exam?

    I've read and heard there are 100 signals to be memorized, but 15 questions on the exam, is this true? I'm very curious. I know once one gets into school car they'll get a definitive answer and the materials needed to study. I probably won't be getting in until fall or winter of this year "hopefully". I did my PE in Nov. At the speed the list is going, I know for a fact I will have to go back for two or maybe three more drug tests. It's all good though! Patience is the key!

    Thanks in advance!

    Once you get sworn in, the job is yours! As is any other job, you have probation. School car, exams, practicals, that’s on you! You don’t have to be a train buff to get this stuff! If you put in the time and this is what you want, it will come to you! I’m YX now and I have seen some T/Os down here like how is this person a T/O smh, but again it’s on you to put in the work and study! You will be taking daily quizzes, mostly on stuff learned the previous day, depending on your TSS. Those don’t count, they’re just given so the TSS’s can evaluate how you are retaining information! The ones that do count, again depending on your TSS, you will know when they’re coming and study extra! The official signal exams yes you have to get a 100%. On the multiple choice it’s on you, on the essays, you might be able to talk your way out of getting something wrong! Yes there are a lot of signals but honestly they become repetitive and very similar, you will learn to identify and group the similar ones together! When you get in, you will probably run into myself lol or other T/Os who will give you studying matieral lol! Just be humble and ask questions, there are lots of ppl down here willing to help! 

  4. 36 minutes ago, Jay-Oh said:

    Lol that’s a fact.

    Cause lemme tell them i prefer the R68’s and they just throw me newtech or R32’s all day.

    Well that's more for test and question situations, lol. They will purposely ask you about the other types of equipment. My class we really ain't new tech like that, being that your practicals will not be on them, unless they absolutely have no other equipment available. R46s are cool as well once you get a good position where you're comfortable with single hand operation. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Jay-Oh said:

    Loll, you have a point. I haven’t tried the R46 or R32 yet, but I heard the new tech brakes are 👌👌.

    I definitely am not used to the delay on the R68’s yet, but I’m sure I’ll get it.


    Yeah the new techs stop great, the R32s and R42s the breaks are strong! Those trains stop on a dime! But trust me you will get used to all of them. Remember whenever anyone ask you which train you prefer say "all of them!' lol

  6. 14 minutes ago, Jay-Oh said:

    Ah yeah...TB12 is starting in 207 yard up in the Bronx, then deadhead down to PS248. 😑😑.


    We had our first road day was this past Sunday. The R68 brakes are blehhhh, but easy enough.

    You’re gonna have lotsa fun!


    See ya soon bro.

    Nah you bugging the brakes on the R68 are definitely lit. It’s a delay, you have to get used to, I hated it at first but when you get the concept of releasing into the stop, you’ll appreciate the R68 over all the other trains! At least I do lol 

  7. 23 hours ago, LIRRMedford said:

    I know that but the procedure is nuts step by step and my yard practical 2 months away. I wish there was an outside source or a video or something. Cause having to wait for everyone to do a cut and add I'm not gonna get much practice

    If you want, send me your email I got some material for you that may help! 

  8. 9 minutes ago, LIRRMedford said:

    Congrats man. I'm straight terrified. Not sure I can cite all the signals verbatim. Cutting and adding seems complicated. Granted I just started on the 17th. But I can't seem to retain alot of it...

    Nah gotta think positive, the signals will come with time! Cutting and adding also you will get better doing it with practice! Cutting you’re just splitting cars, adding your combining them. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, acabral136 said:

    My co-worker's brother is actually pretty high on the list and he declined the position because he doesn't want to give up smoking weed. Idiot. I think he was in the 30s or something like that. 

    That’s crazy! Well he must have a well paying job to afford to smoke and give up an opportunity like this. Can’t wait to go YX the job gets better everyday!

  10. 42 minutes ago, Jay-Oh said:

    Nah, I think he just thought it was too much to take in. Also he’s young so maybe he didn’t want to commit so many years of his younger years to the TA?

    He’s bugging, getting in young is the way! Wish I would’ve knew bout this test the last time they posted, I would’ve been straight. Posting with a dude today and he said he ain’t make less than 125k last 6 yrs and he don’t work on his RDOs. My man bout to retire with a sick pention, someone should’ve spoke to him, this shyt is like hitting the lottery. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, wrong side of tracks said:

    Naw you right. I straight over think EVERYTHING I do. Good for my current job, but not life, lol.

    Ok, got another. This one, not sure if anyone here can answer, but it came up when I looked up the original exam notice as you mentioned online, I found it.

    It says: One year  of  full-time satisfactory  work  experience  that  has  been  continuous  with one employer. If  you  have serious  moving  violations,  a license suspension  or  an  accident  record,  you  may  be  disqualified. 

    I had 2 suspensions. Both for tickets I forgot to pay. 1995 and 1999. And 2 disobey signs. 2017 & 2018. 

    Nothing open. Is this a disqualifier based on the exam notice or up to interviewer? 


    LOL they do not care about your suspensions! Just make sure you don’t have any open tickets, parking or moving violations. They will put you on hold! 

  12. 32 minutes ago, wrong side of tracks said:

    I see what is, my fault. I was looking at an old exam online.

    I ask here because there could be some in here that works for TA  (For years) applying for promotion to train operator. Someone might actually know the answer.

    Don't get me wrong, I submit what they want, but at the same time I'm trying to figure out the mindset for when I go in and I'm asked questions. I've actually re-did my application 3 times because I kept finding more information to my work history. I've had over 20 jobs, mostly because of Union work. Finding exact start/finish dates on a 23 year work history ain't that easy.

    I'm from a school that taught, the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask. I just want to know as much as i can before going in for the interview. 

    I understand all that, I’m not saying your question was stupid! Just follow the directions given and you would already answer most of the questions you have! There is still a copy of the notice of examination floating around on google. There really isn’t a mindset to figure out, everything is self-explanatory. Fill out the info, don’t leave any gaps and you should be fine. Again don’t over think it, you need some brain cells for school car lol. 

  13. 37 minutes ago, wrong side of tracks said:

    Here's something bugging me. I believe this position required 10 years experience. I have that easy, however they ask since high school. A little foggy for 3 years 20 years ago. 

    1-Why do they ask for both & 

    2-Are they really strict with mistakes on early work history if it's 20 years ago if the last 15 is accurate?

    lol ummm where are you getting this information from? The position does not require 10 years experience. I believe it was 5 previous list, this one (7604) changed to 1 year work experience, don’t quote me I read that here in the early pages of the thread. They ASK you to list your work experience going back to high school. They ask for both, you can’t ask us why, we aren’t TA lol, if you want the job as bad as others, just give them what they want! Also if you don’t want your application being held up due to the interviewer at 180 I advise you to take your time and fill out that application to the best of your ability. This is why you have time to do it now so by the time they call you you’re not scrambling. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, wrong side of tracks said:


    What do you find the hardest so far? Is there anything so far that is extremely difficult in your opinion?

    They started Monday, selected divisions but haven’t been assigned their TSS’s. Ask him in a week they’re still doing the boring video stuff.

  15. 1 hour ago, Jay-Oh said:

    That’s honestly up to your TSS’. My first day of school car wasn’t too bad, I was pretty excited to get the show on the road, my nerves were minimal because I knew that we wouldn’t working with equipment yet. They will explain the timeline of schoolcar, what to expect, rules and regs, etc. 

    The general feel I got from the TSS’ were that they really want you to pass. As per our induction TSS’, they will do everything in their power to help you get everything understood. Of course, until I meet my class instructor and get some time in, I cannot confirm yet.

    Just make sure you put in the work, pay attention, and treat this as a once in a lifetime opportunity, because it is.

    We had TSS Lois running us through induction and the guy’s a hoot. Funny guy, but makes sure to stress important details. I think I’ll be meeting my class instructor this week.

    Here’s hoping we get a good one.

    Even if it’s hard to sleep the night before due to excitement, try. Falling asleep in class is a huge no-no. 

    TSS Lois is a good dude! Very informative and helpful, he really knows his stuff and operates great. He covered my class a couple times and every time I felt like I learned more than the last time I seen him. When TSS's like him speak, listen and take notes!!

  16. 1 hour ago, nipaaaa said:

    yeaaa! the front of the train was fouling the fouling point sign so the low home was behind 1 or 2 cars so according to them, they "never saw it". But according to Rendon, if they properly inspected the outside, no way both of them could've missed the low home. Lol knuckleheads did it to themselves. I wish more idiots like these get weed out so people with good work ethic get a chance.

    Yeah from the story they decided to split the inspection and the front T/O was the one who missed the low home signal, but that's no excuse, just this morning I had a put in and I told both the trainer and student T/O that I was working with that we are doing the inspection the way school car showed us! Headed out there 45 mins before it was scheduled to leave and got it done! Just stick to your guns and do things the right way and you should be fine. There's no reason to just come out of school car, them stressing these safety things so much and you make a mistake like that! 

  17. 47 minutes ago, njbk said:

    The one who moved messed up for sure. Most don’t think the operator on the other end should have been punished but what can you do. 

    Yeah I was told the T/O on the other end wasn't punished, but who knows. Learning lesson for all, just know, management is planning on pulling people out of YX and give us another practical/test because of this nonsense! Heard it directly from them at 130! Just be prepared for some random encounter lol, I been hearing a couple T/Os in my induction class been getting horrible evaluations during Yard Posting smh. Gotta stay on the books. 

  18. 16 minutes ago, nipaaaa said:

    Today in class, TSS Rendon mentioned the 2 people who split the switches. Then I thought about what you posted, should be the same 2 people. What a shame.

    Yeah that is bad, but I blame them and I see why after having a brief convo with a YX student who seemed to be on some “man I’m gonna do wateva” vibes. Told him to do the Customer Service inspection how they taught us in school car and he has the nerve to say “man in the real world, nobody does half that stuff!” I’m like oh word, aiight I gotta use the bathroom, it was his put in, so I don’t wanna be around if something happens! Those 2 Yx T/Os that split the switch were conductors I heard and only one of them were demoted, the one that actually split the switches, at Coney Island. Ironically they were in the same class together 🤦🏽‍♂️ So they weren’t even supposed to be paired together, but again it’s their fault cause they obviously didn’t do their inspection correctly since one of them missed the overhanging low ball. At least they still have a job! 

  19. 13 minutes ago, wrong side of tracks said:

    Kevin walked me to counter 3. He did that last time too. I thought about it, but I didn't want to go overboard by asking if I could look at the forms on the walls.

    It's a shame I gotta be in fright, but that how it was when I went. He was helping, but at the same time, I wanna be grateful he's helping me more than others.

    I thought about taking out the staple and putting it back. I really want to type everything in, not sure why they so serious about not removing the staple, anyone know?

    I think you're over thinking a lot of this. You can remove the staple if needed and just staple the application back together. 

  20. 2 hours ago, NYKnicksAddict said:

    Congrats to those starting tomorrow and to everyone else in the future clssses and those going through the process. Does anyone know if we have to wear the blue pants, grey shirt at orientation or does that start for training?

    Yes you have to wear that everyday starting tomorrow until you receive your uniform. Congrats and good luck! 

  21. 28 minutes ago, wrong side of tracks said:

    Hhmmmm, 27 difference....me being list #14xx, well it's the same. If there are 60 in a class, one class this month, 2 in January... And I go with medical being at (Imma use Markguy's number, it's higher😬) 757+60+60+60= Medical list #937.

    From there, I'll be called for medical 8.6 classes later, if it's 60 per class.

    Anyone care to share insight if I'm wrong? Not am exact science, gives a good idea of how long is the wait.

    Thanks in advance.

    Just gotta be patient and wait until they call you! There’s people who will defer, won’t answer, fail drug test or medical, medical hold etc. You can’t really put a number on it! They said there’s a certain number per quarter that gets approved for T/O hires, let me, heard that from a TSS and someone on here said Ms Vargas stated that. I had a dude who literally was told he wouldn’t make my induction class because it was full, they called him the Friday before we started and said someone dropped out, he came in that day for the medical, got sworn in and reported Monday. That dude ended up in my regular class. Just understand once you started the process and you’re clean, it’s a go, you’re in there, the call will come! They only missed one month (October) since MAY! They’ve had a class every month before they even sent out the scores everyone, think about that! 

  22. 22 minutes ago, wrong side of tracks said:

    So, does anyone know how strict are they on penmanship? I've been on computers for decades and never had great hand writing. Do they frown on that? That's directly related to this question, are they tight on crossing things out on the application?

    You have to make sure the application is legible! They will be annoyed if not and possibly make you do it over, bit of advice just take your time and do it right at home so you won't have to do it over at 180! Plus from the stories being told, it seems like there are a lot of "personalities" up there, you don't want to be on the bad side of one of them, I'm just saying. And crossing out, they don't like that, however there are copies of the pages at 180, if you already crossed out, you can stop by there and get new copies, if you have time and are in the area. Otherwise you'll just have to fix it when you go there for 2nd P/E

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