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Everything posted by Kad96

  1. Hey guys so emailed back that Daniel park saying he has sent me my spa results but I replied back saying I never took a spa then had to email examsmakeups@nyct.com and write to them that I was never Scheudled to take a spa and never received a notification. They said they sent an admission letter but I’ve never received anything but now I am Scheudled to take it February 08. So strongly advise you to email them and then call this number If you never heard anything back. cuz this was the number that called me to inform about the date. 347 643 7221. Good luck.
  2. Just got an email that consisted of that same thing took this same exam but haven’t heard anything back not even for a spa what was your score?? Has the scores come out yet ? Received no further instruction. Thanks @Elk N
  3. In order to be elegible for this position do we need both education and experience or we can have one. For example I have my degree in eet but no working experience so would I be qualified for the position. Notice of exam says education or experience and some say you need both so confused here.
  4. what’s up guys hope everyone having a great holiday. How many points are we allowed to have on our liscnxse. I have 5 points on my liscense within three years. Will this hinder my chances of getting hired. If anyone has experienced this before what can I do to better my chances. Thanks
  5. Took exam 9624 that was given this past August according to the proposed answer key I scored a 92. Whoever is in the class right now what are my chances of being called back or how soon will I expect to hear anything back. Thanks.
  6. Took the most recent teh exam that was given 08/04/19 any idea from the moment that you took the test how long till you heard anything back?? Within a year? Thanks.
  7. hey guys can anyone say whats the average score to aim for to get called back sooner than later thanks ! or can say what they got on their exam and how soon they got called back after taking the exam??
  8. @Chro hey bro thanks for replying but on the application it states that AAS in electrical technology qualifies but wasn’t sure if I needed the experience thanks for getting back how many questions is on it
  9. And also does anyone know what type of questions that the transit electrical helper exam has is it like any other mta exam like the bus operator/track worker exam.
  10. Hey just a question the application states that we need to meet education or experience requirement so my question is I don’t have any experience but I do meet the education requirement with having the associates in electrical so am I qualified to take the test. I applied to the exam that’s being given out this August
  11. Does anyone know when we get the list numbers. It’s really been a a year and some what haven’t heard anything back according the proposed key I only got 4 wrong hopefully that’s enough to get in
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