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Everything posted by 1998NewFlyer

  1. Please let's not turn this into a race thing
  2. I'm not mad, I'm just saying pitkin and 207 always have to suffer whenever something happens train related let's be honest they've had the oldest fleet in the B division always and losing what little bit of NTT they do have to C.I for more r46s is a horrible idea. I guess you agree with Lawrence st
  3. Hell no what wrong with you? keep them r46s where they are. bad enough once the r179s come back the A will have less 60ft fleet because the r160s will return to jamaica and C.I
  4. I just see a r179 heading to ENY at gates av middle track
  5. That's false I've seen the r68A on the D train it's very rear but I've just seen that last month
  6. Ohh, I thought they stopped that after r179 3040-3049 went into passenger service
  7. There's alot of r160s on the A train I took the train to work instead of driving I was suprised
  8. I hope the MTA has learned two very important lessons from this. Lesson 1 NEVER under any circumstances order from Bombardier ever again. Lesson 2 if mta orders from bombardier again 🤦🏿‍♂️ NEVER retire any fleet bombardier is replacing
  9. I thought the 13 2017s was going to be kept by MTA bus company? So what's going to replace them ?
  10. I agree with you wrapping the 2017 xd60s with the LGA link wrap would make alot more sense but mta seems to always do the opposite of common sense lol
  11. What's the news on 3040-3049 I seen it testing last week.... ?
  12. Oh wow it did look like paint and not wrap I was wondering
  13. JFK xd60 5368 is fresh wrapped I can tell by the top, it's not white like 5364-5411
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