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Everything posted by Kennedy

  1. Yes you should. I think the next class might be 11/21/2021. Will let you know tomorrow. Hopefully you’ll get in that class too.
  2. I took this exam same date. I’m almost done with everything. Just have to go back tomorrow for the final steps. Fingerprint etc.
  3. Does anyone know what random # they’re up to with hiring for exam #0100?
  4. That was 11/7. Last Sunday, but because of medical hold I didn’t get to start then.
  5. I was medically cleared today. I went in without an appointment so they did not let me do fingerprints. I have to wait to be called, my name was not on the list the lady told me
  6. She had told me 11/14th and the class was actually 11/07th.
  7. Sometimes they be lying about next class. Is it the young female told you so? She told me wrong date when I asked her
  8. They told me I have to email them to get an appointment to go back there. Most people say just go in, otherwise I’ll be waiting forever for them to get back to me.
  9. Both of us might be in the same class. Going to my doctor Tuesday and get right back up there
  10. Seems like it. But remember 1100 was supposed to be taken sin in January. So that’s why they calling right after people take the exam, probably depending on how they scored.
  11. I have chronic illness so they have to make sure I’m good I guess
  12. Ok. I have a friend took 0100 and she was just hired last month. Her random # was in the 1000s
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