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Everything posted by RandomRider0101

  1. Yes they can and have exercised multiple car orders at one time before, but subway cars today are more complex than they were back then. They are bound to have more issues now than before. The priority should be replacing the R46s first; they are older than the R62/As and are worse mechanically. The R62/As are in good shape and don't need to be replaced at the same time as the R46s. That's what I'm trying to say. The R262s will most likely not be here until after the R211 order is done; and the following order (R68/A replacement) will probably not come until after the R262 order is done. So it doesn't make that much of a difference.
  2. That's right. Not replacing cars is not an option.
  3. 1+ year of testing is normal today for subway cars, although the parts shortage has caused the testing to take longer. I agree that MTA should be ready to order replacements for the older cars. But even then, subway car orders have to be exercised consecutively, not simultaneously. This is to avoid a bigger headache in case all the cars have major issues.
  4. This isn't really the MTA's fault. The COVID-19 Pandemic has affected everything. Kawasaki has been having issues at their plant(s) with a supposed high turnover rate AND supply chain shortages (like most other companies throughout this pandemic). We should've had most of the R211 base order in now, and that's assuming Kawasaki doesn't screw up the order like Bombardier did the R179s (no jinx). Even when the cars are finally delivered, the rate of delivery will take even longer now due to the parts supply shortage (thanks alot, COVID). This is all on top of the fact that everything today takes longer to build already, in addition to everything needing to be thoroughly tested ahead of time before service. If anything, MTA should take all of this as a warning not to wait too long to order new subway cars going forward. You never know what will happen, and everything has a domino effect.
  5. If I remember correctly, the R211S is expected to arrive a couple months after the 2nd R211T in December; it should be here early 2023 (subject to change).
  6. Yeah, neither Democrats nor Republicans can be trusted. They're both corrupt, just in different ways.
  7. I agree; and at that rate, we shouldn't expect to see an R262 touch MTA property until at least 2028-2029. The R211 order should hopefully be finished by then.
  8. I'm not sure about the SAS, but I agree that everything should be taken with a grain of salt. I should probably add that all things are subject to change until they actually happen.
  9. I know EDPs are incoherent, it just bothers me when I see certain things. This person looked like an EDP, and I was a bit nervous standing near them on the platform as I was worried they may snap at any moment; if they would randomly do something like that, what else would they do? You just never know. Since we have these 'Progressives' in power, it is their jobs to do something about these things. They keep pushing all these liberals down our throats, but what are they actually doing for us? I trust that chipmunk about as far as I can throw her. In the case of Adams, I'm not really sure about him; he used to be NYPD, and many of us have heard the stories about their corruption. Honestly, I don't really trust any of these politicians, as I feel like they're all corrupt. It's just multiple agendas rolled up into one big agenda.
  10. Correct, The last MTA document stated November. If it gets pushed back again (don't wanna jinx it), we'll find out soon enough. According to that same document, the first 10-car R211T should be arriving anytime between now & next week; basically any day now.
  11. Speaking of EDPs - I was at the 86th St. station last week, and there were multiple homeless/EDPs there. One of them got on the platform I was on and started intentionally kicking trash from on the platform onto the tracks. As most of us know, that is the leading cause of track fires; what an idiot. We really have a serious problem in this city with mental illness that nobody seems to take serious enough, including the people in the highest power positions. It's very easy to talk, but if there are no actions to back up what one says, their words mean little to nothing. Somebody has to step up to the plate.
  12. Maybe they don't need so many 4-car sets, but 32 cars is a very small amount; so either it would be adjusted to be closer to 100 cars, or they should just not order any 4-car sets at all. Microfleets can lead to bad maintenance. I don't disagree with the becoming 8 cars; I think it should be 8 cars. But I don't think the needs to be 10 cars; that's probably a little too generous. You really think they can reduce ENY's overall fleet to accomodate the getting 8-car R160s? I don't know, I guess time will tell; let's see what happens when the becomes full length.
  13. I forgot to mention in my last post that the already uses 5-car R160s; so if they were to send 8-car trains of R160s there, the would be mixed length with the same train type. That would cause confusion among riders and possibly operators; at least the doesn't have that issue. The doesn't need to be 10 cars; 8 cars would be more than enough. Ridership is not THAT high; if that were the case, the would've been 8 cars a long time ago. Also, the MTA didn't actually state that there would be 32 cars in 4-car sets. That was the number people came up with based on the number of sets MTA said there would be (89) out of the 437 cars in Option 2; 32 cars is the smallest possible 4-car estimate, and it is likely they may have not yet decided how many cars will be in 4-car sets yet. So I'm pretty sure that number is subject to change. I once saw an MTA document that said that 112 cars of R160s were getting CBTC installed for 8th Ave. CBTC. That number is equivalent to 4-car sets. Why would a specific number of 4-car R160s be getting CBTC installed for 8th Ave. When it should be cross-compatible with Queens Blvd. CBTC, and 8th Ave. is expected to be all full length? Didn't make sense to me when I saw it; so I guessed it was a discrepancy. I'm sure the set count for R211 option 2 will be adjusted later, as 32 cars is a very small amount. We don't need any more oddballs roaming the system .
  14. This is the Random Thoughts thread, so you can talk about pretty much anything subway-related.
  15. I believe the will get them first this time, then the , and lastly the The is a full time line and a Lex express, which is why I say they should get them first. The is full time, & the is Lex express, but part time. The reason the got the R142s first is because they share a terminal, and the digital signs make it easy to switch trains. This time, they don't need to be the first to get the new trains; they'll get them so they won't have to put up with the combined strip maps anymore.
  16. The thing is that if they do this, the will have the same issue that the has now with it being mixed length. There wouldn't be enough 8-car R160s to cover the entire . What they should do is leave all those cars at ENY, and order enough 8-car R211s to cover the entire 1,537 is alot of cars. They can make about 172 of those arranged in 4-car sets.
  17. Exactly; why would they have the whole R211 base order in service & still have the running mixed length trains? That doesn't make sense when that should be the first issue they fix as these cars come in, along with adding extra spares for both lines.
  18. You are correct that the R142As would be easier to do since most of them were already done & there's only 220 left to convert; and that the R142s would be harder to do since there are much more of them altogether (over 1,000). But if this is the case, then there's only about one or two solutions; both of which you mention here. If they ultimately decide not to do the R142s for the reasons mentioned, then they all must go to 7th Ave, as Lex is the first A div. Line getting CBTC. This could also mean that the may no longer be able to share a southern terminal, and the & will have to switch; this would simultaneously solve the issue with Rogers junction. But there is one thing though: how will Flatbush/Nostrand riders respond to losing the one seat ride to Lex? There is a reason things are the way they are now. Anything is subject to change, but is this a change that riders will handle well? I guess time will tell. The other solution would be to end the fleet swapping practice at Flatbush Ave.
  19. I'm pretty sure the will become full length with the base order. The document already states that the first option will replace R46s on the . That means there will still be R46s left at Pitkin/207th after the base order. The priority should be making the full length & providing extra cars for fleet expansion first; it doesn't have to be a 1 for 1 replacement.
  20. Didn't get the chance to respond to this part. The Mainline A division will get CBTC after the R262s fully arrive (CBTC ready) & the R142/As get CBTC kits installed; both events are expected to happen simultaneously.
  21. For all we know, might actually be considering this in the future.
  22. The base order will provide extra cars for expansion to the , as well as making the full length. It will also likely shift some of those R46s to CIY with the other R46s to give those lines a boost in spares; the rest will then start replacing the batch of R46s. The first option order would finish replacing the Pitkin/207th R46s , then start replacing the Coney Island batch of R46s. If there are still R46s left over after option 1, then option 2 will finish the job completely; the remaining cars will provide further fleet expansion.
  23. I'm not sure if shortening the to 10 cars would be a good idea. The reason why the is 11 cars in the first place is because the Flushing line used to be a B-division line, and 11 A-div. Cars are the equivalent of 10 B-div. Cars. But keep in mind that an 11-car A div. Train is still shorter than a 10-car B div. Train; thus creating the existing issue that @T to Dyre Avenue previously mentioned at Queensboro Plaza, where the meets the . Reducing the to 10 cars would make that issue worse. I understand it from a uniformity standpoint, but I don't know if it would go over well with everyone.
  24. So I remembered correctly. That explains why the doesn't use Dianne's voice; this means they will use Kathleen's voice in the future (they already do on the Manhattan-bound side). I agree that it would be more cost-effective to keep the using the same length cars with the rest of the A-division, also for simplicity.
  25. Oh okay; that's probably what it is then That's what I was thinking. ENY is already getting new XD40s to push out those next gens. If they were getting Novas now, that would mean some plans were changed (possibly pushing out 2011 XD40s); but that's what the XE40s will likely be doing.
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