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Everything posted by RTOMan

  1. It is… As for the other part of your answer there’s more than just CBTC issues none of which I’m discussing here..
  2. Exactly… Self entitled people irritate me to no end. Yet those types wouldn’t cut it a week in Schoolcar down here..
  3. That’s a question you can ask them I wouldn’t know since I don’t work in HR. Yet we have said the same thing regarding why they didn’t hire more folks and we didn’t get any answers..That’s how they work.
  4. Go to the Website the filing is this year... Cant blame TA if folks dont to come to work right?
  5. What Makes me shake my head at some of these folks who are whining about lack of service or how messed up service is at tikes is this.. What about the Employees who lives are affected by these service changes? They pick Jobs for six months because they have lives they have families.. Now they are subject to get sent or put anywhere in the system where the service is needed if their Jobs are eliminated which is happening. So now they have to find a babysitter or make other adjustments on the fly in their lives due to this.. While some of those folks have to do is take another train and be mildly inconvenienced or Us employees don't matter? Oh i forgot it don't matter really dose it? Oh and for those "They know what they signed up for folks" i don't see any of you folks down here moving these trains... Lets put it in perspective here.
  6. This is why buffs with ideas like that.. Aren't in operations and Planning...
  7. Well when there's a CONDUCTOR SHORTAGE these things happen.. They had Extra Jobs for extra R service.. Folks don't want to come to work so blame them TA had the jobs But not enough people...
  8. Ah.. Ok thanks if i seen it back in my A Div days i totally forgot about it..
  9. B Div i think is the only place with Red Circle Ks now..
  10. The stories im hearing and the things im hearing on that radio got me shaking my head.. You out on yer own as a TO not YX how do you NOT know the procedure for a Red Circle K? Then say it on the radio you don't know.. You get Instructions on the radio how to do it, Then not do it right and still go BIE..
  11. I heard they got new folks in the Crew Office,, The Hits just keep on coming lol..
  12. Listen folks (all you hopefuls) you get called you get hired PLEASE PLEASE do your Jobs and if you don't understand something ASK ASK ASK.. Come to work they are firing people from Schoolcar because they aren't even coming in and booking off.. DO NOT LISTEN TO THESE FOLKS Who complain babble and say how rotten TA is because if you take their word as gospel you'll be fired and they will still be here whining.. There's a reason why they keep extending this list its good for others but it shows the mindset of some people these days....
  13. Let the Dude foam and laugh and Scroll at him i showed a few Supts his posts regarding this they was str laughing at them..
  14. it was bananas indeed i got sent Crosstown on my last half.. Loads of fun..
  15. No GO extra Romeo Crews on the PMs just on the AMs... Maybe they'll fill the C/R jobs this time they didn't do it Monday resulting in a lot of ABDs... Someone got a DAN for that in the Crew Office im sure..
  16. I’m just a TO I don’t make those decisions… See what 2026 brings…
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