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Everything posted by RTOMan

  1. Not a good idea.... Also they go local for about two hours in both directions anyway during the day to accommodate work train moves and they go local earlier at night.. They are running extra service just for what you just said anyway.
  2. Im sure some who post here know exactly who those losers are, making them losers' just like them for not reporting them to the cops.
  3. Stick around and see what happens.. BTW did ya know they already have reinstated stop and frisk?
  4. Actually there have been in the past a few arrests when it comes to these loser kiddie vandals but records have been sealed due to their age. Yet those arrest reports somehow found their way online... The internet is forever...
  5. Oh and there are some folks right here on this site who know exactly who those clowns are too..
  6. True any job where using Brain function isn’t a requirement because it’s obvious those types aren’t very smart…
  7. Once a loser always a loser.. Basically as i said those types are destined for food service or retail industry.. If they can hold those jobs...
  8. Some of them did down on the line with some of them miscreants from that High School at Bay 50th (which is becoming the norm). The Majority of them wasn't though...
  9. The funny thing is they prob already know who these vandals are... Knowing them they posted it online or in group chats... All they need is to catch one of em..
  10. Nah the Law will.. Examples need to be made now...
  11. They Look at EVERYTHING online.... You'd be surprised how they have caught a few of them in the past(Yes some have gotten caught). The internet is forever...
  12. Well since this made the News now lets see how "reactive" they are and start locking some of these "Kids" Up.. BTW If any of them are members of this site i suggest yall leave now.. Oh wait it too late they prob already know who you are... Dont drop the Soap...
  13. I suggest you contact a Union Rep if you are still out on Jury Duty if Not then you are back to XX and RDOs are set by the Crew Office.
  14. When them R211s start coming to the lines what how quick that nonsense stops...
  15. You are correct... One thing i learned about how things are these days they are reactive, maybe they are just waiting for something really bad to happen then they gonna blow the whole thing up and lock lots of em up.. They will be prime meat in the system...
  16. Good chance those types are in these groups and some people in these groups know exactly who they are... Its ok though because they can continue to let them wreck the system and have mommy and daddy pay for it with their tax dollars.. Its not like those types will amount to anything anyway maybe in the retail or food service industry..
  17. Yes they did saw the Bulletin regarding the software upgrade.. Those Units can stay together but can only be coupled to Kawasaki Alstom units.
  18. They still on the that's why they need people for relocation jobs to move them to Jamaica Barn as of now not enough people so they aren't a priority..
  19. Thales trains different operating systems so those five car sets was kept on the until they got around to updating the software.
  20. Rule 10 prevents me from saying what i want to say...
  21. They’ll live… Or they can take a UBER or a Bus…
  22. They have been testing them often.. Doing it again this week actually.. Rumor has it once the R211s are coming in service en masse the ten car R179s will get sent to Queens..
  23. Oh i forgot to mention since the uses Five car UNITS (I had to put that in CAPS for the ones who cant understand where im coming from) They are in BYPASS in queens until the software is updated. There's a Bulletin out about that because they do five car transfers to and from Jamaica Yard all the time and those non reporting trains totally plug the railroad up... So there goes that Idea of service in Queens anytime soon.. I'm sure this will get ignored as well since it dont fit some of yall fantasies anyway but just throwing it out there for those who understand..
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