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Everything posted by JayJay85

  1. They Installed them when bus is delivered to the depot, Their has been a case that a new bus went into service without bus time working.
  2. It's must be expected MTA did change it back to mostly 5 car units, 5car sets for the will get them anf 4 car sets go to
  3. Kawasaki seems more trusted them Bombardier btw I got a question is having most R179 4car units is a good ideal or not?
  4. They should drop the R179 order and increase the R211 order from 940 to about 1,280 cars (80 cars in 4 car units and 1,200 cars in 5 car units). That would solve the problem this would be a fresh start for the TA and Kawasaki should get the R211 order.
  5. They should change the r179 order back to 260 cars in 5 car units and 40 cars in 4 car units.
  6. This could be why the TA might order extra option order Buses like the 420 option order 2 and another rumor TA might award New Flyer more options on top of the 420 Buses.
  7. MTA wants to keep the 2 and 5 as it is that's means No R62A's on 2 or 5, it works out for everyone, The only thing TA can do is improve 5 service in Brooklyn to 11pm.
  8. MTA announced 5cars sets of R179 will be delivered first before 4car sets comes.
  9. Yea the had problems in the 1990's because Astoria line was underserved its no way Astoria can't go back to its 1990's service levels.
  10. The MTA should give them to the instead of the .
  11. if the and gets longer (600ft) trains MTA could change the R179 configuration before the prototype like R32 3838 said.
  12. I think most depots will get new buses like ENY, FLA, GA, FP, MJQ, JA, QV, CAS, YUK and GH
  13. thoses R32 88 cars of R32 should say in ENY instead of going back to pitkin/207 in September.
  14. Btw they shouldn't keep the 8 cars. R32s shouldn't be on , I do agreed with R32 3838 also all R42s should be moved to
  15. They may not get the car assignments back to normal due to management issues, some shit is going on within management, if they wanted to they would've but the word out already
  16. I agreed with you R32 3838 and RollOverMyHead their something fishy going on, the might not get them, if R179 comes 260 cars in 5 car units and 40 cars in 4 car units. they might send them to the and give the R160.
  17. Their was reports that 4car units sets was only for the JMZ lines and 5car units for was A/C lines (or any other B division) unless mta change their minds on keeping C at 480ft that lead for 4 cars units being order
  18. for the C go 600ft they would need 40 extra 2 cars extra cars for every C train, i think 5 car units could go to coney Island for the Q Line (2nd Avenue Extension)
  19. Why would they keep the C at 8car (480) instead of making it 10car (600ft) originally it was suppose to be 40 cars in 4car units and 260cars in 5car units
  20. 260 cars will be 5 car sets and 40 will be 4 car sets
  21. They are going to either 240th yard or Livonia yard to increase service on lines by 120 cars
  22. they might go with siemens or alstom propulsion
  23. are they going to keep the same traction motors or change them
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