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Everything posted by bveguy

  1. I didn't order anything.

  2. My older plan didn't allow me to purchase it for some reason...
  3. Wirelessly posted via (SAMSUNG-SGH-T639/UVGG1 SHP/VPP/R5 NetFront/3.4 SMM-MMS/1.2.0 profile/MIDP-2.0 configuration/CLDC-1.1) Finally got mobile web...
  4. You should have put Central Park West Line for the last line lol. (Pun intended.)
  5. Isn't it ironic that my technology teacher in Brooklyn Tech is Mr. McCollum?
  6. Why thank you :D, even though I most likely won't have a sig.

  7. It's whatever music they play at my work place. But right now, I'm listening to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e5ZPTrx7fw
  8. You don't even know what you're doing with your current one and you're already thinking of getting that?

  9. Nice meeting you today too.

  10. I'm adding a Pelham key to my key collection
  11. Not that many female railfans around, sadly. But if you do ever find a girl, don't blab about trains all day, because she's gonna leave you.
  12. And I heard this one: A woman is like a deck of cards. Diamond - To get her to like you. Club - To beat her. Heart - To like her. Spade - To bury her.
  13. I just have a question that isn't intended for any illegal activity, but I was wondering: what is the difference between the FDNY 1620 Key and the 2642 key? Is the 2642 for putting the elevator into fire service?
  14. The Beetles - In My Life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ5N4-X_HWU This song has been stuck in my head for 2 years now...
  15. Using my picture I see...

  16. Oh okay. The other 2 I tried it with are P&S, while the 10.1MP one is a DSLR with a CMOS Sensor.
  17. By experiment, when I use an 800 ISO on a 6MP camera, it comes out grainy. When I use a camera with 8MP and a 1600 ISO, it comes out grainy. But... When I use a camera with a 10.1MP and 1600 ISO, it doesn't come out grainy.
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