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Everything posted by rr4567

  1. nagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnagnag B)
  2. I've gots a PS1, 2, and 3, an Xbox and an Xbox 360, a Gamecube, an N64 and a gaming PC........the list goes on
  3. My phone gets a GPS signal in the same spot And it's near the window too.
  4. Speaking on that, I'm still waiting on a Windows Mobile phone that's NOT the HD2 -.-
  5. How'dya think I know. Of course I tested it. Result: What GPS Signal?
  6. Windows Mobile and Android, all on the same phone
  7. Yeah, and the Samsung Galaxy S's GPS shits bricks when you attempt to use it
  8. Walder is ruining the MTA. For the sake of the system, can't some mob whack him already?
  9. I mean better Flash support. It's kinda slow, but it IS a phone after all
  10. Windows Mobile is good. I can do stuff I want to do on it. the iPhone OS is extremely dumbed down and too focused on applications. Android is okay. They gotta fix that Flash thing though
  11. metsfan: (touch left side of casing) No Signal Solution: Buy more things
  12. I've got one of these: And it's the best phone I've had. AT&T: "Smartphone customers – including iPhone customers – who choose the DataPro plan have the option to add tethering for an additional $20 per month." And now you know why there's no way in hell I'll buy an iPhone.
  13. What if "what she said" was wrong? (like a blonde Hollywood actor trying to do calculus *cough*Paris Hilton*cough*)
  14. See, told ya. I can figure out if it's genuine or not. Too bad Microsoft can't do so with my copy of XP B)
  15. You know what? I'll believe it's a drawing when I don't see the classic lens light reflection on the headlights. 2 possibilities: Your camera has that pencil sketch thing as a photo effect or you used Photoshop And judging by the file information, it was Photoshop.
  16. Screw AMOLED and it's crap color reproduction LCD ftw
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