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Joel Up Front

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Everything posted by Joel Up Front

  1. I remember riding a bus (can't remembe which route, but it was an Orion V) out of Hempstead and in the back was a Cellino & Barnes ad. Someone scribbled some hair onto Barnes with a Sharpie...
  2. Which is why the clip blew me away. I love it when he gets stuck behind that Nissan Murano and he blows his horn at the driver. What's also going to blow me away is how I'm going to get around in six months without a license and/or a viable transportation option. This isn't how I envisioned LIB's 38th birthday (June 3rd was the day... and I was just coming out of an ailment that entire week)....
  3. *watches as that game, like every other Sonic game after that multiplayer one for the GameCube, flops hard*
  4. People smoke at Hempstead all the time, but they know to extinguish their cancer sticks before they get on. Hell, I've seen some bus operators have a smoke in between runs.
  5. I miss being skinny. Most other Filipinos I know are... I wonder when it all went wrong. Stupid weather forecast made me miss out on my daily bike ride. I hate weather forecasters... "omg look at those storms they're going to kill you all" "omg look two hours later here they are have they killed you yet" "omg the storm split and hit everything but the middle of long island lol sucks for you"
  6. As annoying as G.O.'s can get, I like the ones in which you can take a different route that runs on the same line (think taking the along Broadway if the has to run express).
  7. People seem to have forgotten about Subway being healthy-eating oriented rather than "we're going to take this sub and cram as much meat in between the bread as humanly possible." I had Quizno's once last spring and it was good stuff. A pity it closed. Wendy's new fries are even saltier than the original. I understand the whole natural vs. artifical argument when it comes to salt and all that, but how does the natural stuffcome off as being even more saltier?
  8. McDonald's for their fries and the quality of their Coke, Wendy's for the burgers, the less common (Checkers and all that) if I can find one, and I hate Burger King. I get Taco Bell every once in a while.
  9. This B/O is overtaking people... on the Grand Central... in an RTS... in the snow.
  10. And you're encouraging necroposting by doing that. This meta-moderating is getting on my nerves. Why would we all want to post in threads THAT old? Isn't that bad forum etiquette (and against the rules)?
  11. There seems to be a lot of "yes I mad" going on in another thread in this forum. This picture depicts the xxxChat boards very accurately:
  12. Ronkonkoma is way too far out on LI, even from me. Maybe lilbluefoxie or Amtrak7 are closer, but Ronkonkoma is still a ways away from the Nassau-Suffolk border. I finally got my first RTS ride - 9003 on the Q27. When I had to ride the 27 again yesterday, part of Springfield Boulevard near the Grand Central (?) was under construction and the upper layer of the street was gone. I didn't even feel a thing and the RTS just kept trucking on through it. My only gripe is that the still aims to retire these things and replace them with low floors.
  13. Here is the history of our medicine. "I have a sore throat." 2000 BC : "eat this root" 1200 AD : "That root is heathen, say this prayer." 1500 AD : "That prayer is superstition, drink this elixir." 1800 AD : "That elixir is snake oil, Take this pill." 1900 AD : "That pill is ineffective, Take this antibiotic." 2000 AD : "That antibiotic is artificial. Here, why dont you eat this root."
  14. Finally get to ride a Q5 to Green Acres... went to refill my MetroCard for Thursday and when I get to the back, everything seems normal, other than some scratchitti. When the bus gets closer to the City Line, what else is there but a giant [organ] on that last right window before the back door?
  15. I have one a short car ride (ahem) away from NCC and another in Baldwin.
  16. I don't get why the is going for the new ass ugly scheme. Doesn't it cost more to pay maintainers to rip the stripes off and repaint the bus than to keep the old scheme?
  17. Trolling people from a neighboring state does get annoying after a certain point. I got the enclosure Saturday and my old hard drive back as well. I couldn't get it open, so my uncle, who was holding onto my old laptop with the HDD in it, did while he was having a smoke. I asked him if he got it after 15 minutes and there it was, open. He said he'd used a dime to get it open. My only gripe with this is that I understand that it requires two USB ports, one for power and the other for the increased transfer speed, but my laptop only has three USB ports, and the third is reserved for my Logitech wireless receiver, and that receiver is about an inch long... I already broke my old receiver because it fell against something and had to get an entirely new mouse because of it.
  18. The bullets on the exterior of the cars are still red, so why would they change the interior?
  19. Yeah, because the new scheme isn't ugly at all and they didn't paint buses with the old scheme for over five years...
  20. My damn enclosure is in Melville. What, did it miss that last truck? I have data I haven't accessed in almost a year on that thing. The next step is still the 1TB external drive. I need that much space, yes.
  21. I really hope that HDD enclosure arrives tomorrow.
  22. That doesn't even look like the interior of a NYC subway car. Fail movie is fail.
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