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Joel Up Front

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Everything posted by Joel Up Front

  1. And I'd be using that drive almost daily. i am get mad at: -scroll wheel on mouse not working at all -the thick headed
  2. There goes my belief that an external drive will hold up. Looking at this 1TB Seagate on Best Buy's site... $100 for that and high ratings to back it up... Oh, wonder why I need a drive?
  3. I'd actually love it more than what they do out here. Even in Manhattan I don't have to wait 30 minutes for another bus if I miss one. Plus, Manhattan's grid system is still holding up and I love that borough, and if somethign happens wit hthe subway, there are loads of express buses. Wouldn't love it if the mayor turned paranoid again and had police on every corner like he did on Sunday. I really don't see why you felt the need to complain. Another N32 story... This one actually came on time and the bus operator seemed chill. The CleverDevices sign was off, but for some reason still made the announcements. The A/C compressor kept shutting on and off so I left the window open... but I noticed that one of the brakes on the bus was worn out because it squealed loud enough to drown the engine out every time the B/O pressed the pedal. For some reason, the bus operator never even broke 25 MPH and accelerated slowly. This mother and her baby daughter sat next to me. I didn't mind that the kid was softly kicking me, but after her mom's constant failed attempts to get her to stay still, I moved to the seat across. Down the line, the bus operator either got cut off, was about to hit the curb, or something, but 10 seconds after I sat down, he slammed the brakes hard enough to send everyone flying, including the little kid who was kicking me... right into the back of a forward-facing seat. The child started crying her head off (when it was her mom's fault for not holding onto her) and started cursing the bus operator out. A woman was staring at the mother and she glared back, saying "What the **** are you looking at?"
  4. I think the dispatcher was on some good stuff today, because I had to wait 40 minutes for an N31/32 this afternoon while the N6s and N15s kept rolling in... After getting stuck in a crowded NG CNG on the N16 in the NCC parking lot for 10 minutes, three packed N16s in a row (one in front of me that got stuck in traffic, the NG I was on, and another one to Baldwin that came after) had to flag the Social Service building stop. I was just glad no one had to get off in between Clinton Road and Oak Street. At the Transit Center, the bus operator was at least kind enough to unlock the rear doors. I ran to the other side of the terminal, where the 31/32 bays are, and waited. An N32 is supposed to roll in every 20 minutes starting at 2:00 (2:12, 2:32, 2:52, etc.), then every 10 minutes starting at 3:32, and I was waiting for the 4:32 bus. Quarter to five, two Orion V CNGs, an N31 and 32, come up from Far Rockaway and finish their runs. A third one rolls in but the bus goes out of service and the operator leaves for the garage. When the bus operators come back in, both of them sign up their buses for their respective routes back down to Far Rock and I get on the N32. This drunk/drug-addict looking guy getting off looks at the back of the bus and waves, saying, "Have a good day, everyone, and remember, GO JETS! J-E-T-S!" And then he gets off, and I see a Simply Orange bottle with orange juice and some liquor mixed in it. When he touched hte last step, I yelled, "THE JETS SUCK!" and the guy gets all pissed. Before he could get back on, the bus operator shut the doors on him and he put the bus in reverse. I'd love to see Veolia try to keep this up for just a year.
  5. Time for multiple thoughts in a single post again: The arrows in the PATH logo form a "P." In the right arrow is NY, and the left is NJ. When I realized this, I just sat for about a minute, dumbfounded. Every ****ing day, AccuWeather reports "75% chance of thunderstorms." Those were supposed to happen today; I left Nassau at 12:00 PM and it was about 78 degrees Fahrenheit out with the sun shining. And then when it's sunny other days, a pop-up storm appears and it rains for an hour straight. Now I'm too tired to post. Maybe I'll have more tomorrow.
  6. If I have my headphones on, it's for a reason. I don't have any outlet for when I feel like utter crap, so instead I let the music play so that I can feel some other emotions. I do pause my music or even take my headphones off if I feel that someone wants to talk to me. On the other hand, imagine if I could channel all this negative ---- into something awesome...
  7. Earlier Friday (when I made the post about the N32) I got out of Precalculus and walked to the Endo Blvd/Library bus stop. I saw no bus come in from the intersection, but when I got out of the tunnel I saw an Orion V sitting there. I started running but saw that there was no one in the bus, not even a bus operator. When I got to ground level I saw the LIB maintenance truck behind it and the bus operator standing by the shutoff valve (passenger side rear) on his phone while a mechanic was discussing what happened. I was going to ask, but was hesitant (after all, Brett hasn't had any better experiences; he says they're on edge, and he was right...). I waited for an N16 or anything to Hempstead and one going to the mall came by. While students alighted, I just stood there, walked to the back while the mechanic was reaching inside for something, and I saw an NG CNG signed up as an N16 to Hempstead. I tried to wave to the operator, but he pointed to the crosswalk in front of the Orion V. I ran past him and thought he passed me only to realize he had stopped parallel to the driver area of the Orion V. As this was only 9:30 AM, there were barely any students waiting. When he got to the gates by the College Union, the gates stayed closed for a good minute and a half. The bus operator just held the horn button down and inched closer until he gave up and radioed the garage, explaining that he was at the gates and that he wouldn't move, until finally they opened and he went, "Oh, never mind."
  8. Some idiot on the N32 thought it was a good idea to annoy the entire bus (Orion V) with his Blackberry. The bus operator said "No radio playing" at first, but no one could hear him over the engine because the A/C compressor had just turned on. He was at a stop, so he opened the door for the woman waiting and while she was paying her fare, the man's phone went off again. He put the brakes on and got out of his seat. The man got confrontational, claiming that "this had happened with that other dude while he was in the terminal." Even after the guy shut his phone off, he kept blabbering and yelling at the bus operator, "Drive the ****ing bus" for no reason. If he kept it going like that, it meant that he was butthurt. And then I had to walk home instead of taking the N25. When I got off the 32, there was no N25. I waited for 4 minutes before an NG CNG came barreling down the road on the other side. Rather than wait for it to loop back around, I started walking. Midway through the walk it came back around, but I already decided to walk home.
  9. Damn it, I always had that "multiple thoughts in a single post" idea, but I keep thinking it'll be too much... I love it when I end up tired at 10:00, only to not be able to sleep until 3:00 AM. I know buses are supposed to stick to the speed limit, but that comes at the cost of time... on the other hand, I've had bus operators that drive the underpowered Orion V CNGs like they would their car.... way too damn fast. Perhaps if they could stay at 30 at least for longer, it would be nice. I've never been on a bus during a storm. I've been on plenty of car rides through them, but never a bus or train... LIRR trains would probably be FUBAR by the storms, anyway.
  10. I love it when people act offended when they're called out on being riders. Not talking transit riders.
  11. N23 sign reading is N23 Manorhaven Orchard Beach Bl. Don't know what streets it flashes after...

  12. It's not a bike ride without almost getting rammed by a mail truck.
  13. I hope that McDonald's by the N43 stop by Hempstead Turnpike is open. God forbid I get the munchies on the way back home...
  14. I was a loner in the days of the N64; I had a PSX. That gray box lasted me so many years.... but an adjustment to the PSX, shall I say, caused it to stop working. The slimmer PSone took its place in 2000 but then the spindle stopped working... emulators just aren't the same. I don't have many games for my now 19 year old SNES, and if I do beat what I have now, it'll probably delete my saves when I take the cartridge out.
  15. RokuSix posted here a lot in the past, from what I can gather. I've been lurking and posting on forums for about 10 years now. Believe me, if a female starts posting like crazy on a forum, it never ends well.
  16. I knew that, I was referring to how he "lifted" his truck with those suspension mods. I group them with the "deficient below the waist" group, and I'm not talking about their legs. I can't load the "What Song Are You Listening To" thread or else anything with Flash (i.e. YouTube videos) will just derp and crash.
  17. Serves him right for driving a pickup truck and doing that stupid "lifting" thing to it.
  18. As long as they don't ride like the M7, I'm good. That annoying noisy propulsion could be done away with, too. At least something from Siemens or even better, a quiet propulsion like they have on the M3s.
  19. Ask Vittorio (via garibaldi) about the Verizon thing. He uses it all the time.
  20. I haven't had fast food in so long. Cravings for Taco Bell and Wendy's can't be good.
  21. I'm all for comically mistyped posts, but even I have my limits.
  22. I used to pass by Coney Island Yard once a week, back when the R40s and R42s were still in service. I never knew that it was even a subway shop until last year, but now when I go over that bridge and under Neptune Av on the , I look to the right and see nothing but a sea of silver bland NTTs.
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