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Everything posted by Xentor

  1. What's worse is social media. I wonder if TA workers are increasingly becoming social media addicts and taking to Facebook/Twitter all sorts of TA incidents, nags or peeves.
  2. MTA should also provide lung protection, maybe at the very least they should provide construction masks. This is not worth ignoring. Of course as usual big employers can give a rat's ass about anyone's health.
  3. Speaking of jumpers, An SA I know once told me about TO friend of his who once nailed a jumper dead less than a quarter lenght of the station when his train was pulling in to a brooklyn station. He was under a short investigation for a little while but all the meanwhile the MTA and police treated him as if he was some sort of murderer. They were trying to figure out whether or not he had enough time to adjust. I guess they think some TO's pull in with the intention of actually killing someone. This was back in the late 80's, I wonder what the SOP is on motormen that wallop jumpers. Short voluntary suspension/leave?
  4. You should have said "hey I'm just thrilled to be here" in that case you would have reminded people of Will "the thrill" Clark. On another note, does anyone actually miss their old job? I know I would definitely miss mine a little. The pay isn't great, but I don't have to be on my toes in a dark tunnel working odd hours each and everyday.
  5. Oh aha! yeah that will fix that problem in no time. Next!
  6. A few more of these and pulling in slowly into subway stations as the Union ignorantly suggests is gonna start sounding sweet to MTA brass.
  7. An EKG or an electrocardiogram is a test that measures heart activity, mostly to check the electrical impulses of your heart.The test itself is usually under 3 minutes. Now waiting around for the doctors to call you and then waiting for them to hook up a bunch of leads all over you and possibly calibrating the machines and then waiting around for the results could take a bit of time that likely varies by patient. It doesn't matter how long it takes, just schedule to be off work for good that day or at least 5 hours.
  8. No one's talking about anyone being clipped as RTOMan likes to say. Is everyone in this class looking smooth? Anyone heard of someone being terminated yet? Or how about probationary C/O's?
  9. That's great. Friendliness trumps almost everything. It keeps some of the pressure off and allows you to concentrate and ask good questions if you have any.
  10. Lack of OT?, I though the positive side of this job was being able to take actual weekends off consistently.
  11. Well that sucks because I'm not getting any younger.
  12. You say "must be critiqued"? These days that word is mostly used in a negative sense. People are going to think you are looking to detrimentally review or analyze them regardless of the quality of their performance.
  13. HAHA! Maybe back when you joined Transit there weren't as many resources or a community you could tap into. All you had was a chair, a book and pounding patience. I get what you're saying though. Not only that but you probably had yourself a job somewhere keeping busy. People these days are working a lot of part-time gigs with bachelor degrees going nowhere. MTA offers somewhat strong job security and benefits one can live on. It's also a lot of fun reading up on all these things.
  14. Ok, now this is starting to sounds a bit more normal.
  15. O I firmly believe and trust these opinions as actual fact almost. Transit doesn't look to be effing around much with screw-ups from my point of view. It's just that everywhere I go I'm constantly bumping into people that don't know what they are supposed to know, people that don't take their work seriously or proudly, people that waste time, people that quickly brush you aside.. etc. Whether it's behind a desk, at a store or over the phone service has slowly declined with no end in sight and this is supposed to be a service economy. So as you can see I'm just not used to it.
  16. I can't tell if these TSS's each and every one of them are incredibly remarkable or these tasks are insanely mundane. Seems like everyone loves their TSS.
  17. Any reason why these schoolcar classes are being split into groups of ten? They used to be larger with 20 person groups.
  18. Seems alot of the things you guys do on schoolcar and on the road is very hands on and sensitive. With that said, are there things one can begin to familiarize themselves with before starting schoolcar that would help? Signals maybe? But since alot of it maybe outdated or redefined once training begins it's not too relevant. Maybe a few warnings or things you may have found out on your own? Thanks.
  19. Hhmm this thread is most definately at least in the top ten for me since joining the forum. Hugely insightful for anyone waiting in the wings and possibly even current employees. I suggest anyone tuning in from the last page and comment go back and read the entire thread from the very START, lots of good comments here. Aspartame, the main sweetener in just about ALL diet or low calorie drinks HAS been linked to several neurological deseases, memory loss, makes you CRAVE even more carbohydrates thus making it harder to control diabetes, and thats only among other things. So stay away from diet soda and try to drink purified water if your'e looking to pass a medical with no fuss.Tap water/Soda is heavily laced with fluoride, another nurological toxin used by nazis to dum their camp victims down and now it's delibrately fed to people in their tap water to supposedly keep cavities in check, which is BS of course. There are lists of purified water all over the web that contain low doses or no aspartame in them at all. Purified water filters all the minerals in the water your body needs, so a mineral supplement is not a bad idea to drink. I don't mean to hijack the thread with this stuff but since Donald (an admitted diabetic) thought it was perfectly Ok to pal around with a 2 liter diet soda and a giant bag full of food everyday (diet soda and lots of food go hand in hand), I couldnt help but to mention it.
  20. A guy on this forum posts... "They'll really let any ol' idiot have a video camera these days." Right because a long time ago and in a far away place they used to give would-be camera owners a background check, a credit check, a vision exam and of course your typical psych evaluation and even a 100 question multiple choice test before handing you a license to handle one of these devices. Plus, every couple of years you had to pay to renew your license and turn in a 600 word essay stating why you are still camera worthy. After the evaluation if you were still not found capable of pointing the camera at any object and recording it, the AAOBACH (that' American Association of Bitch-Ass Camera Handlers, pronounced "eeii-oh-bak") would revoke your license and still keep your money. :::mumbles::: ****** moron...
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