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Which Is Your Favorite Windows Logo?


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Hey I used free DIAL UP (33.6) and NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR back then pal. Back when dial up internet could be had for free if ya knew where to look and it was totally legal.

dang you, AOL wasn't even free :)


Before obnoxious "pop under" ads as well as those damn things that expand when you accidentally mouse over them...and before people talking like a-holes by skipping vowels and using punctuation badly...back when to talk on AIM (and by AIM I mean AIM 95) you didn't have to capitalize but you had to spell most of your words correctly and only basic abbreviations (LOL, LMAO, ROFL, TTYL, G2G, 1's, etc.) were accepted instead of now where it seems like anything goes. Back when random chicks would just message you cuz they were bored somewhere out in the midwest and no one was paranoid about 50 year old pedofiles.

I hate that textspeak crap. I can't understand what people say on the Internet these days. As you see, I still believe in proper English and proper spelling. :)

Ads can go screw themselves where the sun don't shine. I hate all advertisements, especially those rollover ones that have audio. I DON'T CARE IF I WON TWO FREAKING IPOD NANOS! GET OFF MY SCREEN!



Before Facebook. Before your emails and your job and your social networking wanted to follow you on your mobile phone. Before Twitter, before attention whores, before idiotic comments were allowed on news articles. Before Youtube, before every jacka** had a mobile phone taking crappy pics and video of things and posting them online getting themselves and others in trouble for no good reason.

Facebook can go screw itself. I hate all these phones with that Facecrap/Mycrap/Twitshit stuff integrated. Attention whores, some of the most annoying people on the planet *ahem Hollywood stars*. Before YouTube, we had this thing called a Television. I miss the old T.V. Hey, am I a jacka**? I have a cellphone :). I hate freaking cellphone photos/videos. They are some of the worst quality photos/videos in the world. Another thing I hate about cellphones: People who think they have to take an angled photo of themselves every five minutes holding a damn cellphone in the air. Last part: *ahem (someone here who made a thread on a person smoking)*


Back when half the games you bought for your Windows computer still required you to go into DOS just to use them.

The good old text interface B)


to start WindowsC:\>win.com



Back when Windows gaming mostly consisted of the Microsoft Entertainment Pack with such classics as Chip's Challenge, Jezzball and Fuji golf haha. When the start menu wasn't a clusterf***, when Sound Recorder could be used to jack music, but when that wasn't even necessary cuz you could just download songs direct off the web from MP3zone or gnutella by Right Clicking and hitting save as, and you didn't even need Napster yet.


oh man, Chip's Challenge. That game was so fun. And Jezzball, that game was good too. The start menu was no clusterf*** because Windows fit onto 6 floppy disks. (Unlike Shitsta and Windows 7). When downloading stuff was mostly safe, not like today, where your computer gets raped by viruses every 5 minutes.


So yeah I prefer the old one...cuz it takes me back to when life was simper and you didn't text or Facebook your friends, you picked up the phone and called them to hang out, and if you said you'd be there at 1130, you were there at 1130, you didn't text them at 1125 to tell them you were running late.


Thank you! All this texting is overrated and I just plain hate Facebook.




ranting done B)

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