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A day in the life of a bus (new york city buses)


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I see the buses pass by my window every day and was wodnering if any of you know what is a day in the life of a bus like? i was thinking about the M1 route.


Is there a way to know how many buses there are for that route?

Where do they sleep?

Do they wash the buses everyday?

Who washes them? Where?

How many have weekends day off?

Do drivers drive the the same unit every shift?

What is the speed limit?

How many stops can it make?


I am looking into making a story the bus and its lifecycle. I would be very grateful for any advice I could get.


thanks a lot

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Okay. I think I can help you with a few of these:

1) You can find out how many runs there are on a route per day by finding the last bus of the day and reading the number in the windshield. That would be close to the number of buses per day, but one bus will have multiple drivers and runs per day.

2) Buses "sleep" in their respective depot throughout the city. For instance, the M1 is housed in Amsterdam Depot in Upper Manhattan.

3) I don't believe they wash them every day.

4) They are washed at the depot, I believe in bus washers inside the depot (confirm?)

5) The TA uses a decent % less drivers on weekends due to less runs.

6) No, they don't. They can end up using any bus out of their depot. (With some exceptions)

7) Well, 30 because that's the NYC local street speed limit, but depending on if a bus is "governed", it can go slower or faster during highway portions.

8) As many as it has to.



There is a chart on some of this information in the NYC Transit Museum in Downtown Brooklyn, logging a day in the life of an RTS on the M66 route.

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Thank you a lot.


I looked at the links you sent me. the day in the life was great. the bus talk did not seem to download correctly so I could not watch it.


9) Do you know if the depots are all roof covered?


10) Do the washing machines still operate as in the pictures?

11) how do you figure out which routes go to each depot?

12) So for instance, the buses I see Today doing the M1 route might be doing a Queens route tomorrow? or do they stick to the the routes in their depot? (the second questions seems more possble)


Again thanks a lot for real.



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9) Many bus depots has a lot outside for some buses to park while others go under a roof to be maintained

10) ??? I don't know

11)http://www.ttmg.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=MTA_Regional_Bus_Operations_Depot_RosterClick the blue space on the left

12) All buses stick to their depot routes unless if they are sent to other depots which happens very often

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