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"Pilot Program Replaces MetroCard Swipe With Credit Card Tap"

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So why not schedule an automatic payment 5 days after the bill comes in the mail every month ?

This should give you enough time to look at it and not to worry about paying it


How about no?

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I don't like the idea of "automatic" at all and lots here don't either. When there is a mistake, I'd rather be the one holding the money when I have it out with those slimy bastards on the phone to get it fixed. I'd rather NOT be asking for my money back.


I usually get my bill on 15th of every month, i have automatic payment set for 25th of every month, so i have 10 days to look at the bill and adjust the payment if necessary.

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I usually get my bill on 15th of every month, i have automatic payment set for 25th of every month, so i have 10 days to look at the bill and adjust the payment if necessary.


Sometimes disputes take longer than that to resolve (such as if the company has to conduct an investigation). I prefer to have THEM explain to me why they think they deserve my money instead of trying to CONVINCE them to give me my money BACK when they've billed me something unfair. Whenever automatic withdrawal is involved, that "upper hand" in negotiations is lost. You'd be surprised what credit card companies will do for you if you give them a hard time AND you have the money they want when you fight the issue. They really, really don't want to lose customers with good ratings, and if push comes to shove, they really don't want to wind up in any court - even if it's small claims - against someone with very good credit history because they know they'll lose most times.

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