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The only thing about ESPN that they like about the Yankees is the ratings. They were hoping for big ratings with those Boston-Yankees games. I do thank the Rays for making the final series in Fenway basically meaningless. Ha! Showed them for trying to milk that rivalry.




Exactly. There is TOO MUCH love for the Red Sox on ESPN. Its amazing how fast their coverage of MLB drops way off if the Red Sox are out of it. And now with no east coast teams in the WS this year, ESPN probably won't give it the time of day.

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Exactly. There is TOO MUCH love for the Red Sox on ESPN. Its amazing how fast their coverage of MLB drops way off if the Red Sox are out of it. And now with no east coast teams in the WS this year, ESPN probably won't give it the time of day.


Not sure if it's a factor, ESPN main studios is located in Bristol, Ct.(just outside Hartford)which is located in middle of "Red Sox Nation."


So basically for ESPN, the MLB season is now over and College/NFL season is the main focus. Not to mention their favorite current NBA player Lebron season debuts this week.:eek:

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Not sure if it's a factor, ESPN main studios is located in Bristol, Ct.(just outside Hartford) which is located in middle of "Red Sox Nation."


So basically for ESPN, the MLB season is now over and College/NFL season is the main focus. Not to mention their favorite current NBA player Lebron season debuts this week.:eek:


part in bold isn't entirely true, bro...


"Red Sox Nation" are most notably, a bunch of (fans of other teams that are also) Yankee haters that banded together & started rooting for the Red Sox b/c they're the Yankees "rival".... the term itself term was coined back in 04; the same year the Red Sox came back from a 3-0 series deficit against the Yankees, and ended up beating the Cardinals to become world champions....


It eventually grew to the point where a good portion of true Red Sox fans became a part of Red Sox nation, to show the world how much disdain they have for the yankees....


Notice you only hear about Red Sox nation, whenever *something* about the Yankees is being mentioned.... The strongest example of this, is... There being NO mention whatsoever of red sox nation when they beat any of the other 28 teams in baseball....


The way you use it in that statement there... felt like I had to mention that there's a subtle difference b/w Red Sox Nation & (true) Boston Red Sox fans....


being a Yankee fan, this is ever so apparent.... People that are simply fans of the Red Sox, I don't particularly care for, but I don't mind... people that associate with red sox nation, I can't stand at all... These are people that hate the Yankees, simply for the sake of doing so...


It's what you call, having a hive mentality.



Anyway, yes, it is VERY noticable that ESPN has a strong bias for the Red Sox... so much so that I no longer watch Red Sox/Yankee games on ESPN... the amount of stanning that takes places during the commentating, is disgusting....

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to bring back old topic. What a terrible job by ESPN with their sportscenter last night (Sunday 12/19/10)in their choice for lead story on their 7pm show.


Univ. of Conn. woman's basketball club tied John Wooden's UCLA men's teams for longest winning streak in history of college sports. Kudos and great job to the Univ. of Conn. Ladies on arguably one of the most impressive streak in history of sports.


However my grip is at ESPN for what i feel is becoming so politically correct and selffish, it's not even funny anymore. The historic comeback by the Eagles vs. Giants ("Miracle at Meadowlands 2010)also occurred a couple of hours earlier and was not reported until about 10 minutes later.:tdown:


I bet if the Giants/Eagles game was shown on ESPN, they would have spent most of the 7pm show on it. ESPN is the TV home for "College Woman's Basketball" and wow it's get so much publicty on the last couple of weeks of the regular season.


My grip also is that UCONN done this streak in an early season game. Not to mention trying to compare this to other streaks in sports history with almost all of them done by men?:mad:


Also during the world series recently, ESPN provided little or no coverage of the Giants/Rangers match-up as well.

Yet during the time of the 2010 WS, they shoved college football down out throats on Sportscenter, so much Cam Newton was a household name by time he won the heisman.


ESPN has become a joke. I wish there was another national sports channel so I can dump sportscenter.:tdown::mad:

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There are only two things that suck more than college sports...college women's sports, and high school sports.


I still can't believe people pay money to watch amateur hour. And I can't believe people waste their time tuning in to listen to people talk about amateur hour.

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