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Health survey gives government its first large-scale data on gay, bisexual population


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By Sandhya Somashekhar July 15

Less than 3 percent of the U.S. population identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Tuesday in the first large-scale government survey measuring Americans’ sexual orientation.

The National Health Interview Survey, which is the government’s premier tool for annually assessing Americans’ health and behaviors, found that 1.6 percent of adults self-identify as gay or lesbian, and 0.7 percent consider themselves bisexual.

The overwhelming majority of adults, 96.6 percent, labeled themselves as straight in the 2013 survey. An additional 1.1 percent declined to answer, responded “I don’t know the answer” or said they were “something else.”

The figures offered a slightly smaller assessment of the size of the gay, lesbian and bisexual population than other surveys, which have pegged the overall proportion at closer to 3.5 or 4 percent. In particular, the estimate for bisexuals was lower than in some other surveys.

The inclusion of the sexual-orientation question in an influential survey used to guide government funding and research decisions was viewed as a major victory for the gay community, which has struggled with a dearth of data about its special health needs.

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What this means is that only 1.6% of the US population identifies themselves as gay or lesbian, only 0.7% bisexual as compared to an overwhelming 96.6% of men and women who identifies themselves as heterosexual.

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What this means is that only 1.6% of the US population identifies themselves as gay or lesbian, only 0.7% bisexual as compared to an overwhelming 96.6% of men and women who identifies themselves as heterosexual.

LMAO... Please... When I was growing up it was quite taboo to be gay... The first openly gay person I met was this chick in high school and I have to admit that I treated her as some sort of anomaly since I parents always told me what a big no no that was, but she turned out to be fine.  She was cute actually, just a bit of a tom boy lol.  I'd be willing to wage a bet that there are A LOT of in the closet gay or bisexual people.  We've even seen evidence of this in the past on this website... Of people that I know, I know of a lesbian couple that is married that I knew from college, but there quite a few others that I know casually or as good friends that may be gay but wouldn't dare say so. When I lived in Italy, that's when I would say that as a straight male, I became exposed to how folks actually live.  Italy is extremely homophobic (or at least that's the picture it puts up anyway), but it was there that I saw a couple holding hands and there that I was hit on by quite a few men, which had never happened before and I didn't even realize it a few times, but thinking back I realize that was the case.  Since I've come back to the city, I feel as if I notice it more.  People aren't necessarily in your face so to speak but at least now I can sort of tell if I'm being hit on by a gay person.  Only a few would say so directly, probably for fear of getting a beat down (lol) but the overly friendly types usually give me a hint.


I'll add this... All of the countries that claim to be so homophobic and "macho", there's a reason why.... Because those populations of people have LOTS of in the closet gay people... I would say Italy, Spain, Latin America and the Caribbean all fit this criteria... lol  I've also seen a lot of gays here in Riverdale.  No flamboyant types, but they're here... There's a interracial gay couple that gets on my express bus here and there.  Haven't saw them in a while (they may have moved) but it was very obvious that they were a middle aged gay couple. lol

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I've been hit on by homosexuals before and in some instances can be quite bold in their approach while others are more reserved. I just kindly tell them I'm strongly heterosexual. I dont speak disparagingly of those living an alternative lifestyle. I don't wish to embarrass them further because I rejected such individuals. I try to be cool about it. I like Asian kittens...


I guess I'll dare to say this a a monkey in the wrench with my more conservative view gender issues and its the truth: It seems that men who are straight are at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the law. More men have their financial lives ruined by divorces, child custody battles and such. Advocates in the feminist movement claims that more men by a huge margin are the perpetrators in battery cases distorting facts. When in reality its really the opposite. I believe 40% of spouses who are charged with battery are women, not men. Many of the child molesters are women, not men. But the media sensationalizes everything to make the everyday law abiding man to be agressors when in reality they are not.

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Many of the child molesters are women, not men. But the media sensationalizes everything to make the everyday law abiding man to be agressors when in reality they are not.

I believe Bill Clinton was recently said to have been molested by a woman as a child, hence his adulthood behavior…

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