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Jamaica Line

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Everything posted by Jamaica Line

  1. Anybody notice that the so called "hipsters" are moving more South into Brooklyn (Flatbush)? Lately whenever I visit my mother, many times more than half the people waiting on the Chruch Ave platform on the Brighton are young, trendy looking folks. I see more of them whenever I walk down Church Ave, thou usually up to Flatbush Ave.
  2. I definitely couldn't stay in the subway that long. Especially knowing that I'm inhaling all that steel dust. The most time I've ever spent in the subway had to be no more than three hours. When I try to kill time via the subway, I usually get off at random stops in Manhattan to check out different stores and such. The other day I got off at W. 4th St. Just around the corner was a pizza shop selling one slice for a dollar. Lets just say I'll definitely take a second visit to that spot. :cool:
  3. Thanks. Even thou he'd let go of the master controller, he still did have his hand lightly over it. Guess you never know where a TSS might be. It doesn't bother me whenever T/Os do so, except when I'm standing during rush hour, clinging on to the gap in the A/C shaft. I don't want to hear some loud mouth mouthing me off if I were to accidentally bump into her. :eek:
  4. You got a point. From all the years of riding the , that was my second encounter with a t/o who ran those timers. One thing I noticed as he was braking was that he'd let go of the power handle for a few secs and applied pressure to it again. What does that do? Apply more braking power? Hope I'm not bugging you with all these questions...
  5. Only in Brooklyn (Bed-Stuy that is):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvUP8mfOiWo Dude has skills.
  6. As I was heading to Golden Krust in the Metro Tech area (got me some oxtail with rice and peas), I was lucky enough to catch a t/o with the cab door open. He ran the timers between Rockaway and Utica n/b - blowing into Ralph at 40 mph. Thou one thing that really got to me was when he came into Nostrand. Coming in at around 35 mph, he didn't brake until half the train was in the station. Now most operators brake early or at most two cars into Nostrand. Dude made it look easy.
  7. Just enjoyed watching one of your old vids:

    Brought back some good memories of me heading to CI on those warm summer days, prior to the Brighton rehab.
  8. How fast can one come into Sheepshead Bay n/b? I've always said to myself: If the MTA wanted to test out the coil springs on a set, run the set between Brighton Beach and Sheepshead Bay n/b. The cars start to bounce dramatically and weird but unique sounds can be heard from the trucks. Has to be one of my favorite runs in the system.
  9. How fast can one come into Sheepshead Bay n/b? I've always said to myself: If the MTA wanted to test out the coil springs on a set, run the set between Brighton Beach and Sheepshead Bay n/b. The cars start to bounce dramatically and weird but unique sounds can be heard from the trucks. Has to be one of my favorite runs in the system.
  10. As I'm viewing your photostream on Flickr, I'm wondering why'd you never posted some of these here on the forums. Too much of a hassle? These photos are really good. You got some real artistic flow. Also, I see you were born in March, same here - March 12. Pisces huh, I guess that narrow-minded mentality you seem to portray here is a front. ;)

  11. If you really knew the secret behind music these days, you'll know exactly what they're talking about or referring to. Stop hearing and listen.
  12. As I was heading to McDonald's, the tearing through that curve south of Woodhaven Blvd just got to me - sick track sound patterns and flange sounds. It's a whole different experience hearing and viewing trains run by as you're walking under an El. I've walked under numerous Els for miles on end, and certain vibes you get as your walking under an El, you just don't get as you're in the train overhead. Whether they're different sounds that cannot be heard as you're in the train or simply just seeing it from a different perspective. Photos of trains would be much more interesting if they were captured from the street below.
  13. Thought these were really interesting: Hmmm...would that m/m be so proud to stand next to a 160? These cars looked much better in their original appearance IMO. Thou do to safety reasons, the wooden bodies were replaced with steel. View more of these "real trains" here.
  14. Rode the Lo-V for the first time tonight. It was pretty cool seeing otherwise grumpy looking NYers with a smile on their face as the train passed by. Pretty much the same as the R1s/9s, thou not as bouncy which I really like.
  15. I definitly wouldn't mind viewing this on the subway. This guy is sick! The action takes place from 3:18 'till the end of the video (he gets sicker as he goes on). I never gave a few bucks to subway entertainers but I wouldn't hesitate to give this guy a few.
  16. Does anyone has MSTS? I'm willing to buy it. Just list down your desired price and maybe we can make some arrangements. Old simulator but I love it.
  17. Dude's crazy. I have a friend who did this once, thou he's a bit chubby. Luckily he's still here today.
  18. Yesterday I saw a really young brotha operating a . Had to be no more than 25. Hopefully I'll be that young once I become a t/o. :cool:
  19. Does anybody know the arrival times for the Low-V? Don't think I'll be waiting anymore than 10-15 mins for the ride.
  20. I guess doing it also gave them a rush-jumping onto tracks, the risk of getting caught by police, etc. As for asking the MTA for such, I doubt the MTA would agree.
  21. From their perspective, why put it on a wall with a few passers by here and there when their artwork can travel and be seen throughout the city by thousands of people almost everyday.
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