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Orion VII 4 Life

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Everything posted by Orion VII 4 Life

  1. Knew it. Every time it's the "last day" it's back out the next.
  2. Makes no sense if they expire today (if that's what you're getting at), it wouldn't have ran today if they did. They would have to get it out of service and to Eastchester by the end of the day.
  3. Every time someone says it's the last day they keep running. Wait till tomorrow before you jump to conclusions...
  4. I hate to sound like a certain "jabroni" on here but paying over $10 to sit on a city bus for over an hour isn't right. Yes it's public transit and it'd be better for everyone if people could realize that and just ride what shows up without complaining, but that's just not how it works here. We don't need to piss off the Route 9 commuters and put more cars on the road to NY during rush hour.
  5. No recline, quite a few of them aren't as tall as the rest of them. I'd be 100% against anything other than MCIs (or another equally reliable and comfortable over the road coach) on the 139.
  6. The Coach RTSes are still going strong, 1103 is on the EWR Express.
  7. You could get some people in some real trouble saying that and you know it.
  8. I would really delete that post if I was you right now. You know exactly who reads this site...
  9. The fleets between JFK/FR are constantly interchanged, which is why a good portion of the FR fleet now has JFK stickers and are getting them after repaints. FR is becoming once again basically an annex of JFK, it runs as its own depot for the most part yes but its buses are JFKs and can be running in FR 1 day then at JFK the next or the other way around (example 3563 was on the Q60 the other week, ran the Q35 today). Anyway most of JFK's RTSes have been running for FR as of late but JFK is losing a lot of them now the Q10 is all artic.
  10. I love how Fairview (the only depot in the state with a TWU union) can share routes with the other ATU depots, but with MTA Bus they can't move any routes between the 2 unions or even between the same ATU local.
  11. They don't have the Clever Devices or they'd show up on other routes aleeady. I don't think it will exclusively run RTSes either.
  12. Um, the AE buses aren't and never were owned by the city/state of NY. They aren't like the state buses in NJ and now that Academy owns them they can do whatever they want with them.
  13. 2 read errors in 1 day... don't get me wrong a free ride on the express bus is nice but I know there's drivers out there that aren't so nice about it. Don't know what's going on with my Metro all of a sudden.
  14. Don't matter. Weekends got plenty of beach crowds
  15. They were all on his bus last Friday and he had 224. Decided to check it out for myself since I was doing something down by Beach 116 anyways, the whole crew was still there. Kinda sad that's the only thing they do on a Friday night, even with the O5s they've literally been on those buses thousands of times...
  16. We're just defending our hobby. This isn't HS, we're not f*cking up random people over the smallest sh*t. These guys are f*cking with us and our hobby. And yeah, for real if anyone wants to actually organize some confrontations, hit me up. I'll get people together, you get people together, and we sit down and chat with these guys. We should not be afraid to defend ourselves in person. Word. We should let the police take action on their own and let them do their investigations without interference by us, and we should deal with them in person ourselves as well.
  17. No one ever said put them in the hospital... and if they call in the cops they're lowering themselves to "our levels" so I think that's a good reason for them not to. Not to mention the crap they'd get in their personal lives for losing to "a bunch of train nerds" if they went and told people about it.
  18. Been said already. Time for some face to face real life confrontations.
  19. Never mixed you in with them bro, sorry about the misunderstanding there. And exactly, we need to fight for real for our name, rep, hobby and all that. The foamers ruin all 3, and it's time we change the way we deal with them. Think about it, not only would we teach the foamers a lesson but there's that vibe out there with a lot of "normal" people (especially kids) that railfans are no-lifers, pussies, nerds, and so on. I think if we actually did some kind of confrontation we'd help ourselves look better and tougher to the rest of the city, and maybe get the hobby some more popularity. LMAO I was joking.
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