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Everything posted by CDTA

  1. Extended to Avenue M running two single tracked trains via local. Terminates at Prospect Parkway. Terminates at 18th Ave assuming it can use those switches and tracks. If not terminate at Ditmas Ave. Suspended Extra Service Extra Service. Select trains will use the local track in-station only at 36th St. Terminates at the downtown express track at 36th St. Select trains will use the local track in-station only.
  2. Next: Due to new switches being installed the following areas are impassible: 14th St - Lafayette St 14th St - Grand St 14th St - Bergen St 14th St - Bway-Lafayette Canal St - Atlantic-Pacific Bergen - Fulton In addition due to work being done on 7th Ave station, the are impassable at 7th Ave is fine along with Also, due to the extension of the no trains can terminate at 207th St. And for one last item, the can not travel via Sea Beach because of the overhaul of that line. The same applies with the and along 42nd St.
  3. Yeah, my teacher Ms. Barrett once saw a homeless guy, went to the Burger King across the street, got him a value meal, and when she gave it to him, he threw it out. And I have to agree with you VG8. There was this one guy on the 1, and he played his flute(?), and he was a really funny guy, and just said, "Well i'm not good enough to get into an orchestra so i'm pretty much broke" and he played through stops. Nobody gave him any money. I saw him again on the way back and he said "Oh no it's bad luck to see the same person twice". But then he said "You know what, I can't afford to just skip this car." I gave him a quarter or two then, because I could tell he was obviously working hard, and there was just something about him that made me think he needed the money. He ended up getting $45 in that car. (He was only there for two stops. So much for bad luck amirite) And I normally don't give money to homeless people, but I did a few times at TS and GCT. There was this one guy who could barely move. (If he could at all, he was missing a few limbs too) who just sat at the end of the escalators of GCT with a cup day after day. His cup was always empty. Eventually I gave him a few cents. because I felt really bad for him. Then I was at TS, and I saw him there too, except now he had a sign that said something along the lines of "I am one of god's children, please don't turn me away." And I gave him money again, because he had that thing that said "This person really needs it." When I put the money in (it was a paper cup) I saw it was empty still. Also VG8 regarding your original story, if it was that bad, he could've used the money he already had for Metro-North, and then take the 6>S>1 and then use the free transfer for the Bx7. But nevertheless...
  4. Lol, looks like the MTA knows how valuable these signs are to some people. A 34th St sign with the and a TS sign with the and are selling for $2500 each.
  5. One last scenario anyone? Due to new switches being installed the following areas are impassible: 14th St - Lafayette St 14th St - Grand St 14th St - Bergen St 14th St - Bway-Lafayette Canal St - Atlantic-Pacific Bergen - Fulton In addition due to work being done on 7th Ave station, the are impassable at 7th Ave is fine Also, due to the extension of the no trains can terminate at 207th St.
  6. This one guy in Jamaica asked me for $9.00 for his LIRR ticket! Fat chance! And on this note; when I was busfanning the other night somebody asked me if they could use my phone. I just said the usual "I don't have one" (in hindsight I should've used the It's dead excuse, but nevertheless) because there's no way in hell i'm giving someone my phone at 10PM at the bus stop. But wait: IT GETS BETTER! When I was busfanning in Troy (For a minute I forgot why I don't go up there) somebody asked me if I had $2.00 for the bus even tough it's only $1.50. _______________________________________________________________ For a minute I forgot why I don't go up to Troy....... And also; what a YouTube comment. NOT TO BE A STUPID IDIOT..BUT WATCH MY GOYTE SOMEPONY THAT I USED TO KNOW FREESTYLE IT WILL RAPE YOUR BRAIN. COMMENT AND THUMBS UP AND I WILL GLADLY RETURN THE FAVOR AND HELP YOU OUT AS WELL. WE ARE ALL JUST TRYING TO MAKE IT IN AMAREICA. PLEASE HELP ME AND I WILL TRY TO HELP YOU THANK YOU! CLICK MYCHANNELLLLLLLLLLL
  7. Not that i'm saying I like suicide, but it's a bit nice to have a different scenario now and then. Run an between Church Ave and CI. Terminates at lower level of Bergen St Terminates at Upper level of Bergen St Run express buses making all stops from Neptune Ave, to Lafayette (Southbound) and to 57th St (Northbound) (Southbound buses run on 7th Ave)
  8. O_o 19 guests reading this...... But anyways, yeah I talked to my old teacher about it and she said she will do anything in her power to put me in AP, so I guess I just have to hope for the best. I'm kind of staying neutral while almost everybody else is being a bitch to her, so hopefully extra points to me.
  9. Also I believe it said sh*t once in the song even tough its very inaudible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUKTgIK8DxA
  10. 42nd St. And what I meant was how often do they run extra trains? Or how often do they run late night service?
  11. How frequently does the run extra or late night service?
  12. R.I.P. Kristen Wiig.

  13. Yes, she does. The problem was tough, she told me what I was missing the day before grades close, so I found out I was missing about six assignments, and only had one day to do them, not to mention when I found this out, we were in the away game series, so I got home REALLY late. Only was able to finish one assignment. Got a 72. I will still have an 85+ average (for the year), but the teacher can still put me into a regular class. And plus as I said, as far as she's concerned I don't belong in AP, because of this, because shes only been here long enough for that, so she thinks I am a bad student. (and the first week was a horrible first impression but that's a story for another time.) And as I said she head only been there for a few weeks, so I thought she could handle it.
  14. Man I was just about to say that....
  15. I don't have anything against anybody here, but i'm kind of glad ThrexxBus left for the sake of this thread and for him and trainguy. Next: Due to a Daft Punk concert at MSG, the 7th ave line and 8th ave line (Local and express EACH) must all have 30tph. Re-route as needed, and cut service if necessary.
  16. I'm pretty pissed that my new ELA teacher decides whether I get into AP next year. I got 90+ all quarters when my old teacher was there, (Who still works for the district, just got promoted cause shes that good) and now this new teacher who has been here a month, who not only sucks, but lost all my work, (she doesn't admit it either) gets majority say. She thinks i'm a crap student, but really it's her. (My grade would be fine (85+) if she didn't lose all my work and not tell me the day before grades close)
  17. Got the 810 to turn around for me because I was at the wrong stop today. Put the bus 20 minutes behind. (Or should I say van), And the B/O told me that I was the only person under 60 to ever ride that route while she had been driving.
  18. Next: A train goes too fast on the Bowling Green Loop and derails. At the same time, the platforms are being extended, so no trains can travel to or west of Franklin Ave. Trains CAN use the switches between Eastern Parkway and Franklin Ave.
  19. All trains run to Main St. Runs All Times From TS to 61st St. Suspended. (Duh) And have the other lines run local.
  20. Haven't really made any progress on the video of this, except the storyline is more thought out.
  21. Last ride on the NX and the last lacrosse game against Lasalle tomorrow. And my first and last ride on the 810.

  22. Next: Brooklyn IRT collapses. Trains can terminate in Lower Manhattan. The only lines that the IRT passes through that are NOT affected are the and .
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