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Everything posted by CDTA

  1. I always thought we should give SI to NJ in exchange for the rest of Ellis Island.
  2. I'm assuming you are referring to that 10% that crams it down people's throats.
  3. Exactly! It's every song she's been in AND Wubs! But yes that song certainly is something. I couldn't sleep for an extra hour last night because that song was in my head so I had to play it! But anyways: Somebody showed me the original (this version) last night, and I loved it.
  4. Where in my post did I say all of you should watch? This is a random thought thread, and that is exactly what I posted.
  5. >love and tolerance >backing off What am I missing here.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gfniCDbbzg My favorite brony song if not regular song. This is up there. You guys should really give it a listen.
  7. Well now that I have slept 18 hours to catch up on rest after Bronycon, I can finally post my thoughts on it, 1. John De Lancie is definitely coming back. He is the only person who got the crowd chanting his name, besides Lauren Faust. 2. I wish I had stayed till 2AM, seeing how there was a 3AM bus, (which apparently nopony knew) but my mom was reluctant to let me go as it is, so I had to go with somepony, and they couldn't last till 2. But maybe next time! 3. My favorite moment was actually before the convention started. When we were all waiting outside and they were playing brony music, and they were playing Pony Swag, and after Ponies, Ponies, Ponies, 1000 bronies at once shouted SWAG! Just shows you the power of the bronies. Altough, if I had to pick something actually inside the convention, it would be when we gave Lauren Faust the giant CREATE print. (Or when I brohoofed John De Lancie) 4. My favorite song played at Bronycon had to have been this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gfniCDbbzg (I brohoofed this guy afterwards.) 5. The Meadowlands SUCKED. The microphone's never worked, and they only sent a Tech guy 2 hours before the convention ended, and the light MELTED. Seriously, how often does a light literally MELT? The bathrooms and Muffins were good, but I think there's a reason why the muffins tasted good. (Hint: ) 6. The convention was the perfect length, because everypony at the end was tired enought, to be glad it wasn't another two days, but not tired enough to be like UGH I HATED THE LAST DAY, IT JUST NEVER ENDED) (@ PreRegistration Ponies) 7. Only 6 more months, Yet again, the perfect length for in between conventions. 8. I'm amazed at the amount of exclusives there. 9. Everything was $20 cheaper at the convention V.S. Online, which was very, very good. 10. I have been exposed to Dr. Adorable. And I am so happy because of that. And that's all for now.
  8. This seems appropriate seeing how John De Lancie is at BronyCon, (Discord is John De Lancie's character)and the guy who made this song is going to be at BronyCon tomorrow. P.S. I talked to John about it, and he said he liked it.
  9. John De Lancie brohoofed me. Had a nice little conversation with him about how I got there at 6:45AM before the staff! He also called me "the biggest fan there" (a few other people called me that too) for getting to Bronycon before the staff, and three hours before somepony else. And this is someone who came in from NY. (Two hours of sleep ftw) The guy a few spaces behind me drove from ALASKA. BY HIMSELF. Had a fun time with everypony there. When the meadowlands staffed arrived around 7:30, hey turned on the A/C and it scared me at first. (It was LOUD, and it made the building shake) but I got to see the whole staff set up, talk with the documentary crews, and everypony completely flipping out at 9:00. Worried i'm going to be a little late tomorrow. (The 320 doesn't get until 7:20, and registation starts at 7) But i'm NOT waking up at 4:30 (again!) just to take PATH to Hoboken, then take the local bus to the convention center. But thats what happens when your first, amirite? But anyways, I got the first badge (#1696) and then ran after that bus cause I was TIRED. Everypony cheered when I got the stepped up to the place to get the badge (because it started an hour late, and i was first in line) Can't wait for tomorrow tough! Kinda screwed tough, because Bronycon ends at 2AM, and the last bus leaves at 12:30. Ehh, worst comes to worst i'll crash with one of the guys staying at the hotels there.
  10. Finished my all night MLP:FiM marathon, and finished season 1! My thoughts on the finale: [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSntZt5IXH8[/media] 1. Best. Finale. Ever. Perfect close out to a perfect season 2. Now see, this is why I love Fluttershy 3. I just knew this was going to be the finale, and my suspicions were confirmed when they showed To Prove. My thoughts on the season/show; 1. This season isn't really that bad especially when you realize who this was targeted for. 2. I always knew Fluttershy was a beautiful singer, ever since she sang that one word in episode 3. 3. Episode 21 is my favorite. 4. Amy Keating Rodgers isn't that bad. 5. I liked the end of the season better. 6. At The Gala is hoofs down the best MLP song EVER. [media=] [/media]So glad there's still season 2 to watch, not to mention Bronycon next week! And then there are the seasons to come, including season 3 in just a few months! To all the seasons of MLP:FiM to come! To the worldwide phenomenon that is brony! To Lauren Faust for making G4 the way it is! To everyone who has worked on the show! Long live MLP:FiM!
  11. Another one of my 2AM MLP:FiM marathons. Just finished season 1!

  12. School out. Going to the city for two weeks.

  13. Terminates at Bedford Ave Terminates at Marcy Ave Operates as a shuttle Increased to 20TPH, and extended to QBL, also gets cut back to Bedford-Nostrand Via 6th Ave to Court St Via CI, Sea Beach, local Bay Ridge-36th Via Express Lexington Ave-Whitehall Rd Via Local All spares are used on all IRT Service Terminates at 2nd Ave Terminates at Delancey Via Chrystie St Franklin Ave-CI All trains run local from Utica Ave to Clinton-Wash Canal-57th Via Express Suspended In Astoria Note: There will be MAJOR fleet changes
  14. Me and another kid in my class didn't get answer sheets for the Spanish final. (SCANTRON) So the teacher said to get blank ones and write our names on them. So we did. Yesterday everyone got their grade for the Spanish final. Somebody else got a 1 on their essay even tough it was supposed to be a 20. It bought her grade on the final down to a 78. Without the error her grade is a 96. But more importantly me and the girl who didn't get answer sheets, don't have grades for the final. Not even like one part was missing, but our names aren't even on the list. Seriously what the hell? And its obvious the district saw them, because they came back with all the other tests..... Iv'e been in the same class all year, (the girl transferred into honors mid-year, but she was with the district the whole year,and we weren't on the list for any class.) Our tax dollars at work.
  15. Those AmericanBevargeAssociation ads are almost if not worse than those UMG NATRUAL GAS IS LIEK SO CLEAN WERE GOOD FOR ENVIROMENT LOOK WE HELP SAMLTOWNAMILES!!!!!!!!11111111 ads.
  16. I want to catch O5 #101. What place or route should I stake out?
  17. Field trip to Boston tomorrow.

    1. VWM


      Boston is cool. The T is even cooler.

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