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Everything posted by hmc12989

  1. Dgopes...RELAX. When they hire provisionally it's not even according to the list. You'll hear from them when you hear from them. You're going to give yourself a stroke worrying about it. Say you got called before me provisionally but you're lower on the list...and I follow a month or two later -when the list is established you're ahead when it comes to vacation accrual (especially those people who start in December...they get their 5 weeks vacation earlier because that month counts as a year) but my file number will end up higher than yours for picking jobs, etc. So therefore if someone who did worse than you gets hired provisionally - once the list is established you still end up ahead of them...so don't sweat it so much. We're all in the same boat here - waiting to hear or get processed and chomping at the bit to do it but freaking out about people getting called before you is not going to do you a bit of good.
  2. Are they training you for that customer ambassador pilot stuff or is that just the general service is jacked up because of a GO and people need help type thing that they already do?
  3. I'm in the same boat too, aside from that one girl I think that's a big fat nope, and if they want to allow people to give a proper 2 weeks notice, that ship sailed Monday...I've heard of people getting really short notice to be told to show up, so who knows, there may still be a glimmer of hope! I went for the OPA for Conductor a couple weeks ago, but sadly it was a Saturday so there was nobody around to bother about this one - for the 2nd part of the test we got herded into the room we all spent quality time in waiting for our number to be called on 10/31/ Don't forget your drug test results are good for 3 months...so it might be a bit. Looking back in this thread it seems hit or miss with them calling people back straight away for final processing or torturing them for a little while with anticipation. Maybe we'll be called for the January class! (I hope - I'm going nuts!)
  4. I think 2, maybe 3? I forget. I know people who have taken promotional medicals on Saturday so 180 Livingston, so OPA tests on Saturday doesn't seem terribly unheard of. I was getting irritated myself, and then it showed up yesterday.
  5. I don't think there's a real logic since the list isn't established yet. You got called for pre-employment, so there's that I'm in the same boat as you, waiting for final processing.
  6. I wasn't even expecting to hear anything this soon. Other half got hired off the last O/C Conductor that they held in 2008- he had nothing wrong and it still took 2 and a half years...and they're still hiring off that list. When I went for pre-employment a couple weeks ago I got pulled in a room with a couple of people who were there for conductor. Been picking at this since 2013 even with Metro North, whose hiring process is more convoluted - if I've learned anything from this process it's pack your patience or you'll go insane torturing yourself. At least with the TA tests as long as your experience/quals for the position checks out - you'll get a letter from them eventually if you did well enough.
  7. I had two wrong according to the proposed answer key. Single digit list number. Thus why I have concluded a couple of questions must have been thrown out. You're familiar with the protest process right? I didn't go, I was working in Connecticut at the time and couldn't. Questions getting tossed is the only logical explanation
  8. Must be close...my pre-employment letter had a list number on it...and I was pretty pretty surprised at it...they must have thrown some questions out. personally I'm waiting for final processing.
  9. It's a permanent job, it's only called provisional because the list still isn't final. You don't get union protection per se until you clear probation anyway, but you're eligible for medical, etc.
  10. Yay congrats! Still waiting for my magical email... I would imagine they split it up amongst a few waves.(Other half has been asking around amongst people whose relatives got sent last week...seems I'm not the only one who went last week that has heard nothing yet. Still abusing the F5 key on gmail! So what was it like, go over your paperwork and that's it?
  11. F5 on Gmail allllll day...and willing my phone to ring if they'd prefer to do it that way. Realistically it seems like next week vs. this week but we can dream right? LOL
  12. I went yesterday for pre-employment for station agent and there were people there for the same off of the 2008 conductor test, which I found surprising. Would have thought it was purely promotionals at this point. Meanwhile I'll twiddle my thumbs waiting for my oral proficiency invite
  13. Me too girl, me too! Pretty sure I'm gonna drive myself nuts if they drag this out more than a week 😂 Other half was an open competitive conductor many moons ago - as it was described to me the "interview" is go over your paperwork and explain any extended gaps in unemployment. Easy peasy!
  14. They pulled a group of us into a conference room and looked over our paperwork/asked about outstanding tickets that way (my ticket # never got used - though I'm sure the order they did that was based upon ticket number.) One guy got suuuuper huffy when he was told he couldn't continue the process because of an outstanding ticket...so anyone who sees a call for this in their future take care of your tickets now/asap when you get them so when you get called you don't have to waste 3 hours before you find out you have to come back another day.
  15. Went yesterday for pre-employment. Was out by 11am. Hopefully I hear back soon for final/class date and all that jazz. December would be awesome if there's space in that class. Is it true there's no medical for final processing? I seem to be finding conflicting info for this. Excited to get started.
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