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Posts posted by Culver

  1. I know but BM1 is the most unique the others duplicate other modes. BM2 copies B103 to kensington. BM3 most of it's ridership is in it's southern part which can be replaced by X28 via belt from bay parkway to sheepshead then via BM3 in reverse ends at ave x. By doing BM1 you can create more frequent service in the process. While most weekend BM3 riders get shifted to revived X28 that is reshaped to avoid being too slow travel time for BM3 riders should be similar or a bit less on this X28 than BM3.

    See, this is where you lose us...holy extending routes, batman. The X28 starts making stops all the way at 86 St and Dahlgren and you want to drag it all the way to Ave X in Sheepshead Bay?

  2. which one the LGA justification or the experimental SI to brooklyn or bronx to JFK? Or all at once? I have college projects to complete I will post it in a new thread called interborough bus proposals sometime in june stay tuned. The one with ridership demographics is why I suggested extending Q70 in the first place I posted a link showing where workers and travelers to LGA were coming from you need that link again?

    Holy crap, you're college-aged? You got some growing up to do.

    As for maps, any map, really. I mean, we can't truly give a fair judgment of your fantastic ideas until we see some maps to help us visualize. We'd need to see the exact route you're proposing here to truly understand. Otherwise, how can we possibly give an objective opinion? True genius cannot be understood with mere words.

  3. If you have nothing to add STFU. You really want me to actually show you do you want to look stupid? 


    Are you sure remember this is the SI thread if you are referring to LGA or JFK your gonna get burned hard. I suggest you don't try to belittle people it will bite you back get real boy.


    Language, young man. We're all still waiting for your grand regional bus route super map, along with ridership demographics. Look, traffic on the WSE is a bitch, you don't wanna send a local bus down there for the sake of doing it.

  4. Given that the MTA is a public benefits corporation ummm let's see: federal funds, state funds, profits from fare revenue collection from the subway, buses tunnels and bridges, continued review and revisement of their planned capitol construction budgets, revenue from marketing ads who rent space in the MTA system for advertisements? 



    Plenty of avenues here for revenue needed over time. Many other systems around the world has done it. Correct?

    Right, but this is a) America and b) New York. Good luck getting politicians here to provide the funds. Until the incompetent clowns in Albany prove otherwise (they're a little busy right now, getting arrested for fraud and all), I'll remain a skeptical.

  5. Pardon me for a second MVH, I'm going to rip this debate to no point of return:


    Courtesy of Allen Rosen:





    Now Culver you tell me why with the posts I have made as to why you still think the MTA is not interested, has not invested into, or actually care about this problem concerning suicides and accidents in the subways with all the references I have provided you? 


    Ok on MVH's comment, carry on:



    I'm well aware they've looked into the issue. Costs will still be high, when considering the amount of stations, and the many stations with curves both horizontal and/or vertical. I don't think I've ever said I'm against this. Rather lost on what you're trying to prove to me. I've repeatedly said they should do something and they've made it clear they're looking at it (for example detection systems). My only point is finding the billions of dollars they'll inevitably need for it. Prince Cuomo's budget accidentally giving them $40 million extra won't cover it. I don't really get your point here. I'm all for the solutions, as is the (MTA), just need to find the billions of dollars they'll need.

  6. Read: http://gothamist.com/2012/12/19/in_2012_there_could_be_more_suicide.php



    Ans what the MTA is doing about it:



    Now look at this graph if you want to talk about stats:



    Apparently sine 2006 incidences where people who were struck by trains is on the on the rise. Now you should go to the next board meeting with the MTA and ask the chairperson why these considerations are NOT viable and should NOT be considered. Good luck. Obviously you will get nowhere as the MTA chairperson has already made the decision to look into the installation of measures to prevent accidents. Starting with the installation of platform doors at the stations along the (7) extension.


    Suicide rates are steady. Great. You are beating a dead horse. Hello, suicides are on the rise in the US in general so expect a spike in suicide death rates. Because the MTA is expecting it to occur, and fortunately they are equally concerned as much as the public about the incidences of suicide period, to the point that they are indeed taking action.


    Do you have any sort of compassion for those who for whatever reason commit suicide in the first place? Because you are always harping on the capitol budget issue here when many others can see the MTA is investing on preventive measures and have the money apparently? Lets start there.

    I have compassion, of course I want the problem fixed. I'm just at a loss as to where you want the money to come from. I'd love for the (MTA) to fix the issue, as we all know how to fix it. However, unless we find the money for it, this all means precisely dick. Yes, they'll study it and find the cheapest solution because Albany likes to talk and use the (MTA) as the redheaded stepchild that gets criticized literally regardless of what it does. You can keep telling me it's bad, and I'll agree. Doesn't change the fact that the money isn't there for the solution.


    Gotcha. But over time I still think those rates of suicide will increase as in general those numbers are climbing overall throughout the nation and that includes New York. At this point that's what I'm thinking.


    Off topic but this continued double quoting is killing me. I'm going to make sure I post in BB Code Mode from now on.

    So even though the numbers have in fact been steady, they're still supposed to be increasing?

    Look, if you have the spare dozen billion dollars, call up the (MTA). Otherwise, this entire discussion is a waste of everyone's time. A good way to reduce suicides is reduce unemployment, maybe not have banks destroy people's life savings on derivatives gambling, and I dunno, not have millions go bankrupt due to medical bills; but that's off-topic. Point remains: either somebody produces the money or this is all moot.

  8. unless those barriers can't be climbed due to being too high.

    Yes, they would have to be the glass walls with sliding doors that modern systems have. They're expensive and would cost even more money to install in our system than simple railings. Unless somebody has the billions to pay for them, this is all a waste of time that does nothing but give face time to politicians who don't actually care.

  9. Both games use cards, but telling somebody about something poker-related is irrelevant to blackjack.



    So what are you going to do? Not run the extension during rush hour? What about on the weekends when it gets jammed? Are you going to only run it during middays like the Q89 (and we all know how well that turned out)?


    And how many people is this extension supposed to benefit?

    Aside from that, what happened to Arden Avenue? You're trying to defend yourself, and your ideas are getting even more ridiculous.

    The same people the other highway-bound 10-mile-long limited routes to nowhere are supposed to benefit: imaginary riders who have nothing to do but sit and ride on buses on highways all day.

  10. Interesting that you brought up the NYPD. According to NYPD statistics for homicides we range at about 388 murders for 2012. Guess what the suicide rates are? On average 475 suicides a year!. Yes you read that correctly. I would imagine that is not media hype as the stats show my friend. The suicide jumps we see in the subways is relative to the overall epidemic where it comes to people taking their own lives. It's on the rise.

    Seeing as how the amount of subway deaths is more or less level, no it isn't.


    Regardless of how they got on the tracks, it's an issue that has come to light because the media needed some scary headlines and because the city politicians needed to make it look like they give a shit about the everyday people they see as peasants. Yes it needs to be tackled, but to really fix it would cost billions upon billions. Someone who wants to die won't mind climbing over a 4-5 foot barrier to jump, so simple barriers won't work for suicides.

  11. Yeah all good, but I think the context that mtattrain is coming from is simply the fact that these suicides id becoming epedemic. My take on it is that mtattrain is speaking from the heart. that was why I was saying that the MTA *is* considering preventive measures through biometric sensor device systems to be installed and to be included in their capitol budgets for the near future, just saying....

    No they're not. Statistically, number has been level for the past decade. More media attention does not = more incidents.


    Meanwhile, drivers are mowing down pedestrians in this city and nobody (NYPD doesn't even bother) gives a shit.

  12. Very few wrapped buses on the 34 today, between the ton of put-ins from the autoshow and a lot of 3800s which have been unwrapped.



    Exactly, I don't get all the fuss about that. Driving stick vs. automatic doesn't change the engine, it just changes the driving style. Sorta like that with LBSS.

    Does the driving style even have to change? As I understood it, the LBSS system just tries to balance out gear shifts to keep performance uniform at higher loads and on hills.

  13. Caught 7046 on the S79 Select last night !!!

    What? Is Yukon going all LGA or something?



    Got a chance to take the X28, finally got a Prevost. Excellent ride quality. I'm mixed on the seats. On one hand the old MCI coach seats are taller, on the other hand the back support just feels nicer on the smaller new seats. Still, wish seats were taller, and I am not a tall person at all.

  14. Cause Yukon is a mess...

    Good enough answer for me. Their local buses are a disgusting mess on the inside. I hate taking the S79 SBS (mind you the speed of the route is excellent) because 3/4 of the time the seats in the back are all covered in dry gum and/or seemingly an entire emptied bag of chips and crumbs and/or something else I don't even know and/or trash.

  15. Caught 6194 on the S79 Select today...looks like this weekend was good to me in terms of catching Orion 5s on the S79. Other than that I spent the day in S.I. mainly riding the S74 and S78...although I see Yukon and Castleton buses on those lines for school trippers, I'm still getting used to seeing Yukon 6300s on the S74 again since I haven't rode a Yukon bus on the S74 in regular service since 2010. When I went back to Brooklyn I caught 934 and 847 on the B70. A good weekend I have to say.

    Why they putting those O5s on the S79? Some wrapped NGs getting serviced?

  16. - I personally wouldn't drive to the express bus, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's silly.....

    For me, it's feasible to just walk to the B46 & xfer to one of the BM's (1 or 2, whichever I feel like taking) in the morning & that's that...


    ....Although I still get a bit of a kick out of the SI-ers that drive to brooklyn & park along shore rd that do so (for the x27/37)...


    IMO, what would more fall under the category of silliness is driving to catch the subway....

    Wait, what? WHY? Staten Island is full of express bus routes. Why would they add the cost of the bridge toll to ride the 27/27?

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