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Everything posted by R62AR33

  1. Alot of the 7400s are at Kawasaki getting converted and Corona can't send anymore R62A's back to Westchester yard till more R188s go in service so The is lending R62A's to the , if your wondering why you may have seeing more broadway sets that is your reason why , and that is also why during the Pm rush hour Jerome lends an R142 or R142A to Westchester Yard for 2 rounds trips.
  2. The Only time other than a g.o for an R62A to show up on the is if you have throw something in to go New Lots and they can't go to the or for an R142 then maybe they would go to westchester yard to lend an R62A to jerome other than that very unlikely.
  3. What they should do is keep R62A's 1651-2000 on the and then 2001-2475 on the
  4. The Name got changed to R32 Discussion thread..
  5. Not again with this.... its already been pointed out why the or won't see R62A's give it a rest.... their staying on the , politics have nothing to do with it . If the R62A's were to go anywhere else it will be the .
  6. its not almost its basically it is.... Iv noticed that the R142A's are being used for the am and pm rush hours only lately with the exception of about 3 sets for the Late nights...
  7. Relax dude their likely staying at Jerome..... after the swaps the only R142As at Westchester yard will be 7591-7670 , basically 8 sets.
  8. That's why I say , if that happens Westchester Yard will have no choice but to go back to yellow , you can't have Westchester Yard and Corona's fleet with the same stickers , it will confuse workers at 207st.
  9. Those R42s are leaving first , iv seen that alot of them are being held by duct tape. You won't see those R32s retiring until the R179s pass its testing and they make sure that no issues will come , im sure they don't wanna make the same mistakes as they did before when they went scrap happy with those R38s and the R40/Ms as well as those R32s and R42s that are already retired. With the R179 delayed by 6 months to a year don't be surprised if they stay till 2018 or even longer. Its a wait and see type of game.
  10. Another R62A got sent to the last night..... saw it at Queensboro Plaza switching to the track Yes they are.... after the swaps are completed they will go back to yellow, it doesn't make sense but its gonna happen , all they should do is remove the Led lights , from what i notice the crew don't bother changing the lights sometimes.
  11. Also remember there is no point on using FINDs on the R188s when their only for the its a waste of money and resources... Now finds would make more sense on the R142s on the and because they always swap cars at Flatbush,
  12. Didn't catch the car numbers but while at 74st broadway last night i saw another R62A get transfered to the .... it was signed up as a on both ends of the train , I counted a little over 20 sets of R62A's on the today during the pm rush , get your R62A pics while you can the swap is happening very very fast,
  13. R188s are for the ONLYY and as for the R62A's please don't ask if they will go to the , or its been stated various times why they won't go to those lines....
  14. I rode the from Pelham Bay Pk to Brooklyn Bridge for the pm rush and didn't see any R142s out it was Mostly R62A's with some R142'As out. Now that Westchester has gotten reused to the R62A's iv seen much faster commutes to work and back home and more frequent service in manhattan and queens late night with the R188s.
  15. I was at Queens Plaza waiting for the Q101 and I saw another converted set getting transfered to the it switched from the track wich means another R62A leaving Flushing for the , i counted how R62As are left on the and as of right now just 5 sets and for some reason Corona only use them now for the am and pm rush hour only.
  16. I was on the doing a little subway riding yesterday during the pm rush hour and counted only 6 sets of R62A's out and none where in the yard , are going crazy with sending the converted sets .... get your pics and videos while you can on the . Ive also been noticing at night Westchester Yard are using nothing but almost all R62A's.
  17. Iv been riding the alot and i can say Westchester Yard crew are having fun with their R62A's lol , especially with those broadway sets..
  18. Ummm its been said that 2001-2005 and 2006-2010 are as well on the .....
  19. It Probably won't even be a big event as the redbirds since they are all going to the and not retiring
  20. Those Transfers from the are just being loaned , they likely aren't paired since they will return back to the
  21. Im Sorry but this is Getting annoying already , we get you don't like the R62A's returning back to the , if you hate it that much just ride the bus or or train's. Everyone has explained to you why they are returning to the . Like a train is a train , they were on the and ran fine and their back and are doing fine. And again of course the will be a mix of R62A's and R142As but the R62A's are the majority of the fleet. As far as their retirement goes and , and seeing new cars , the R62/A's have another 10-17 yrs left in them ... and that depends on when the decides to order a new fleet and how the order is as far and testing , delivering and building , just give it a rest dude.
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