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Everything posted by R62AR33

  1. Where do you expect those R32s to go to ? .... without them or the R42s there would be a Huge shortage of cars in the B division, that is why those R32s aren't going anywhere until the R179s come in.
  2. Seems like Westchester Yard Might be going back to their original Yellow Yard stickers after all ..... R62As 1791-1793 don't have their purple stickers on them at all anymore and R62As 1734 and 1735 still don't have Led Lights , seems as well that Westchester is leaning to remove those as well completely.
  3. Yesterday i only counted 3 sets of R160s on the and with the Rest being R32s and R42s.... it shouldn't be hard for you to catch one now
  4. Not anymore , the supervisor from the doesn't want R32s running there anymore and also its more easier with the and swap since ENY Maintains one set of R32s and its R42s as it is...
  5. I counted 7 sets of R62As out today on the and 3 on the yard so there are 10 sets as of right now
  6. Sometimes if they have to they'll put an R142A from the on the
  7. People keep saying cause of what happened on the R32 , why is it cancelled if true ?
  8. People still have about almost a year left for their R62A pics , people should get their R142A pics because once the is 100% R188s next year it will be really hard to get an R142A on the .. and if u havent gotten ur R62A pictures ull have till they retire for that lol
  9. why not just have R42s run on the ? If that's the case since they did run on the for a very long time..
  10. No One on the really noticed the R160s were gone mainly due to the fact that they kept R32s running on the last summer , wich i personally think was smart by the
  11. I recently spoke to a friend of mine who works for Westchester Yard once again no names being mentioned once the is 100% R188s , unless Jerome and Westchester swap R142 for R142As , those R142As are gonna see mostly Rush Hour service and 2 or 3 sets on Weekends with the rest of course being R62As.. seams like their time on the has already taken a toll on them. Like iv said think of this as the 90s this time instead of Redbird's now we have the R142A's on the and come on its getting old people have to understand R62As are back on the to stay , most people just want to get to work or home they dont care what type of train that they get..
  12. i doubt its maintenance when alot of the R62As on the don't have Led lights anymore on them..
  13. Remember the whole point of the Led's was cause Flushing riders couldnt tell the difference between Local and Express and some still can't today so they installed it to the R62As to try and make it easier , riders know the difference , and on top of that iv been noticing that Westchester Yards crew don't like dealing with changing the Led lights.....Iv been on express trains and they would keep the Leds local. If they are infact removing them that can be a strong possibility..
  14. Go a few pages back and i posted a pic of when i caught 1735 without em...
  15. Alright guys i spoke to a friend of mine who works for Westchester Yard , no names going to be mentioned but the R62As on the are staying with the Purple Stickers to end that speculation, reason being the and will be the only lines using R62As so there is no point anymore on removing them and changing, I also rode R62A 1733 yesterday and noticed that one of the Led lights got removed.. seems like Westchester are going to get rid of them in the near future.
  16. That's why I say , R62As are back on the to stay , weather railfans like it or not..people just wanna get to where they have to get to ,they can careless about the type of train they get , At the end of the day we are still gonna ride the line one way or another regardless of what it is running.
  17. that is pointless since it won't change anything and it's a waste of money... riders can use the strip maps just like passengers on the , and always have been if they need to look up their stop
  18. Most riders don't care about what type of train they get wether its a R142A or an R62A , they just want to get to their destinations and in a quick manner....
  19. You sir are almost 3 yrs late on the swaps .... and nothing makes the special , it needs the CBTC to replace the old signal system as well to improve crowding , that is why the R142As from the are getting cbctc and are now R188s , and why the R62As are returning back to the
  20. Those singles 1917-1926 are still assinged to the , those are lent to the , they are eventually going back to the
  21. Westchester Yards sticker has always been yellow...and most likely they will starting late this year-mid next year once most-all of Flushings R62As are back on the , remember.. flushing didn't recieve the R62As from the till 2002 and didn't change them to purple till late 2003-early 04 , credit of the photo goes to whoever took it but it was likely taken 2001 or 2
  22. i stopped by 207 st yard and didn't see it outside
  23. Its is going to be in service today .. Westchester Yard have already changed the strip maps to
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