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Everything posted by thegameksk

  1. How did you get your name reinstated? I've emailed LMACustomerService@dcas.nyc.gov twice over 2 weeks and still no response.
  2. Imagine being able to walk away from a $40 an hour job so you can have a life. Wish I could do that in this economy.
  3. Is there a way to find out how much the weekly/monthly cost is for the various plans? I don't see it on the web site.
  4. Anyone have issues getting their name added back to the list? I cleared my medical hold on 6/16 but the 6/20 class was full. I was told to send an email to put my name back on the list. I emailed on 6/16 and as of now no response. I just want to know that they actually put my name back on the list.
  5. No one's received anything since latest second week of June. There is most likely no July class so if there is an august class soonest I think we will hear anything is 2nd week of July.
  6. For what its worth last week when I cleared my medical hold they told me most likely no July which now seems definite because they would have started calling us in. She said there will definitely be more classes though.
  7. Yea I look at it as it's more time to do stuff I want to do since once I'm in train car I'll have no free time to do anything
  8. I feel your pain. Over my current job and I do have a fear that they might stop calling if the economy falls into a recession.
  9. I dont think there is a July. When I went Thursday to clear my medical hold they told me most likely no July but they are still having classes after.
  10. Just cleared my medical hold. Mondays class is full. They told me they are still hiring many but they are unsure when the next class will be. I have to email to put my name back on the list. For those that had to do the same I know I'll need another drug test bc mine expires soon but will I have to go through medical again and get documents related to my apnea again?
  11. My Conditional offer was for back in May before I was put on hold. If I get drug tested again do I need the same paper work from preemployment as well?
  12. What part of the process are you up too? Edit: Im going Thursday to clear my medical hold. For those that have done the same do they finish the rest of your paperwork that day as well or does it depend if there is an opening in the next class? They did tell me in the email I might have to take a second drug test.
  13. Sounds similar to my current job. The 1st of the month they open the holiday book and is first come first serve.
  14. Either way works for me. Just hope that itc won't fall on the day of a test or practical.
  15. For banked days can you use them whenever and stack them to take a vacation?
  16. I go in Thursday to finish medical hold. Wonder if I'll make it into June 20th class.
  17. Anyone use custom insoles for the boots? Did you have to go up half a size to fit them?
  18. I saw someone post that they had to miss a day during schoolcar and they made it up towards the end of schoolcar. I know later in the summer if I am in schoolcar ill need to miss a day or 2 due to a family members medical procedure. Who do I talk to about this?
  19. They restrict you for weight gain? Like how much weight gain are you restricted? Ive seen some big TO's while riding the trians.
  20. Just to be clear I am not taking any prescription medication. I was told the take otc medicine as needed. If and when I need stronger stuff it will be years down the road.
  21. No matter what I do due to family history it will be bad but even if I can only do TO for a few years its better then where I am now which is a low wage standing all day job. I can at least move around within the MTA once I am in. Where I am now there is no movement.
  22. I was recently diagnosed with the beginning stages of Arthritis that based on my family history will get worse even though I'm fairly young. Are we allowed to take pain medications while on duty as long as they don't make you sleep? Can you take dr prescribed and/or otc medicine? Just trying to figure out what is allowed. I don't want to get the job and end up losing it bc I took something that flagged the drug test.
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