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Everything posted by Schecter

  1. U stands for undecided that you didn't pick either or, what I would do is try to make an appointment at 180 Livingston pass unit to change it or ask your school car tss and see what they tell you. Or even call Ms Vargas or Ms Ohla and see what they say. I never had that problem when I first started so I can't really speak from experience.
  2. You need to put your name back on the list and here's the link https://data.cityofnewyork.us/widgets/vx8i-nprf
  3. Yeah appeal it don't let them shoot down your bright future only positive people in this forum we're rooting for you
  4. Well at least you're being considered for the August class so as long as you go in before then you're golden.
  5. https://www.amazon.com/KAKA-Backpack-Waterproof-Students,Anti-Theft-40L(Black)/dp/B00Y9WXB7E/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=kaka%2Bbag&qid=1627441626&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzM1JWVE9YVTdKMDlaJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDQzODk2MjNGNVVRQkRaU1pMVyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNzkyMDYwMjM5WUdLMUM5VDZLRiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3Bob25lX3NlYXJjaF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl&th=1 For the bag I got the larger size, but go with what ever you could afford either the slightly smaller one or the bigger one. #Fatneckgang2021 🤪
  6. Maybe it's September I'm in two forums t/o and c/r might of gotten them confused
  7. Well the next class is in August so start the ball rolling now since you said you're back on the list.
  8. Your best bet is to get a sleep study done so that way if they say you have to get it done you'll already have it done and the paperwork to hand them, instead of them telling you to go and then coming back to them with the results. Waiting for them to tell you can make you miss the next class which you dont wanna do. So just get it done whenever you have the chance but definitely before they call you for the medical, rather be safe than sorry. #fatneckgang2021
  9. You mean on your own? When you finish school car and when you go posting but when you go posting you'll be with another conductor
  10. Good shit you got your sleep apnea test done fat neck gang 2021 💪 and then fat neck gang and hairy chest retirement party
  11. Congrats you got this just make sure you don't join the fat neck gang or hairy chest gang
  12. I better see all you getting in August time to make new friends and co workers 🙃 sending positive vibes and positive affirmations to all of you. You will be called and you will do great!!
  13. Gotta keep that gang strong damn genetics gonna have to start questioning my parents
  14. I agree with the hairy chest they tried thousands of times trying to place the ekg things on my chest until they had to shave me having me looking like a man o lantern. Hairy chest gang damn genetics
  15. Try calling 180 Livingston Street and talk to Olha or Michelle Vargas about your issue you're eventually going to need boots in order to walk on the tracks and such. Somebody in the train operator forum had the same problem they spoke to one of the ladies I mentioned and they resolved their issue. Best of luck and congrats 🙃
  16. From the VP of the union TWU local 100: "There is a crew shortage..... What’s happening, is what’s been going on for over a year— attrition of current employees. As I’ve previously reported, hiring is underway. We have 70 new C/Rs & 30 T/Os starting next week, and another 70 T/Os starting in August. The problem is, Transit didn’t hire anybody for approximately one year, and now they’re in a hole for personnel. Normally, we’d have new classes every month, or every other month, on a consistent basis. Transit is playing catch up, but it’s going to take time to fill all the existing vacancies. Help is on the way, but it won’t turnaround overnight."
  17. Ugh really a sleep test do you have enough time to get it done and be cleared? For the July 26th class?
  18. I got the caterpillar ones those are the most comfortable to me I get them in a wide and no complaints, the look kinda similar to sneakers than boots.
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