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Everything posted by Schecter

  1. Call or email them Monday morning and ask them. I would say go in to 180 Livingston but idk if you guys wanna make the trip to brooklyn to ask.
  2. Damn I'm in the 1400s I feel like I have a while till pre employment
  3. I was thinking of that but it seems like a really boring job lol
  4. Only the NYPD has access to those records luckily the MTA doesn't. I remember doing the NYPD process and they told everyone that closed and sealed records are opened to them, and people still hid their past and got the boot.
  5. You go into a room with 3 people and they show you pictures and they ask you what would you do in a certain situation and then you answer them. The auditory part you just listen to a recording and then answer questions based on what you heard.
  6. For the speech part of the OPA I got a 0 on one of the questions and 1 point for the rest of the questions so 9 points out of 10. Is that good I noticed some people only got 5 points and 3 when I went yesterday
  7. Yeah you're so right especially because we have 32BJ and starting off pay for me was 24.50 an hour
  8. Yeah that would also work and also safer if its snagged on anything
  9. I wonder when they'll call the 1400s if I just did my opa today hmmmmmmmm
  10. I learned how to tie a tie when I used to work as a doorman look it up on YouTube it's very easy
  11. You didnt wear a tie to the interview? And they got mad holy shit
  12. They tell you what to write on it when you're in the room waiting for the test to start
  13. You bring the 25 dollar money order with you and fill it out when you get to the office.
  14. I got a 0 on one of the oral questions lmao I got so nervous with the 3 people staring at me in the room
  15. I know I have the OPA tomorrow but I was just wondering if anyone knows what the medical consists of
  16. Do we fill out the money order for tomorrow in person during the OPA or should I fill it out at home?
  17. So I have the OPA tomrrow guys I'm extremely nervous and dont know what to expect. I was also wondering what type of attire should I wear to the OPA tomorrow.
  18. Theres may factors that are at play a lot of people who are going through the pre employment and medical aren't all going to go through. I notice that when it came to me doing the NYPD process we started off with 1000s of candidates at the beginning at towards the academy only a couple went through.
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