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Everything posted by Jay-Oh

  1. Man I know that’s right lol. My partner on Friday WAA’d for 4 straight hours while I was doing a double transfer between JYD and CIY. Ended up 2+1 cause of that move.
  2. You about to be out on the road, don’t be too nervous if you end up with one of us rookies as your partner. Good luck!
  3. Be careful picking the division based on 1 line lol. Though, you might not even have a chance to pick. Someone in the July class was talking to me about how they put him in the A div while he lived in CI.
  4. Go get the gray shirts and dark blue pants. Why even risk getting called out for something so simple?
  5. Good luck to all the ppl starting Monday. My induction class will be @ the school on Tuesday for the final exam. Good chance if you want information about schoolcar from people who are about to finish.
  6. Alternate side parking right in front of the school. If that fails, you wouldn’t have issues finding a spot within a 2-3 block radius. Residential area to the west of the school, so you could find a spot there. I just suggest getting there early (0600-ish) to see if you can snag some of the spots in front of/behind the school, that’s what I did until I got my parking permit.
  7. Patience and persistence. Keep in mind that you’re one of many people calling her for updates on medical emails and preemployment calls. She’s not gonna call everyone back.
  8. Yeah for sure. I get where you’re coming from. I have maybe 2-3 lines that I’m pretty familiar with, with which I would say I’ll only get more familiar over time.
  9. Lol nah man, I’ve posted with some Extra Extra people during road posting. By the time they’re out posting, my probation will be over and I may run into them - who knows. Ain’t no pick job here, here’s hoping I can snag a sweet temp job through the bid next pick.
  10. Don’t study signals yet, wait for your instructors as they may change the wording to make it simpler. I would suggest that you relax and enjoy life for a bit before starting schoolcar. If you feel like you MUST study; rule book Ch 1 & 2. If you can find it - learn all 6 points of Restricted Speed Extreme Caution, and learn the radio codes (12-1, 12-2, etc). That’ll give you a decent head start, but you won’t really start digging into the material until you meet your instructors. Good luck! If you pick the B Division, I may end up posting you later on when you post on the road.
  11. You may want to give 180 Livingston a call to ask about your eligibility.
  12. You’re gonna spend time at every terminal and every yard in The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn. However, we spent a lot of time at Coney Island Yard.
  13. They don’t really care what kind of grey. As long as it’s grey.
  14. The only things you’ll be lifting is your 30 lb bag during school car, and yourself out of bed to goto work lol. Apply handbrakes could take a toll on your back if you do it improperly, but other than that, not really.
  15. The Wolverines are super roomy and comfortable. Some people like the caterpillars, but they’re pretty narrow in the toe area.
  16. A lot of people misconstrue the relationship between TO and CR as one person being in charge of the other. The relationship is set up with checks and balances to best promote safety and efficiency (yes, sometimes they don't go hand in hand nor are these two things always present). I don't want to get into a full on description of what processes we need to follow when operating, but just know that the TO and CR are required to work in tandem. A train being taken OOS is really up to RCC, the train crew just reports the issue(s) to control and they make that decision.
  17. The top pay difference isn't much more than $4-5. Also, the reason why TOs get paid more is because of the level of engagement and responsibility in their job. Conductors don't have an easy job, and they have to deal with a lot of BS that Train Ops don't, but in between stations, C/R's have a bit of downtime. Train Ops do not, we must pay full attention to everything on the road/radio/stations when operating. There cannot be a lapse in concentration or you risk your job. Also, a CR going to TO is considered a promotional movement, so there's that. Don't buy into the CR vs TO mentality, because at the end of the day, we're partners, and our shared goal is to do the job, and go home to our families the same way we came into work - alive, in one piece, and employed.
  18. It’s not that hard. Just pay attention, study, and listen to your instructors. It’s a very simple thing; put in the work, and succeed. There will be a lot of information and it will be overwhelming, but you’ll learn to sift through information that is nice to know and information that you NEED to know. Talk to your classmates and help each other out. Most of the classes in my induction class were having issues because they didn’t like each other. I had an incredibly easy time because my class is close knit. Be humble and open to criticism. You’ll be fine, just put in the effort.
  19. Received confirmation from reliable source (school car supervision) that there will be classes for June, July, and August. Be patient. The call will come.
  20. Whoever told you school car for TO is 100 days gave you the wrong info. Approximately 6 month for A div. Approximately 8 months for B div. Source: I’m in the December class. Our scheduled date to “graduate” is in late July.
  21. Congrats to everybody getting called in for their PE. If you have questions about the process, what to expect, feel free to ask or send me a PM. May the process be as smooth for you as possible.
  22. That’s what I mean; Livingston stated that operational titles aren’t a part of the freeze, so that’s what should be accepted as true.
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