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Posts posted by Imhim

  1. 45 minutes ago, MarkGuy said:

    People keep saying this, but there's no definitive proof that it will be or they will switch to promotional only going forward. 

    Transit always changes its mind; I wouldn't be surprised if even they don't know for sure. 

    Let's just wait and see rather than just asserting that will be the case.

    Yeah not sure why everyone keep running with this hear say lol. It’s like ya like to post these things to kill someone’s hopes or something lol. Again until it’s in writing I wouldn’t pay it any attention! The last list when deep so for all those people still waiting to be called just keep hope, check here and make sure your contact information is correct so when they contact you, you’ll know!

  2. 3 hours ago, RTOMan said:

     Social media Lesson One...


    You got Supts right on this site from ALL DEPARTMENTS...

    Your Facebook or Instagram they can get access to that as well..

    As well as ANY Facebook that's transit related whether its For employees or not.

    Im not kidding folks have gotten terminated for Social Media posts(after a few warnings)..

    I totally understand what you’re saying. Nothing negative was said though, I’m terms of needing to say “keep that off here” or whatever the other poster said. There’s been a ton of information provided here so anything to help another fellow future employee out without jeopardizing your job isn’t an issue. Someone saying “you will have to speak to school car superintendent if you misspelled something or phrased a signal question wrong” definitely isn’t going to hurt anyone! 

  3. 58 minutes ago, thegameksk said:

    For banked days can you use them whenever and stack them to take a vacation?

    Yeah you could do so much with ya RDOs, most you can get approved is 3 days consecutive. The request must be put in 20 days prior to get a guaranteed approval. The wknds and mondays be hard but you can do it if you’re on the line at the right time. You’ll get the hang of it when you start lol

  4. 37 minutes ago, FilippoSironi said:

    Question for people who are already on the job: do we accrue AVAs only if we work on the day of the Holiday or even if we work the day before or after the Holiday but not that actual day? 

    If you’re asking to bank it, you have to call the IVR some holidays that fall on the weekends, the IVR won’t recognize it so it’s the day after. Just call timekeeping next day or 2 to verify that the day was requested as being banked.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Mikepro6 said:

    Thank you 

    do they split the class in groups for the exams ? Because I thought classes had about 80 people in them 

    An induction class is about 70-80 people. Then from that you pick which division you want to be in. It’s based of ya test score seniority. After that you’re separated into groups of 10. My induction class was 73 I believe, we had a few people who were brought in from a previous list because they were hurt during school car. But our regular B division class was 10 and a total of 4 classes. 

  6. 17 hours ago, Jericho said:


    Okey dokey, I won't be surprise if Transit decides to make it absolutely pass/fail in the future then.

    lol because of us posting this? I highly doubt that. Again we’re not saying they are gonna give everyone a chance if they make a mistake or not. It obviously goes on your history in school car which is common knowledge. Again I doubt transit is scouring this forum for this type of info when they literally barely have people able to work or even coming to work for that matter. 

  7. 1 hour ago, thegameksk said:

    I saw someone post that they had to miss a day during schoolcar and they made it up towards the end of schoolcar. I know later in the summer if I am in schoolcar ill need to miss a day or 2 due to a family members medical procedure. Who do I talk to about this?

    Your TSS and the superintendent of school car. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, Mikepro6 said:

    @Imhim how many people in your class failed ? And out of how many ? 

    Everyone passed 10/10. For our induction I believe it was 40 of us in B division and everyone also made it through the exams. Like RTOMan said don’t let that I gotta get 100 be your main focus. There are other parts of the job that you have to become familiar with as well and you don’t want to stress out over this and then it hurts your overall skill set as a T/O!

  9. 30 minutes ago, Mohamed said:

    Thanks for the info, and whats the least score u can get on the signal exam? Or you have to get 100?

    On the signals you have to get a 100. There’s a written part if you write a definition wrong they will have you speak to the school car superintendent to make sure you understand the definition properly and depending on your school car record it can go either way. Just speaking from what I seen with others. Just study and put the time in and you’ll be fine! Once you get called all of this will be explained. 

  10. 13 hours ago, nipaaaa said:

    Tour/RDOs don't change from week to week, more like pick to pick (roughly half a year) and even then it's a maybe because you're also moving up on the XX seniority list. Consequently, you're most likely to request the tour or days off you want with the preference sheet. I was XX for 2 years and my tour/RDOs never changed on a weekly basis. I also happened to fall back to the bottom of the XX seniority list after losing a temp. bid and even then, I stayed on the same tour and RDOs. So in this regard, it's not that brutal.

    However, what is brutal are the random start/finish times and random start/finish locations. The only thing that fluctuates on a weekly basis are the amount of hours you work. XX can randomly expect 40-60 hours per week. 

    Yeah I was XX same time and never had this tour and RDOs changing weekly thing. I know this happened in the past but I started before pandemic and didn’t see this at all, not even with classmates or others in my induction group. Again maybe before this list this was the case but most recently this hasn’t been a practice I’ve heard of. I know there were some that this happened to during pandemic if I’m not mistaken but that’s clearly because we were severely short staffed! Now with the vacancy bid, I will say that yes if you bid on a temp and the T/O comes back yes you fall back to XX and you will be at the bottom number wise. However again this is MY experience past and present (currently had this happen) they have kept me with same RDOs and same tour. So it’s on you if you want to take that risk. Just like nipaaaa said it’s the random start times and locations that get annoying once you get dropped to the bottom. I haven’t worked a 40 week yet, but to be fair I’m in the B division and it’s pretty much open jobs everywhere everyday lol. 

  11. 1 hour ago, underground traveler said:

    Maybe but I dont think so


    There won’t be an August class without a July class! Only time they stopped completely was during the height of Covid. That’s long and gone! There definitely will be a July class, patience is the key. I know it’s hard waiting and watching the forum hoping you get your call or email, but trust it will come! I went through the same thing and didn’t even know they were hiring from the beginning of the year I started. Just keep up with the post on here and know that they far from done hiring!!

  12. 37 minutes ago, Banks718 said:

    Made it into the June 20th !! List 37** . Anyone current T.O kno whats the best boots to order ? Looking on the site and its a few

    Congrats!!! Caterpillars are comfortable but again it’s on your preference. If you haven’t worn steel toe boots before all of them will feel heavy and hot especially since it’s going to be summer time for you for school car. Good luck and hope to see you down here soon! 

  13. 58 minutes ago, TO12 said:

    Can anybody recommend a good shoe for the classes? I know we get two pairs but those are insulated and are better suited for winter time.

    The caterpillars are good and you can get them wide cut. If you never wore steel toes you just gotta go on a trial and error type of picking. 

  14. 19 hours ago, dincena said:

    Would they give me a chance to remove them or would they disqualify me if I walk in with an open ticket on conditional offer day?

    You cannot accept the conditional offer with an open ticket. I had an old ticket not even moving violation, it was a parking ticket I had from a car I had for a friend. I heard the guy say that we cannot move forward past today, I calmly went on the site and paid that ticket right there lol. 

  15. 5 hours ago, underground traveler said:

    But if they plead guilty thats 12 points and isnt your license automatically suspened after 11. Either way is risky but if the court date is before the next class starts I would explain my situation and try that.

    There’s no explanation, you cannot have any open tickets before you start. They tell you that. Not sure how the suspension goes but again they won’t let you move forward if you have any open tickets! 

  16. 2 hours ago, dincena said:

    Yeah this is not good i have 6 points on my license and that is a 6 point ticket iam fighting

    Yeah I was in the same boat, literally plead guilty and paid the ticket while sitting at Livingston! They do not care if you have points, it’s just you cannot start working with any open tickets. Parking or moving violations. Nothing. Make sure if you have a car registered under your name, all tickets are paid off because they can and will look your info up and you will be terminated according to them. In the long run it sucks because of insurance and stuff but like another member said take the defensive driving class and knock some of the points off! 

  17. 2 hours ago, FilippoSironi said:

    Good to know. I need to learn all this pick and bids stuff. It's all very confusing to me.

    Yeah it’s definitely worth it just putting in a bid, whether it’s for stability in schedule, days off or a certain line. Even the temporary jobs, depending on what the person is out for, you can catch a wknds off job and be good. They say that oh they can change your RDOs because you go back XX when the person comes back (resumes) but the crew office more than likely will leave your RDOs as was. They’ll just screw your over on putting you all over the place lol.

  18. 3 minutes ago, FilippoSironi said:

    Is it easier to pick extra list than a regular job? I know I will be Extra Extra when I come out so to me Extra list looks good. 

    It’s all based on what’s left when it’s up to your number lol. My first pick I went VR last summer had wknds off all summer, even did the four wknd gig, won a job with Friday Saturday off one week and Sunday Monday the next. This pick I went queens AMs. Those PM jobs were trash and getting home on that train late night is no joke. I was awarded a wknd off job on the vacancy bid. It’s a lot you can do. 

  19. 12 minutes ago, Mikeyanthony23 said:

    So I have my first yard practical in Coney soon…. What’s the chance of us getting a New Tech train? Lol I feel I did cuts and adds much better on New Tech, then 46 and then I struggled with 68 but I still did a good job but I’m worried under pressure I might mess it up if we get the 68’s…. Any advice would be great!!

    Just take ya time and remember the steps. Do a couple fake runs at home following the steps based off your notes and what the rules and regulations manual says! The biggest reason people fail is rushing, so just take ya time! You’re definitely not going to get a new tech for the practical lol especially in Coney Island yard. Don’t sweat it though, you got this, you’re gonna pass!!

  20. 1 hour ago, trackerjack said:

    it's been very rough.....i don't think XX is right for me.  please tell me if really does get better? 
    i heard 4-5 more years of XX.  if this is the truth....i might have to consider getting a new profession or go back to the employer.
    had a classmate legit quiet cry/tears after clearing then only having less than 6 hours of sleep then waking up and doing it all over again.  if you're commute is 2+hours....the 10-12 hour minimum between jobs doesn't really help if you know what i mean?

    In this case your classmate is supposed to call the crew office and tell them they didn’t get enough sleep and cannot work like that, that’s a safety hazard they’re supposed to change the job or put you on board for a later start time that gets you the 10-12 hrs window. That’s happened to me and I’ve called them and they’ve done just that. I honestly would say I prolly was XX for 2 picks so that’s one year maybe Year and a half. I understand how you could be feeling but trust those times of being XX for 4-5 because that seniority list wasn’t moving is gone! You have a lot of ppl taking promotions, other retiring, plus you can always bid on vacancy jobs. There’s options, I wouldn’t advise you to just give up! 

  21. 1 hour ago, trackerjack said:

    ur worrying too much. there are plenty more classes after may in which you will get into. just keep bothering them in Livingston and they will see how dedicated you are.
    that being said.......be careful putting this job on the pedastal.....i did that and i'm suffering now :(

    You good? Why you feel like you’re suffering? The job isn’t easy at first but trust in terms of understanding terminology, procedures, getting comfortable operating that will come with time. Also if you feel like you’re struggling speak to your TSS’s they’re more than willing to help! 

  22. 59 minutes ago, TA718 said:


    Just came in to have my medical hold release. I had come in originally on 5/2 to do Medical. Passed everything but something had come up and had to be placed on medical hold. I had that taken care of during the week. They say to email to make an appointment and I was not going to wait over a week and miss out on my appointed date of 5/16. So I decided to come in today with documentation to release my medical hold. Came in at 6:30am and right now just leaving being sworn in, fingerprints taken and Photo ID taken. Starting 5/16 and hope to see some of you on Monday.

    List#: 34xx

    Congrats!!!! That’s so dope, sometimes you just gotta take matters into your own hands and pull up lol! Good luck and don’t hesitate to ask any questions if you need anything! 

  23. 15 hours ago, lizzydriver said:

    Are some of those people in those titles that you Mentioned are really that bad?  :(  Makes me anxious.
    When you say Schedule Card, is that your schedule for that particular day and everyday is different?
    Is it possible to perform on this job without talking to any of your co-workers?  I just want to operate the train as best as I can without dealing with co-workers (also hopefully not dealing with violent EDPs too! )

    Yeah you will learn the different characters at each location when you come out on your as you’ll probably be extra extra. You’ll be placed in different locations but the best thing to do is not feed into it. Obviously don’t go for no disrespect but the little comments that you know they want a response from, I just ignore it. Schedule cards can be the same if you’re working the same pick job, however if you have a GO and there’s a supplement it can change your schedule drastically! My advice especially when you’re extra extra always ask for a schedule card. You can work and not talk to your partner, even though some people find this rude, you will get some people who just want to introduce themselves. They want to know who they’re working with. Other than that yeah you’ll just be in that cab alone for the most part. When you first come out though be prepared to have TSS’s pop up on you randomly and a lot!

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