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Posts posted by Imhim

  1. 1 hour ago, ThreeDogOWW said:

    Any updates on the hiring process? Have the august classes started? what's the highest number they've hired so far?

    There was a class Monday August 19. Go back a couple pages and you will find members who posted their list number and which PE they completed. Also a couple ppl from the August 19 class put their list # up.

  2. 11 minutes ago, MarkGuy said:

    Oh no I have no problem with that aspect of getting dirty. I grew up here and the subway has been dirty for as long as I can recall.

    But I think one would have a reasonable expectation of cleanliness in the employee bathrooms as opposed to a train yard out in the elements, is all. I’m not asking for a chauffeur with a dish and Fancy European soaps and thermal hand dryers. Just something a tad more decent.

    lol this like the fourth time someone mentioned this bathroom thing. Let’s think about this, is it the union reps or management using our bathrooms and leaving them in these conditions? No! It’s our coworkers, seriously that’s the last thing I’m worried about because no matter what we gotta hold each other accountable and we’re the ones that keep them in that condition, no matter how many times they’re cleaned. Trust, you ain’t gonna be worried about no dirty urinals when you at the simulator or 248 taking those exams, it’s not that deep! 

  3. 8 hours ago, Riku said:

    Me too, that shit sucks. but yeah no board no doors just hope we all get great train operators that’s nice with the stops and it’s perfect all the way 😂

    Good luck with that lol. It’s never going to be always perfect, however, if you and your partner communicate things can be a lot easier! A lot of the outdoor stations are longer, so you can pass the board and still be abreast of the platform and be able to open. Now that’s on you if you want to call it in or not. More than likely the T/O will give you 2 buzzers and hit you on the IC but again if you don’t want to open up communicate that, then contact control. But again nothing down here is perfect so don’t expect that coming into the job! 

  4. On 8/4/2019 at 3:32 AM, HospitalityBrother20 said:

    Let me just say, if you are working for Local 6 HTC, you will be shocked at how the MTA runs. The Union here is almost non-existent, no presence, and always on the manger's side. They literally work side by side. When you work with Local 6 HTC, you get good pay, you have delegates, employee meal, guaranteed breaks, access to bathrooms. The moment you start going to School Car for Conductor, you will most likely be written up for pettiness. In my conductor's class, multiple people got G2's (MTA's Write Up Form), which was either for lateness, not having your books, the list goes on. You cannot come in late, you cannot call out, and the whole school car experience has been a disorganized nightmare. People already quitting and we are not even halfway done in school car. Trust me, if you are working in hospitality and you have Local 6, STAY where you are. You will regret coming here, I know I did. Yes MTA has a good pension, but any little mistake and you're gone, bye bye to that pension. Local 6 may not be perfect, but the quality of work is much healthier and better. MTA break rooms and bathrooms are disgusting. Its shocking that the MTA Union allows these dirty facilities to be available to their employees. If you wanna come try the MTA, take a LOA from your job, because trust me, you will be going right back once you get a taste of reality. Oh, and the pay here for conductor is very poor. And MTA is cutting back on overtime since the heavy scrutiny took place a few months ago. So if your intention is to make loads of overtime to make up for the low wage, trust me, we were already informed that MTA is making an entire overhaul on the availability of overtime offers. They've cut it completely unless deemed necessary. At least with Local 6 HTC, if someone calls out, overtime will be offered by seniority. here, whenever they decide its necessary to offer overtime, they do not offer it based on seniority, the managers can choose who to offer it to. Think twice about this agency my HTC brothers.

    lol you’re bugging if you think being late or not having your books in school car is petty. It’s told that you cannot be late during school car, after your second lateness you go down for “counseling” then if you’re late again it’s over. Honestly if you’re late and it’s because of transit, you’re covered, that’s why they give us a pass to get to and from work. Now if you decide to drive and are late, that’s on you! Again while on probation you’re told you must have your rulebook on you at all times, when you go to PS 248 they want the induction book as well. I’m not saying things are all peachy down here, but again you used 2 examples of rules that are enforced from day one! Also this one incident and you’re gone nonsense is not true, unless it’s something crazy like putting your hands on a customer, while in school car any operational incident gets kicked back to that department and you get retrained. Again this is minor operational infractions. How bout ppl just know and do their jobs, of course things happen, if it does, call it in and take responsibility instead of listening to these crew room lawyers trying to get you to lie and cover things up smh. 

  5. 7 hours ago, MarkGuy said:

    I know @Jay-Oh mentioned to wait til schoolcar to start studying signals but I've admittedly been looking through automatics, s and d signal aspects and memorized a bit almost verbatim in the rule book almost every day. It's a combo of excitedess, some limited nervousness and just wanting to begin putting in the hard work now. Don't want ANY chance of failing out of schoolcar. Oh, and @Imhim I'm def going with Div B if I get to pick.

    Yeah like what @Jay-Oh said I wouldn’t try to look too much into the signals right now. I was guilt of that also and was stressing out, lol, but once I got to school car and the TSS explained it thoroughly, it all made sense. My advice would be study the first 3 chapters and you’ll be fine! 

  6. 3 hours ago, NUSN said:

    Trust me bro I’ve going back and forth thinking about it over and over but I think overall the MTA is the better career choice for me. With local 6 you have to do 40 years to get full pension with MTA is 25. I work front desk and make a lot of money and I also get tipped pretty well but I’m still going MTA. I pray to god this works out for me. At my job my managers are the worst and my GM is an Irish racist lady and I’m constantly dealing with nonsense. I’ve had previous managers tell me that she tells her management team to attack me and come after me hoping that I would slip up so they could fire me. The nonsense I deal with is crazy bro Lol. My list number is 16** I’m due to start training August 19th. 

    You’re gonna be fine man!! Don’t let anyone cloud your mind with negativity about the job! Of course it’s not perfect, but the probation thing isn’t bad, I started last year and will be done with probation next month. Had one incident, didn’t let it bother me, just get your rest because a lot of things happen from fatigue, before you know it the year will be up! Make sure you look out for all promotion exams!! Good luck hopefully we’ll work together if you’re in B division!!

  7. 4 hours ago, The Batcave said:

    Also, they will tell you in schoolcar that you're not being paid to open/close doors bcuz anyone can do that- you're being paid to 1) ensure the safety of the passengers & 2) know what to do/how to react when shit hits the fan. 

    But TOs & CRs can/do have very productive partnerships afterall it is y'all's job to get that train from one end to the other safely. But many times in schoolcar they have insinuated the "throw them under the train" approach in order to save your job esp if you're on probation. It's sad actually.

    I hear what you saying, I definitely encountered a few of those type of C/Rs, but honestly it’s how the person is! I’ve also encountered cool ass C/Rs. As a T/O you gotta understand also if something happens and the C/R isn’t with it, you can’t be mad. It is what it is! You can’t expect someone to jeopardize their job if shyt hits the fan! That’s my opinion, everyone is different but I definitely have worked with some probie C/Rs who have been mad cool, shyt cooler than a couple of the old heads! 

  8. 6 hours ago, adam223 said:

    WOOOT!!! I was sworn in yesterday for August too. List #116x. I saw the sheet of how many T/Os doing medical yesterday which was about 5 ppl. Did not see any1 doing PEs, it was just straight medical for every1. No mentioning of any future classes and i believe August class is, more or less, halfway full. I don't think there will be another class til next year.

    Congrats on making it! I doubt they are gonna be done, a lot of ppl recently retired, moved up in title, so they’re not gonna just stop, they were already short staffed to begin with! 

  9. 7 minutes ago, nipaaaa said:

    I didn't tell anyone to disregard the instructions, I just said gray isn't the color on our uniforms.

    "gray is not even anything remotely close to what operators wear lol. Get a short/long sleeve white buttoned shirt with vertical lines spaced closely together like 2 cm. This might be too niche to find so the easier alternative is a long sleeve dark navy blue shirt, $5 from modell's you can buy a russell athletic. If you can get this with a turtleneck, even better." lol am I bugging? The gray shirt is for when you first start until you get your uniform. 

  10. 19 hours ago, MarkGuy said:

    Cool. If i can pick leaning towards A cause it’s easier but my boy who’s a B div t/o is telling me to go to b cause I live in Jc.

    Lol the A isn’t “easier.” It’s less equipment to learn, but a train is a train honestly. You want to be in the division that best suits you for travel! Trust and believe when you’re at the mercy of the crew office and gotta be midnights starting in the Bronx all the time and don’t live there lol you’re gonna regret it. 

  11. Yeah you’re bugging with that @nipaaaa! They tell you wear gray, why would you suggest they wear something else? All the instructions were clearly stated on the green paper we're all given when sworn in! Don’t go in there looking like you can’t follow instructions or don’t care to read the information you’re given! Not a good way to start off! 

  12. 3 hours ago, Jay-Oh said:

    Lol nah man, I’ve posted with some Extra Extra people during road posting. By the time they’re out posting, my probation will be over and I may run into them - who knows.

    Ain’t no pick job here, here’s hoping I can snag a sweet temp job through the bid next pick.

    Oh ok I gotcha. Yeah they frown upon people taking students while still on probation or a year in title. lol I understand the concept, my thing is if it’s your picked job and you do the run more than once a week, I don’t see the issue. Now if you’re Extra Extra and pick up a job on a line you’ve barely been on then I wouldn’t recommend it lol. Glad you made it through, keep it up, be safe and hope to see you out there! 

  13. 1 hour ago, Jay-Oh said:

    Don’t study signals yet, wait for your instructors as they may change the wording to make it simpler.

    I would suggest that you relax and enjoy life for a bit before starting schoolcar.

    If you feel like you MUST study; rule book Ch 1 & 2.

    If you can find it - learn all 6 points of Restricted Speed Extreme Caution, and learn the radio codes (12-1, 12-2, etc). That’ll give you a decent head start, but you won’t really start digging into the material until you meet your instructors.


    Good luck! If you pick the B Division, I may end up posting you later on when you post on the road.


    lol you posting students already?? lol let me find out you got a pick job!

  14. 1 hour ago, nipaaaa said:

    About 2000 operators have resigned lately. Unless the seniority list number was not updated since I was hired in nov 2018, that's a lot of vacant spots to fill. I hear they update the numbers every 5 years, if that's the case then disregard this post.

    You might be right a lot of us had our seniority numbers go from 5k to 3k fast, lol prolly be able to pick in Nov.

  15. 15 hours ago, acabral136 said:

    I see.. What division are you in? 

    I’m in B division, if you’re able to pick A it might be different being that school car is shorter in the A division. You might post sooner than we did in the B division. Not sure you gotta ask someone from that division. 

  16. 32 minutes ago, acabral136 said:

    For those already in school car, 


    About how far in does the training schedule start switching to afternoons and overnights? 


    Just wondering if there is a chance I'll be doing a different tour by September. Really hoping I can be there for my kids first day of school. Wife is a teacher so she won't be able to take her and it would be nice for her if at least one of her parents is there with her. 

    From my schedule we didn't switch from the 7-3 (9-5 road days) until the 2 1/2 month mark. Yours might be different, you have to wait until they assign you your Division then the classes get split up. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Schecter said:

    Hey can anybody explain what road posting is during school car?

    You will be assigned to work a line, with a conductor, in revenue service (with customers). So normally you're supposed to work the trips as the Conductor watches or assist you and critiques your operation. For T/Os we did just about every line in the system on different tours. Some operators will split the trips with you, so when you're not operating you can take notes on the line. The person you're assigned to work with that day then signs your posting papers at the end of the shift along with the dispatcher. 

  18. 37 minutes ago, Jchambers2120 said:

    It’s not fun at all. I got forced to the A & I live in BK. Nothing like falling to the board and having to report to White Plains (furtherest possible terminal from BK) at 4am. 11 months now at this point I’m used to the traveling, but when I’m able to pick a job I’m writing that G2 ASAP to come to the B. 

    I just look at it this way, when I go to T/O if I’m able to pick the B starting over XX nothing the crew office over there can do will phase me (well besides switching my tours lol) but if I’m forced to the A I know what to expect. 

    I’m in the A div, but when you’re new any location in your division is fair game. You can report to Far Rock one day and the next day at STL or 96SA. To put it short you will be sent any/everywhere based on where you’re needed. 

    I feel for you! I was getting sent to the Bronx all day when I was YX and then when I came out lol. I put in a vacancy bid and won a job, hopefully it last until I clear probation and then I don’t mind getting thrown back to the crew office lol at least I’ll be official and have days I can use! 

  19. 32 minutes ago, MarkGuy said:

    Oh most def, if I get to pick. I'm going to A first. Learning all the schoolcar material is challenging enough. At least there's less yards, trains, and lineups to memorize in the A. I want the easier transition, coming from the street, then graduate to B division much later on. 


    I feel you on this, I was thinking the same thing when I first got called and my mind was set on A division the whole way coming in! Then I got to the day I had to pick and after speaking with numerous friends who are current employees, they said listen, go with where you live, I live in South Brooklyn, choosing A would have been a disaster for me traveling! Yeah the material is “easier” to learn, but honestly a train is a train, whether it’s A or B division the material in the beginning will seem overwhelming because it’s a lot and it’s new to you. Just don’t let it frustrate you, if this is what you wanted to do, then it will click eventually and you’ll start having fun and anticipating the questions and scenarios as I did. I don’t think I would’ve been happy with my decision of going A division knowing I would’ve definitely had to be in the Bronx everyday and living in Brooklyn, I hate it now when I gotta start uptown on the A lol, but at least it’s not everyday! Everyone is different but go with the division that’s best suited for where you live! 

  20. Just to shed some clarification on the dates for you all, starting days for the classes will be Mondays, however when you’re asked for your induction date, it will be that Sunday, since the week begins on Sunday’s. That’s why someone said July 14th, that’s the induction date, but your first day is July 15th. Hope that helps. Congrats to all the new hires, welcome to TA and good luck in school car! 

  21. 2 hours ago, Yawgmoth13 said:

    OK the extra day will help alot still worried though since we have to wait a day or two to order them, I'd rather not start off by showing up out of uniform because of a late delivery.

    lol you’ll be fine. They ship overnight free of charge. They will come, until then wear the uniform as per the itinerary.

  22. 10 minutes ago, Schecter said:

    So I'm trying to order my boots but when I entered my pass number and etc it didn't work, so I called the number they gave us and the lady said I have to call my supervisor I'm like I don't have one yet. So do you guys have any idea who should I call because I need the boots by next week.

    It takes a couple days to update in the system try later this afternoon or tomorrow since you were sworn in on Friday. 

  23. 1 hour ago, nipaaaa said:

    Had an interesting day on the road. Posted on the N. I was at 34 st going northbound when the local tower tells me to take an express lineup to 57 st and bypass 1 station. I make my stop at 42 st and the conductor didn't want to open the doors. Isn't 42 st station part of an express lineup? I thought we were only bypassing 49 st. In that situation, was I supposed to call the city hall master and let them know the my conductor didn't want to open the doors? My trainer told me to just leave 42 and then he goes "I think you were right"

    Something similar to this happened to someone else I know, make sure when you get an order like that, the conductor acknowledges whoever gave the order. Not being on the same page can cause you both to be downtown for no reason! The way they’re taught in school car, it’s like C/Rs versus T/Os instead of working together as it should be! 

  24. 7 hours ago, nipaaaa said:

    Finished my 2 weeks of road ops. I feel prepared for next 6 weeks of passenger service! Had the chance to drive the R42s yesterday, despite its age, I really like them. The brakes are the smoothest and most responsive out of all the SMEE trains. They aren't wanky like the R68A (retarded delays) or R32 (hard rough stops!) brakes... The end doors are also a pleasure to open and close unlike the R68s and R46s...


    Good luck hopefully you get cool trainers who give you some great knowledge! R68As are cool, just get the timing down and don’t have no fear with it, because that fear will turn to doubt and then bam something happens, other than that posting is gonna be a breeze! 

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