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Posts posted by KDGallagher

  1. 15 minutes ago, QM1to6Ave said:

    I think they technically can do that? I think I've read that somewhere. They certainly wear badges and their MTA cars have red flashing lights, so they should have some ability to give tickets

    Read that where? 

    doesn’t seem to be a directive on that & those lights don’t mean sh*t


  2. How come MTA supervisors aren’t able to give out tickets to people obstructing bus lanes and bus stops? 

    MTAPD don’t really have much of a presence in nyc outside of stations and the nypd really couldn’t care less. 

    Similar to how DSNY supervisors are able to ticket and generate revenue for their agency 



  3. On 1/2/2023 at 11:44 PM, LeonKennedy said:

    So the sick time goes as follows, as per the GS of Support from my depot… the moment your record is pulled for consideration, they go back 3 years.  In those 3 years you have to have 2 out of 3 good years.  A good year consists of no more than 3 instances, totalling no more than 7 days.  So for me I had 1 good year, 1 terrible year and 1 year that had 3 instances totalling 8 days, and thats why i missed the october class.  For literally 1 day over the total.  

    The GS of support at my depot told me

    these same numbers, but he also mentioned that call outs with doctor lines won’t factor into the 3 instances / 7 days. 

    so you can go above 3 sick instances but just make sure u actually go to the doctor. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Richi3stayfly said:

    u gotta be on the job 3 years b4 u even think about becoming a dispatcher… Next class November 20th good luck to who ever goin in this Sunday 

    Yes, be on the job 3 years in order to be promoted. But you don’t gotta be 3 years on the job to take the test. 

    I’m just approaching 12 months on the job and will be taking it. Plenty of probies take it, and right around the time the test is taken, graded, and they start calling off the list, will be a couple years anyway. 

    Again, if anyone is able to get hired before the filing for the test close on January 15th, 2022, pay for the test and study for it. If you don’t plan on being a driver for 25 years (you don’t), a promotion to dispatcher is a good way to get out the seat. 

    likely won’t mean much to those not even on the job yet but you’ll see once you’re on 

  5. No clue when the next TA class will be, but if y’all get on before, JANUARY 15th, consider signing up for the promotion to dispatcher exam. 

    Likely don’t know what a dispatcher even if or why you would wanna sign up for a test you know nothing about but you may thank yourself in a few years if you’re able to make it before the application deadline 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Via Garibaldi 8 said:

    Yeah it's tough.  I've worked plenty of 12 hour days and had three hour commutes pre-COVID, but still got enough rest. I'm work from home now, but I know the grind well. I just took issue with the whole two hour bit and the "coercion" statement. That was a bit of a stretch to say the least.

    Yeah I’m in Buses, I know this is the subway forum though and can’t speak in what they go thru .. I know they have different reporting locations extra extra list , etc 


    but yeah worse case scenario for me , I’m getting 4 hours of sleep. And that’s the case whether I’m given 8 hours off between shifts or I’m just coming off of 2 days off. 2 hours is kind of a stretch but that’s likely including at home obligations / life outside of work. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Via Garibaldi 8 said:

    Even so, I'm sorry but if anyone is getting two hours of rest with the (MTA), they are choosing to do so by taking on excess OT, which is optional.  I just don't buy the narrative that anyone is forced into such work schedules, which is what I take issue with. 

    2 hours is absurd but being on the extra list can and sometimes will have you sleep deprived. 

    My schedule just a few days ago: 


    Off work @ 8:42 pm

    Next day start @ 5:02 am 

    Finished @ 2:30 pm

    Back at work @ 11:30 pm 

    Finished @ 8 am 

    1 hour of travel to and from work each way. Obviously not "2 hours of sleep" but it's def possible to really go without much sleep on a normal schedule. 

  8. 1 hour ago, B35 via Church said:

    I get that you're laying out what's at stake for the b/o, but as a passenger, I still wouldn't engage... I would say, ever since the PBL takeover, there's been this rather (palpable) adversarial relationship between b/o's & passengers... I don't believe for a solitary second that I can walk up to a b/o (especially nowadays) & mention in the nicest way possible that they shouldn't be on their phone while in passenger service - and expect not to get some sort of backtalk/backlash from that b/o....

    Kind of sad that you feel that way tbh

    I highly doubt anything will happen to you if you say something. 
    If you ask me, the roles would be reversed. Not you per se, but from my experience, those in a uniform usually face the verbal abuse from the customer not the other way around. 

    we all have our own views and experiences though. I personally feel you should speak up when you feel it’s necessary

  9. 9 hours ago, B35 via Church said:

    Good chance that would have resulted in an (verbal) altercation, regardless of how couth he'd come off.

    Highly doubt that. Cell phone violations are quite severe. If the operator is a probie they will be fired. If not on probation I believe it's 30 days suspension, not too sure since I'm currently on probation and know just 1 time and I'm out a job. 

    Kinda f'd up but at the same time this operator is BOLD asf to be on their phone knowing someone can easily record and report them. 

    I probably wouldn't report someone but I wouldn't blame someone for doing so especially if they're on the highway texting. That's wild. 

    All the driver had to do was pullover, call a personal and text/call whoever once out the seat. 


  10. On 8/21/2022 at 3:56 AM, BreeddekalbL said:

    Who ever follows busoperatorhumornyc dude just posted in Instagram of some poser (claims he is an MTA employee) who works out out of wf depot been harassing women bus operators 

    I’ve seen him twice on the 2 shuttle on 149th &3rd


    mad sketchy. Knew he was full of shit when I asked what he picked and he said a lil bit of everything. He tried to tell me a supt paid him $500 in cash (he had $500 on him too) to dispatch the shuttle while the dispatcher went and wrote a report on an incident. 

    he was in the yard shifting buses when the supt came over and gave him $500 in cash to do 2 hours of work. Weirdest part is he actually knows how to log into the farebox and all. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Lil 57 said:

    It’s one of those rules that isn’t enforced by anyone. Many people and transit workers don’t wear masks and no one seems to care. Even the NYPD doesn’t care. 

    IMO the no masks are starting to become like how fare envision is handled, (MTA) workers (especially bus drivers) don’t want to try to enforce the mask policy since they don’t want to risk getting assaulted by someone over a mask, same goes for the fare. Crazy people out here.

    I've had a crazy guy on my bs the other day on the m23 who got on in the back but eventually made his way to the front. he was coughing deliberately in the air and was coughing on passengers as they entered the bus. I radioed console but they just said I couldnt kick him off, said there was a bulletin that said i had to let him ride. 

    Today console was telling all buses to make sure the PR message "Masks Required" was on the buses. My bus didn't have the message (usually it's automatic and we don't have to add it), they eventually called me personally and told me to add the code. First time they did that. 

  12. On 12/21/2019 at 5:59 AM, XcelsiorBoii4888 said:

    says, "that's what we're s

    Whats the process of changing depots like? 

    OA is having a general pick for the summer pick and I may or may not change depots. I understand I'd have to learn the routes on my own but as far as general depot policies and routines, how will I learn that? For example pulling in routines, maybe a tour of the depot, etc ... is this set up for operators transferring in or is it basically a figure it out yourself kind of thing 

    @SevenEleven @SoSpectacular @MTA Move NY @lornaevo



  13. 6 hours ago, Livinglife said:

    Very detailed! Thank you! Will it end in lower Manhatthan. Where does it start exactly and end exactly?Like 34 and then go crosstown a

    It’ll end uptown near 34th basically where it started. The guy next person will follow the same route. 

    so you’ll start near 34th, make a right turn and go down to union square and you’ll end up back on 34th where the next person will do exactly what u did. 

    at least that’s how my class went. 

  14. 13 hours ago, Livinglife said:

    So does anyone know where the test takes place? I heard it’s Manhatthan but not completely sure. And what is the route if anyone knows?

    If you're talking about 10 day training, day 6 & 7 is manhattan. Day 6 was around Union Square. It was actually the same route we did Day 7. 

    Don't fully remmeber the route but I know you'll go across 34th, you'll go down to Union Square on Lexington, you'll pass "The Bean" coffee shop.

    You'll be on 34th, you'll make the right onto Lexington. You'll need to get to your left cuz on 24th st you'll be making a left turn on 24th street. This turn you'll likely need to hook cuz there's always a car parked or a garbage bin. If you're lucky, you'll be following behind a M102 and you'll see him do it. 

    You'll also make a weird turn right on east 6th st and Cooper Sq, you'll have to hook this or def have your 5 feet of space. 


    I don't remember the route fully but those are 2 parts that stuck out.

    Take you time, make sure you have your 4 ft of space, if you don't, HOOK it. Turn slowly, if you don't set up the turn correctly, you'll have time to fix it if you're going slow. Simply steer in the other direction (as if you're canceling your turn) and this will help if you're bound to hit the curb. Speed isn't important, skill isn't even all that important. They just wanna make sure you are safe, you'll not gonna run any yellow lights, and you'll not gonna make people fall on your bus.

    Check your mirrors before move the bus. Be confident as well. I just past 4 months on the job, I drive out of Quill and a few of our routes actually go thru this test area. Driving on your own is 100x easier than day 6 and 7, and its all just a confidence thing. The stakes of the moment will make things seem harder than it really is, but just take your time, forward plan, and def think. 


  15. 28 minutes ago, Richi3stayfly said:

    Thank you I appreciate it.. do u know how long mta takes to reach back out to after u restore your name ? 

    Depends on the hiring needs. Can be a few days can be a few months. I think they're hiring rn tho so probably sooner. Just be ready when they do cuz they'll email you in lets say a week and they'll want u to come in for a drug test the very next day lol 

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