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Everything posted by Apes

  1. Oh man who are you telling. I feel like all I learned in School Car were door cutouts and when to pull the EBV on my TO lol. I understand I need to protect my job first, but they are some minor things that we shouldn't need to pull the EBV for.
  2. It'll definitely bring more ad revenue for the MTA being that it can cycle dozens of different ads at a time, I'm sure that's what they were going for.
  3. Lol got it! I did tell myself once I'm done with School Car I'm going to be active on the forums to help as many people as I can. This whole process could get confusing for some.
  4. When you hover over it say's Train Operator. That's why I was asking how to get one for Conductor lol
  5. https://gyazo.com/5121d688b6f7975e43570728a68e4326 LOL take a look
  6. Lol you have a Train Operator Badge on your profile. I was seeing if there was one for conductor?
  7. Now that I'm officially done with school car and on the rode, how does one get that lovely conductor badge on their profile picture? lol
  8. You can honestly use any bag you want, the kaka is great in terms of space and that's it. Personally I would have gone with another bag if I had the choice again. Straps are fine you just can't carry it on your back when crossing tracks.
  9. They're definitely still pumping C/R classes out quick, both my TSS already has 2 new classes coming up.
  10. Well just finished finals today and everybody passed. Got our Road practical tomorrow and we're finally done!
  11. I just told them I can't see anything without them and I did the rest of the test with my corrective lenses.
  12. 20/20 isn't required, just bring any corrective lenses that you use in your day to day life during the test. They'll just put on your ID that you require glasses; I am -8.00 with astigmatism and got the job lol. (Blind as a bat)
  13. Congrats to the people that got hired! My class just finished posting and we're doing our Final and Road Practical this week. If you guys have any questions about school car feel free to PM me!
  14. LOL sorry guys I haven't posted an update in a while. So far were on day 6 of road posting and I f**king love it! It feels so good to finally be on the road, I just wish we were able to keep these amazing AM jobs these senior people have. I have posted on the Q, W, F, G, R and A line and I can honestly say I hate New Tech trains. I personally love making announcements on SMEE and adding some fun twist to them to make peoples day. It's also a lot faster to do operations compared to New Tech. R46 is my favorite but the R68s are the worst cause of the tight cab. Of the New Tech, I hate the R179 cause the auto announcement are so slow and sometimes the Door Warning button doesn't even work and you need to make a manual announcement. Other then that I love this job and I can't wait to do 30 more years of this.
  15. You can apply for the parking permit during school car, mine came pretty quick. There are also some yards that'll let you park inside without showing your permit, just need to show your pass.
  16. Heard a conductor class started this past week, anybody is in it?
  17. Definitely gets better, after XX you're on the XL. Main difference is when your on XL, you'll finally be able to pick jobs (Whatever that's available and based on your seniority). XX basically you only know your schedule for the next 48 hours.
  18. TSS Class? Do you mean T/O classes? They're about 8 months long, slightly shorter for A division.
  19. Trust me it's not bad at all, you just need to keep 3 points of contact. If you can't climb the first time, you get a chance over at the A Division train which are smaller and easier to climb.
  20. Just be carful with that, and mention it to the MAC. Remember you're transporting thousands of people everyday, and T/O is all hands on.
  21. You can also check the The Schoolcar Experience thread as I'm updating it daily.
  22. Day 8: School Car for Conductors Day 8 we were at Canarsie Yard and we learned about the R143. Very similar to the R179s but all new techs seem to be the same other then some slight differences. We did more practice announcements and learned procedure when leaving a terminal. Other things that we just brushed over but didn't dive into were door cut outs, how to pre-inspect your car and using the radio.
  23. Day 7: School Car for Conductors Day 7 was at East New York Yard and we learned about the R179s. We went over the ins and outs of the car and was finally able to practice door ops and make announcements. We also reviewed the layout of yards and how to find trains we're assigned to. We also got a chance to walk the tower and goddamn, props to the Tower Dispatcher cause their job looks intense lol.
  24. I'm currently in training now so I can help with this bit. Training is between 7-9 weeks and the reason I said in between is due to the fact that B division training is slight longer then A because there's more equipment to learn. Test consist of written quizzes (Signals, troubleshooting, Midterm and Final) and a hands on test (Yard and Road). 80% is passing on the written quizzes and the Yard and Road test are Pass or Fail. If you fail a quiz you're able to do a redo but instead of multiple choice it's all fill in (All answers have to be written out). If you fail a road or yard test you basically need to resign and you lose the job.
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