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Everything posted by DaTransitMan4608

  1. That was quick! I wasn't expecting it until after January! Was there a logo on the front, or did they leave it blank again?
  2. This is kinda late but..... The Ecomats in the Novas on the M15 SBS sound just like the '10 NABIs. I hope when the time comes to replace the Neoplans they go with Nova LFSAs. SEPTA's passengers love them so I think they'll get some good feedback up here too.
  3. And people are bitching as usual. NJ commuters don't care at all. A woman can give birth on a train and instead of congratulating her, they'll complain about how their late.. . It's like being considerate is something that's dying... smh
  4. Half of the colleges I plan on appyling to are SAT/ACt optional. So I basically sat there for four hours for nothing -__-. It's all good though, by the endd of this semester my GPA will be at least a 3.2-.3.4, I hope.

    1. Joel Up Front

      Joel Up Front

      I'm glad colleges are waking up to this... I ended up going to Nassau and got an AS there, so my SAT and high school grades almost seemed moot.

  5. 7124 is on the 139 right now. Oh that's not too far away. I feel like they're gonna change the the unnoticeable stuff on the actual order. But maybe they'll make noticeable changes too, who knows? That's why I try to rely on the ttmg wiki, because that one gives actual facts (never mind it rarely being updated) on the depot and fleet rosters.
  6. Is it where it says the Hybrids will have an ISL9? I went out looking for 7278 tonight but it never showed. I might go hunt & ride it again tomorrow. You have any idea when the rest are supposed to come? I thought the rest of them would've been here a few weeks ago...
  7. There's a lady on Twitter whose tweets are nothing but rants about NJ Transit. She regularly complains about the quiet car not being enforced by conductors. Like you can't take two seconds to tell someone to be quiet, but you'll gladly take 20 to complain about it. SMH.
  8. Nah we have a week off. Partially for election day and because of the NJ Teachers Convention. I wish I had known that before I went up there lol. Only thing I saw was a bunch of D4505s. I actually forgot that they might even be sent here. https://www.google.com/maps/@39.8319465,-75.0719059,3a,75y,22.14h,79.73t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1syFXJfDD-LxO7RzoFzKglRg!2e0!6m1!1e1
  9. Heading up to Kearny and Newark to see if any more CNGs arrived. If I don't see any there I'll probably head to Prevost.
  10. That's just like NJT commuters. Instead of going to NJT and complaining to them about what's happening, they bitch and whine about it on social media thinking that's it's going to make a difference. These people need a damn reality check. Not everything is NJT's fault. Maybe it's the commuters' fault for not taking into account the NYC tri-state area traffic when they plan their commute. Just the other day I watched some lady start giving a driver BS because he was 5 minutes late. If you can't take the heat, get the out the kitchen. Drive your car, get stuck in traffic that YOU have to drive through, and see if NJ Transit still "sucks". I tell you these spoiled MFs have no idea how good they have it....
  11. 7781's been at Howell since July I think. At least that's when I remember first seeing it on MyBusNow.
  12. Those have been at Howell for a while now. I think both of them came from Fairview, actually I know 7781 came from Fairview (courtesy of 553 Bridgeton).
  13. Damn I'm gonna miss those 7400s and 8200s. Those buses are the s**t. Well at least I'll still get to ride the D4000s before its time for them to go. I always thought 7531-41 came from you guys because when DesignLine messed up, we got a majority of the D4000s from you guys & Washington Twp.
  14. I know for sure Howell got 7531-41. You guys might get them back when the 7254 & Co start to arrive. I'm gonna miss them though, those were some nice D4000s. I could tell your garage took good care of them.
  15. Whenever somebody says that delays are NJ Transit's fault, I don't keep my mouth shut. I tell them blame the governor because the delays are his fault, he's the one who puts no money toward mass transit at all so there's no use blaming NJT. Those cars were an equipment move. They were probably headed up to Sunnyside because they need them for a train that was short cars.
  16. Bad feeling: Getting rejected. Worse feeling: 20th time. Even wrose feeling: Worrying that you'll never find the right person. Sorry guys I'm in my feelings right now. I'm just sick of my self confidence going 0-100 and then strsight back to 0 every time I feel like I have a shot at getting with a girl.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. B35 via Church

      B35 via Church

      I feel sorry for you younger dudes out in the game right now... 3rd wave feminism's got guys "ghosting" & MGTOW out of solace & what not....


      This pro female (which is really an anti male culture out here right now) shit has long gotten out of hand... You can't even step to a female anymore without there being some kind of a f*ckin problem....


      "street harrassment"

    3. B35 via Church

      B35 via Church

      tl:dr version, today's female's get off of on the very thing TransitKid's going through right now.


      And I am here to tell you that VG8 is spot on... It aint you TK4608, it's these females out here.

    4. DaTransitMan4608


      Thanks guys. I appreciate all the support and I hear what VG8's getting at.

  17. You guys are never gonna believe this, though some of you already may know about it. After looking at the PRR tunnel diagrams, I found out there's a shaft that goes down into the North River Rail Tunnels at the Weehawken Lot. That building is a more than a crew room, that's an emergency exit for the NRT. That's how they flooded. The storm surge came into Weehawken, poured water down the shaft, and flooded the center of the tunnels. I never would've guessed that. I knew water got into those tunnels somehow, but I always thought it was from the West Side Yards' flood.
  18. That's okay with me. I'm all for seeing more CTs. I wanna try those hybrids Egg Harbor's getting, but I'd have to go up to NYC just to ride the 319. I guess I could try them if they ever bring them out on the 559.
  19. I mean they change up the initial design of windows, make them frameless, but screwed in so tight that theres no possibility of them falling off. Maybe they could come up with a different type of paint scheme? Who knows.
  20. Wonder if these hybrids are gonna look anything like the D4500CT CNGs. I'll wait until the demo comes because I made assumptions about the new CNGs which turned out to be wrong. Though I do hope NJT changes some stuff so it doesn't look like new CNGs too much.
  21. Get outta here. I thought NJT was only ordering CNGs for Howell. Now they gotta buy more for Meadowlands?
  22. 9047? Isn't that one of Meadowlands' buses? I guess they needed someone to cover the 111 and he was the only one with nothing to do. Speaking of Ironbound, is their garage okay for 45ft buses? Seeing as how we're getting all D4500CTs to replace the D4000s and Oradell has an issue with space for their buses, I'm wondering if Ironbound will be okay since they're an all D4000 garage.
  23. 7278 is currently on the 67, scheduled to arrive in Newark at 4:53PM for you Newark busfans looking to get some pics.
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