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Everything posted by Rick44

  1. The roster was updated yesterday evening. Sometimes, updates are stealth. They may not be announced here.
  2. Could you explain the 6365 situation for me please? And yeah this one is interesting for sure. We'll all be watching.
  3. You know what's funny? I posted that from my phone as well lol. Doing the same here.
  4. Figures... That only one has been in service for a while.
  5. Updated. Question: All these Novas are starting to come into Castleton, what's leaving? Orion V's I assume, but any news on which ones?
  6. Geez, where's this Nova order going? Thanks for the information guys, roster is updated.
  7. Meredith? Seriously? Things are getting interesting... Not gonna put those up just yet - I do need a confirmation on 2630-33 being in service @ Meredith and not Yukon, plus a confirmation of 8120 in service. Roster updated: https://sites.google.com/site/nycbuses
  8. The 72 to Stengel are technically part of the big option order.
  9. 7184 & 7188 is not on property. Roster was updated, not by me but by Kingsbridge. https://sites.google.com/site/nycbuses
  10. It's there now, looks like it wasn't on the roster. Thanks for the correction.
  11. Did a update for a change, sorry I've been really busy guys - here you go https://sites.google.com/site/nycbuses
  12. 7352-7365 are going to FB. CS comes last because it's technically part of the option order, and the main order comes first. In a perfect world, they come in order, but this is the MTA, not a perfect world.
  13. Update on top of that update: https://sites.google.com/site/nycbuses
  14. Ahh, I didn't know that. Okay then, I'll move them. It's fixed. https://sites.google.com/site/nycbuses Any other additions, send them here.
  15. I (Ricardo), Kingsbridgeviewer382 (Johnathan) & DannyBoy825 (Daniel) operate that roster, it's updated pretty frequently. Just got updated today actually.
  16. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they cycle all the 1200's from OF. The other ones I've marked down. Also, 7238 is at GA. Roster updated: https://sites.google.com/site/nycbuses
  17. 5171-5174 have been/are on the B46 now. Is that a loan or move? Roster updated by Johnathan and I just fixed a couple of things: https://sites.google.com/site/nycbuses
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